Which behavior reported by a parent of an 18 month old toddler would the nurse report to the pediatrician?

NCLEX Maternal Child Chapter 17

Which behavior reported by a parent of an 18-month-old toddler would the nurse report to the pediatrician as a cause for concern?

Walks by holding onto furniture

The nurse assessing growth and development of a 2-year-old child would expect to find that:

the child jumps with both feet.

A parent remarks, "My 18-month-old daughter carries her blanket around everywhere. Is this normal?" The nurse who has an understanding of toddler development might explain that:

carrying her favorite blanket is self-consoling behavior.

The nurse observed three toddlers playing side by side with dolls. Closer observation revealed that the children were not interacting with one another. This type of play would be characterized as:

The nurse planning anticipatory guidance for parents of a toddler would include which instruction?

Limit-setting should include praise.

The best advice the nurse can offer a parent concerned because her 2-year-old is very active and does not eat much is to:

help the child wind down with a quiet activity before mealtime.

How would the nurse advise a parent who states, "I never know how much food to feed my child"?

Use 1 tablespoon of each food for each year of age as a guideline.

The nurse discussing toilet training with parents would identify which of the following as an indicator of readiness? The child is:

able to communicate that he or she is wet.

The nurse selects the most appropriate toy for a normal 2-year-old child, which is a:

To encourage a toddler to practice independence, the nurse would recommend that the child's mother:

offer him a choice between two items.

On a home visit, the nurse notes that the parents require teaching intervention to protect the 15-month-old child who lives there because:

the dining room table has a tablecloth on it.

The nurse considers the appropriate snack for a 2-year-old child to be

The nurse assessing vital signs on a 2-year-old would be concerned about the finding of:

respirations of 36 breaths/min.

When assessing language development in a 2-year-old, an expected finding would be:

use of two-word sentences.

The nurse has explained the use of time-outs to the parent of a 3-year-old. The nurse determines the parent understands the information when she states an appropriate period for a time-out is _____ minutes.

The parent of a toddler tells the nurse, "My daughter's appetite has decreased. Thank goodness she loves to drink milk." The most appropriate response for the nurse to make is:

How much milk does she drink in a day?

The nurse suggests that bladder training should start when the toddler can stay dry for _____ hour(s).

The nurse explains to frustrated parents that toddlers will test their own power with:

The nurse assessing a 3-year-old knows that the expected weight gain for this age child is ______ times the birth weight.

The nurse reminds the parents that when speaking to a toddler, the adult should

be at eye level with the child.

Day care for the toddler differs from that of the preschooler due to the fact that toddlers:

have a shorter attention span.

When selecting a potty chair the parents are encouraged to select one that has which characteristic(s)? Select all that apply.

Small enough for the child's feet to touch floor
Sturdy and stable
Supportive of child's back and arms

The nurse suggests offering which food(s) to support the toddler's desire to self-feed? Select all that apply.

Finger foods
Foods in colorful dishes
Foods that are varied and colorful

The nurse points out that which physiological change(s) in the toddler serves as protection against disease? Select all that apply.

Toughening of the skin
Increased capillary response for thermoregulation
Stabilization of body temperature
Enlarged adenoids and tonsils

The nurse assessing a 2-year-old is satisfied to see that the present weight of the child has _____________ the birth weight.

The nurse explains that with the completion of myelination, the toddler will have the neuromuscular maturity to attain _______________ or _______________ control.

The nurse recognizes that when the toddler claims everything in the environment as "mine," it is an example of the toddler trait of ____________________.

When the previously potty-trained 3-year-old wets the bed after admission to the hospital, the nurse assesses this event is caused by a(n) ____________________ related to the new environment.

What activity would the nurse expect to find in an 18

What activity would the nurse expect to find in an 18-month-old? Toddlers continue to progress with motor skills. An 18-month-old should be able to climb stairs with assistance. A 24-month-old should be able to stand on his or her tiptoes and carry a large toy while walking.

Which nursing response is appropriate for the parent of an 18

Which nursing response is appropriate for the parent of an 18-month-old child that eats nothing on some days and a lot on other days? "This is a normal phenomenon at this age. Your child is fine." (Most toddlers at 18 months of age have decreased nutritional needs, manifested as decreased appetite.

What would be expected finding when assessing language development in a 2 year old child?

By 2 years of age most toddlers will Be able to say about 50 to 100 words. Say several 2-word phrases like "Daddy go," "Doll mine," and "All gone." Perhaps say a few 3-word sentences like "I want juice" or "You go bye-bye." Be understood by others (or by adults) about half of the time.

Which behaviors are expected in the toddler quizlet?

The toddler years are characterized by a struggle for autonomy as the child develops a sense of self separate from the parent. Nurses should help parents understand that toddler behaviors, which include negativism, ritualism, temper tantrums, and separation anxiety, are normal processes of toddler development.


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