When inspecting a patients abdomen, the nurse notes which finding as abnormal?

This article will explain how to assess the abdomen as a nurse. This assessment is part of the nursing head-to-toe assessment you have to perform in nursing school and on the job.

During the abdominal assessment you will be:

  • Inspecting
  • Auscultating
  • Palpating/Percussing

Video Demonstration on a Nursing Abdominal Assessment


Switches to Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion, and Palpation

  • Have patient lay supine
  • Ask patient about their last about bowel movement and if they have any problems with urination. If a female patient, ask when their last menstrual period was.
    • If an ostomy is present note the type of ostomy, stoma color (should be pink and shiny), consistency and color of stool?


  • Stomach contour scaphoid, flat, rounded, protuberant?
  • Noted pulsations at the aorta (noted in thin patients): The aortic pulsation can be noted above the umbilicus.
  • Characteristics of the navel (invert or everted)
  • Masses (check for hernia after auscultation), PEG tube?

Auscultate with the diaphragm for bowel sounds:

  • start in the RIGHT LOWER QUADRANT and go clockwise in all the 4 quadrants
    • should hear 5 to 30 sounds per minute…if no, bowel sounds are noted listen for 5 full minutes
    • Documents as: normal, hyperactive, or hypoactive

Auscultate for bruits (vascular sounds) at the following locations using the BELL of the stethoscope:

  • Aorta: slightly below the xiphoid process midline with the umbilicus
  • Renal Arteries: go slightly down to the right and left at the aortic site
  • Iliac arteries: go few a inches down from the belly button at the right and left sides to listen
  • Femoral arteries: found in the right and left groin.

Check for hernia: have patient raise up a bit and look for hernia (at stomach area or navel area)

Palpation of the abdomen:

  • Light palpation (2 cm): should feel soft with no pain or rigidity
  • Deep palpation (4-5 cm): feel for any masses, lumps, tenderness

Complete nursing head-to-toe assessment

Chapter 13: Abdomen and Gastrointestinal SystemWilson: Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 6th EditionMULTIPLE CHOICE1.A patient tells the nurse, “I’ve been having pain in my belly for several days that gets worseafter eating.” Which datum from the symptom analysis is consistent with the nurse’s suspicionof peptic ulcer disease?

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2.During an assessment for abdominal pain, a patient reports a colicky abdominal pain and painin the right shoulder that gets worse after eating fried foods. What question does the nurse askto confirm the suspicion of cholelithiasis?

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3.A patient reports having frequent heartburn. Which question does the nurse ask in response tothis information?

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4.A patient reports having abdominal distention. The nurse notices that the patient’s sclerae areyellow. What question is appropriate for the nurse to ask in response to this information?

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5.A patient reports having abdominal distention and having vomited several times yesterday andtoday. What question is appropriate for the nurse to ask in response to this information?

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6.A patient reports a change in the usual pattern of urination. What question does the nurse askto determine if incontinence is the reason for these symptoms?

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When inspecting a patients abdomen which finding does the nurse note as normal?

documentation of normal findings: Abdomen is soft, non-distended, non-tender with positive bowel sounds to all four quadrants.

When assessing a patient's abdomen which technique does the nurse use?

Assessing your patient's abdomen can provide critical information about his internal organs. Always follow this sequence: inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. Changing the order of these assessment techniques could alter the frequency of bowel sounds and make your findings less accurate.

When examining the abdomen which of the following symptoms would be suggestive of appendicitis?

Common Symptoms of Appendicitis Anorexia, nausea and vomiting are symptoms that are commonly associated with acute appendicitis. The classic history of pain beginning in the periumbilical region and migrating to the right lower quadrant occurs in only 50 percent of patients.

What is the normal finding in checking for skin integrity in the abdomen?

Normal findings might be documented as: “Abdomen flat, symmetrical with no bulging, swelling, discolouration. Skin intact.”

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