Which of the following aspects of negotiating is most closely associated with nontask sounding?

c. face to face negotiations

In international business marketing plans are almost always implemented through: A. third-party negotiations B. group negotiations C. face-to-face negotiations D. virtual negotiations E. long distance negotiations

One authority on international joint ventures suggests that a crucial aspect of all international commercial relationships is the negotiation of the: A. original agreement. B. meeting times. C. location of the negotiations. D. members of the negotiation teams. E. deadlines for the negotiations.

Sometimes American negotiators are labeled "John Wayne cowboys." This form of labeling is called: A. mockery. B. stereotyping. C. inflammatory. D. a negotiation tactic. E. transference.

b. regional generalizations are not correct

Looking broadly across several cultures, two important lessons with respect to negotiation standout. One of those lessons is that: A. regional generalizations are generally true. B. regional generalizations are generally not correct. C. stereotyping is a useful tactic. D. generalizations are usually useful as a form of secondary research. E. supply does not always match demand.

Cultural differences cause four kinds of problems in international business negotiations. Which one of the following is among those problem areas? A. language B. focus C. intelligence D. morality E. compassion

Cultural differences cause four kinds of problems in international business negotiations. Which one of the following is among those problem areas? A. morality B. nonverbal barriers C. intelligence D. compassion E. focus

Cultural differences cause four kinds of problems in international business negotiations. Which one of the following is among those problem areas? A. focus B. compassion C. values D. intelligence E. morality

d. thinking and decision making process

Cultural differences cause four kinds of problems in international business negotiations. Which one of the following is among those problem areas? A. intelligence B. innovation and change C. organization and leadership D. thinking and decision-making processes E. compassion

When leaving a successful sales call with an Australian customer, Marty uses the OK hand signal to tell the customer his request will be taken care of. The customer looks perplexed and even angry. Marty has encountered the problem of _____________ in nonverbal behavior. A. situational ethics B. knowledge of history C. psychological makeup D. cultural differences E. sign language

Connie is a business negotiation with her African counterparts. The Africans frequently initiate side conversations among themselves in their native language. Connie thinks they are plotting something or discussing secrets but, usually they are: A. commenting on facial gestures. B. straightening out a translation problem. C. strategically undermining Connie's negotiating strategy. D. offering comments on her sharp business attire. E. expressing frustration about the negotiation process.

a. least agressive and most polite

Which of the following would be the most accurate description of the Japanese negotiation style in international commerce? A. least aggressive and most polite B. extremely aggressive and most rude C. very vague and least friendly D. ignores relationships in favor of personal gain E. always oriented toward the bottom line

b. oriented toward command and punishment

Which of the following would be the most accurate description of the Korean negotiation style in international commerce? A. least aggressive and most polite B. oriented toward command and punishments; use "no" often C. very vague and but friendly D. ignores relationships in favor of personal gain E. always oriented toward the bottom line

With respect to verbal negotiation tactics, negotiators from which of the following countries would use promises most often as part of a negotiation style? A. Japan B. China C. United Kingdom D. France E. United States

With respect to verbal negotiation tactics, negotiators from which of the following countries would use threats most often as part of a negotiation style? A. Japan B. China C. United Kingdom D. France E. United States

With respect to verbal negotiation tactics, negotiators from which of the following countries would most likely use threats (statements where the source reveals information about itself) as part of a negotiation style? A. Japan B. China C. United Kingdom D. France E. United States

there is greater variationin the linguistic aspects of language and nonverbal behaviors than verbalcontent.

The verbal negotiationstudy presented in the text concludes:

Harold uses a statement to suggest that the opposing negotiator perform a certain behavior with respect to negotiations. Harold is using which of the following tactics? A. promise B. reward C. commitment D. self-disclosure E. command

Harold uses a statement to suggest that the opposing negotiator perform a certain behavior with respect to negotiations. Harold is using which of the following tactics? A. promise B. reward C. commitment D. self-disclosure E. command

Negotiators from which of the following countries would be most likely to use negative normative appeal (the target's behavior is in violation of social norms) in its negotiations with another country? A. Japan B. China C. United Kingdom D. France E. United States

Negotiators from which of the following countries is most likely to use more "no's" in their negotiations? A. Japan B. Germany C. United Kingdom D. Brazil E. United States

Negotiators from which of the following countries are most likely to touch others (excluding handshaking) during negotiations? A. Japan B. Germany C. United Kingdom D. Brazil E. United States

Negotiators from which of the following Asian countries have, as negotiation characteristics, a high incidence of facial gazing, asking few questions, and providing more detailed information (self-disclosures) about themselves than their other Asian counterparts? A. Japan B. China C. Vietnam D. Korea E. Taiwan

Negotiators from which of the following countries are characterized as have negotiation behavior that is most similar to that of the United States? A. United Kingdom B. France C. Mexico D. Germany E. Australia

In addition to negotiators from France and Spain, negotiators from _____________ characterized as being quite aggressive in negotiations (used commands often)? A. Japan B. United Kingdom C. Brazil D. Germany E. United States

Which of the following is NOT one of the four values that are held strongly and deeply by most Americans and seem to frequently cause misunderstandings in international business negotiations? A. obesity B. objectivity C. competitiveness D. equality E. punctuality

"Americans make decisions based upon the bottom line and on cold, hard facts." This statement would be an illustration of which of the following negotiation values? A. competitiveness B. equality C. time D. objectivity E. emotional

The single most important book on the topic of negotiation is titled: A. Getting to Yes B. How to Win Friends and Influence People C. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People D. The Art of War E. Win-Win Relationships

b. substance; reltaionships

According to the authors of a famous book on business negotiations, every negotiator has two kinds of interests, ________________ and ________________. A. vocations; hobbies B. substance; relationships C. revenue; charity D. market position; supremacy E. profit; potential

c. problem solving activity

To most Americans, a business negotiation is characterized as being a(n): A. relationship-building activity. B. difficult experience. C. problem-solving activity. D. expression of personal power. E. exploration of personal philosophy.

a. higher level foreigners...

Americans must gauge the quality of a business relationship in negotiations. According to the text, which of the following is an important signal of progress in that business relationship? A. higher-level foreigners being included in the discussions. B. frequent side conversations among associates in their native language. C. invitation to dinner whenever the negotiations are concluded. D. clock watching and leaving meeting to accept cellphone calls. E. requests for price for potential greater level of business.

b. their questions beginning to focus on specific areas of the deal

55. (p. 569) Americans must gauge the quality of abusiness relationship in negotiations. According to the text, which of thefollowing is an important signal of progress in that businessrelationship?

a softening of theirattitudes and position on some of the issues.

56. (p. 569) Americans must gauge the quality of abusiness relationship in negotiations. According to the text, which of thefollowing is an important signal of progress in that businessrelationship?

D. increased bargaining and use oflower-level, informal, and other channels of communication.

57. (p. 569) Americans must gauge the quality of abusiness relationship in negotiations. According to the text, which of thefollowing is an important signal of progress in that businessrelationship?

b. selection of the appropriate negotiation team

Which of the following is considered to be an important first step in creating an atmosphere for good international business negotiations? A. management of preliminaries B. selection of the appropriate negotiation team C. management of the process of negotiation D. managing all cultural imperatives following negotiations E. selection of seating arrangement at negotiation table

d. the large numbers of skillfull international negotiators

Which of the following is a chief reason there is an increasing number of global business successes? A. the need for profits B. the peaceful nature of the negotiators C. general world peace D. the large numbers of skillful international negotiators E. the low international labor cost

The single most important activity of negotiations is: A. winning. B. commanding attention. C. listening. D. explaining one's position. E. defending one's position.

In general, which of the following is more comfortable talking one-to-one? A. older men B. younger men C. Western men D. women E. Australian men and women

e. all should be on underwood's checking

James Underwood ishurriedly preparing his negotiation team for a difficult negotiation that istwo days away with a German conglomerate. Mr. Underwood represents a plasticscompany that is interested in gaining the right to license several of theGerman company's patents. Which of the following would be good items to add to achecklist for preparing for the upcoming meetings?

d. preparation and planning skill

Which of the following would be at the top of almost everyone's list of negotiator traits? A. multilingual skills B. commanding presence C. unwavering position D. preparation and planning skills E. friendliness and compassion

d. many good alternatives

Even small companies can possess great power in negotiations if they have: A. consumer-friendly products B. the ability to not make concessions C. the ability to be liked D. many good alternatives. E. the stamina for lengthy negotiations

b. seniority of negotiators

With respect to negotiations, in relationship-oriented cultures selection of intermediaries and ____________ are crucial considerations. A. proper dress B. seniority of negotiators C. nationality of negotiators D. factual breadth of knowledge E. a winning attitude

Greg is preparing for an important series of business negotiations. Greg will make decisions about all of the following aspects of the negotiation setting ahead of time, if possible, EXCEPT: A. location. B. number of parties. C. time limits. D. audiences E. products

Which of the following is an important consideration in setting negotiations because it may eventually determine legal jurisdiction if disputes arise? A. time limits B. audiences C. the number of parties D. communications channels E. location

Physical arrangements for negotiations can affect cooperativeness in subtle ways. Which of the following are most sensitive to the physical arrangements of the negotiations? A. low-context cultures B. high-context cultures C. fact-oriented cultures D. knowledge-oriented cultures E. solution-oriented cultures

d. actual conduct of the face to face meeting

The most difficult aspect of international business negotiations is the: A. contract itself. B. opening ceremonies. C. choice of negotiation language. D. actual conduct of the face-to-face meeting. E. time frame.

e. in the concluding stages of the negotiations

During negotiations, when are higher-risk strategies often attempted? A. in the first several hours of preliminary meetings B. in the first several hours of serious negotiations C. in the middle stages of negotiation D. after one side has conceded serious concessions E. in the concluding stages of the negotiations

a. refusal to continue negotiations

All of the following are considered to be generally accepted stages of a business negotiation EXCEPT: A. refusal to continue negotiations. B. task-related exchange of information. C. persuasion. D. concessions and agreement. E. non-task sounding.

Sam Watkins has invited all the members of his negotiation team and those of the other side for an evening of light conversation and good food at a local restaurant. Which of the following stages of a business negotiation would this form of behavior be proper? A. non-task sounding B. task-related exchange of information C. persuasion D. concessions and agreement E. refusal to continue negotiations (hardballing)

A Japanese business negotiator who believes that indirectness and face saving are important is concerned with: A. language B. nonverbal behaviors C. values D. persuasion E. non-task sounding

During a business negotiation between Japanese and Americans there has been a twenty-minute lull where no one has said anything. Suddenly, the American negotiator begins to speak to his team about possible concessions. This necessity to "fill the void" would be an expression of which of the categories often found in negotiations? A. language B. nonverbal behaviors C. values D. persuasion E. non-task sounding

The Japanese spend considerable time and energy in ____________ because this process often sets the stage for successful negotiations and relationship building. A. non-task sounding B. task-related exchange of information C. persuasion D. concessions E. agreement

Tabitha always checks the Monday sports page before an important business negotiation. She wants to be able to make small-talk before getting into detailed negotiations. Tabitha is preparing herself for: A. non-task sounding B. task-related information exchange C. bartering D. bantering E. pre-concession discussion

Preliminary talk before serious business negotiations begin is called: A. non-task sounding B. task-related information exchange C. bartering D. bantering E. pre-concession discussion

A task-related information exchange implies a ____________ communication process. A. one-way B. two-way C. inner-directed D. parallel E. multilateral

When Americans are at the negotiation table with Japanese, Chinese, or Russian negotiators, information flow tends to be: A. unidirectional. B. bi-directional. C. multilateral. D. parallel. E. uninterrupted.

In which of the following countries does task-related information exchange and persuasion tend to blur together (no clear separation)? A. United States B. United Kingdom C. Mexico D. Japan E. China

Negotiators from which of the following countries are known for making concessions early while expecting counterparts to reciprocate? A. United States B. Spain C. Brazil D. China E. Japan

What are the 4 types of negotiations?

Some of the most common are distributive negotiation, integrative negotiation, team negotiation, and multiparty negotiation.

Which of the following best defines guanxi?

What Is Guanxi? Guanxi (pronounced gwan' CHē) is a Chinese term meaning relationships; in business, it commonly refers to the networks or connections used to open doors for new business and facilitate deals.

What are the five 5 stages of negotiation?

Negotiation consists of five phases that include investigation, determining your BATNA, presentation, bargaining, and closure.

What are the 3 types of negotiation?

There's three basic styles - three basic default types to negotiation, and each has an advantage. Ultimately the best negotiator incorporates the best of all three. Assertive (aggressive), Accommodator (relationship oriented) and Analyst (conflict avoidant) are the types. The Assertive is "win" oriented.

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