Which is the supposed precursor of hypostyle-designed mosques, such as the one at kairouan?

Islamic religious architecture is closely related to ____.


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The Saminid mausoleum from Bukhara can be said to be which of the following structure types?


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The ____ is the leader of collective worship who preaches from the minbar.


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The design of Islamic Korans has parallels in ____.

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In the seventh century,the capital of Islam had been transferred from Mecca to Damascus by the ____.

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Critical of the polytheistic religion of his fellow Arabs,Muhammad had all the idols destroyed,but he preserved the Kaaba.Which of the following supports the reason for this preservation?

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____ was the greatest achievement of the court architect,Suleyman the Magnificent.

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The mihrab,a semicircular niche set in the qibla wall,possibly honors the place where ____.

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The supposed precursor of the hypostyle designed mosques,such as Kairouan,is ____.

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The event called the Hijra,which was ____,marks the beginning of Islam.

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The practice of ____ was considered a holy task and required arduous training.

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The Great Mosque at Córdoba has a hypostyle prayer hall with horseshoe-shaped arches adapted from which of the following?

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Too tall to call Muslims to prayer,the Malwiya minaret in Samarra may have functioned as a symbol of the____.

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At the Cordoba maqsura,the architects experimented with ____.

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Which of the following is built over the place from which Muhammad began his miraculous journey to heaven?

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How is interior architectural space defined in the Muslim world?

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The vault in the Hall of the Abencerrajes is meant to symbolize ____.

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The coming of a new religion to Jerusalem,a city sacred to both Jews and Christians,is marked by a monument known as the ____.

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The structural foundation of the Great Mosque of Damascus used a ____ as its foundation.

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The positioning of all mosques,no matter period or country,must be oriented toward which of the following cities?

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What forms the structural foundation of the Great Mosque of Damascus quizlet?

The structural foundation of the Great Mosque of Damascus owes much to the architecture of the Greco-Roman East.

Which decorative forms did the architects experiment with in the Cordoba Maqsura?

Reserved for the caliph, the maqsura of the Cordoba Mezquita connected the mosque to his palace. It is a prime example of Islamic experimentation with highly decorative multilobed arches.

What structure is considered the greatest achievement of the Ottoman court architect Sinan?

The Mosque of Süleyman in Istanbul was constructed in the years 1550–57 and is considered by many scholars to be his finest work. It was based on the design of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a 6th-century masterpiece of Byzantine architecture that greatly influenced Sinan.

What event does the Hijra which marks the beginning of Islam commemorate?

On September 20, 622, the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad at Medina, in flight from Mecca, introduced a new chapter into the history of the oasis. This flight (hijrah; sometimes transliterated Hegira) marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.

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