When caring for a client with diabetes insipidus, the nurse expects to administer: quizlet

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•Thyroid crisis usually occurs in the first 12 hours after thyroidectomy and causes exaggerated signs of hyperthyroidism, such as high fever, tachycardia, and extreme restlessness.
•Diabetic ketoacidosis is more likely to produce polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia
•Hypoglycemia to produce weakness, tremors, profuse perspiration, and hunger.
•Tetany typically causes uncontrollable muscle spasms, stridor, cyanosis, and possibly asphyxia.

A client whose physical findings suggest a hyperpituitary condition undergoes an extensive diagnostic workup. Test results reveal a pituitary tumor, which necessitates a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. The evening before the surgery, the nurse reviews preoperative and postoperative instructions given to the client earlier. Which postoperative instruction should the nurse emphasize?

1. "You must lie flat for 24 hours after surgery."

2. "You must avoid coughing, sneezing, and blowing your nose."

3. "You must restrict your fluid intake."

4. "You must report ringing in your ears immediately."

Correct: 2

RATIONALES: After a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, the client must refrain from coughing, sneezing, and blowing the nose for several days to avoid disturbing the surgical graft used to close the wound. The head of the bed must be elevated, not kept flat, to prevent tension or pressure on the suture line. Within 24 hours after a hypophysectomy, transient diabetes insipidus commonly occurs; this calls for increased, not restricted, fluid intake. Visual, not auditory, changes are a potential complication of hypophysectomy.


CLIENT NEEDS CATEGORY: Physiological integrity

CLIENT NEEDS SUBCATEGORY: Reduction of risk potential


A client who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 14 years ago is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with abdominal pain. On admission, the client's blood glucose level is 470 mg/dl. Which finding is most likely to accompany this blood glucose level?

1. Cool, moist skin

2. Rapid, thready pulse

3. Trembling arms and legs

4. Slow, shallow respirations

Correct: 2

RATIONALES: This client's abnormally high blood glucose level indicates hyperglycemia, which typically causes polyuria, polyphagia, and polydipsia. Because polyuria leads to fluid loss, the nurse should expect to assess signs of a fluid volume deficit, such as a rapid, thready pulse, decreased blood pressure, and rapid respirations. Cool, moist skin trembling arms and legs are associated with hypoglycemia. Rapid respirations — not slow, shallow ones — are associated with hyperglycemia.


CLIENT NEEDS CATEGORY: Physiological integrity

CLIENT NEEDS SUBCATEGORY: Physiological adaptation


A client diagnosed with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) is stabilized and prepared for discharge. When preparing the client for discharge and home management, which statement indicates that the client understands her condition and how to control it?

1. "I should avoid becoming dehydrated and pay attention to my need to urinate, drink, or eat more than usual."

2. "If I experience trembling, weakness, and headache, I should drink a glass of soda that contains sugar."

3. "I will have to monitor my blood glucose level closely for hypoglycemia."

4. "If I begin to feel especially hungry and thirsty, I'll eat a snack high in carbohydrates."

Correct: 1

RATIONALES: Inadequate fluid intake during hyperglycemic episodes commonly leads to HHNS. By recognizing the signs of hyperglycemia (polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia) and increasing fluid intake, the client may prevent HHNS. Drinking a glass of nondiet soda would be appropriate for hypoglycemia. The client needs to monitor for hyperglycemia, not hypoglycemia. A high-carbohydrate diet would exacerbate the client's condition, particularly if fluid intake is low.


CLIENT NEEDS CATEGORY: Physiological integrity

CLIENT NEEDS SUBCATEGORY: Reduction of risk potential


Which drug is useful in the management of diabetes insipidus quizlet?

Desmopressin is the first-line treatment for central diabetes insipidus. It's a medication that works like an antidiuretic hormone (ADH, or vasopressin). You can take desmopressin as an injection (shot), a pill or in a nasal spray.

Which medication would the nurse anticipate being prescribed to treat a client with diabetes insipidus?

We treat this condition with a medication called desmopressin acetate, or DDAVP. The medication is similar to antidiuretic hormone, the hormone implicated in diabetes insipidus.

Which symptoms should the nurse monitor the client for that is diagnosed with diabetes insipidus?

The two main symptoms of diabetes insipidus are the frequent urge to pass high volumes of diluted urine and excessive thirst. These symptoms are also known as polyuria and polydipsia, respectively, and they are two of the three polys of diabetes.

What electrolyte abnormalities can cause diabetes insipidus?

Electrolyte imbalance Diabetes insipidus can cause an imbalance in minerals in your blood, such as sodium and potassium (electrolytes), that maintain the fluid balance in your body.


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