What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do regarding the management?

Quiz QuestionsQuestion 1.What is the primary purpose of initially assessing an apical pulse?B

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Question 2.What instruction should the nurse give nursing assistive personnel (NAP) regarding theappropriate technique when measuring the adult patient’s apical pulse?D

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Question 3.Which action would take priority if a patient’s apical pulse has an irregular rhythm?A

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Question 4.Which statement demonstrates an understanding of the importance of communicatingchanges in the patient’s apical pulse rate?D

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Question 5.The nurse can best determine the effect of crying on a patient’s apical pulse by doing what?C

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Question 1.What is the major health problem resulting from a pulse deficit?

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Medical Terminology for Health Professions


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Question 2.What should the nurse do when a pulse deficit is suspected?D

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Question 3.Which action should the nurse perform after identifying a pulse deficit?B

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Question 4.You have the following information:Oral temperature–36.8°C.Radial Pulse–112 weak, threadyApical pulse–117 regularRespirations–24 regularBlood Pressure–104/56 right arm–102/50 left armWhat is the pulse deficit?B

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5Question 5.Which of the following is an early manifestation of decreased cardiac output?A

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A nurse is caring for a patient who has just had major abdominal surgery to resect a portion ofhis colon. What is the most reliable sign that the patient has significant postoperative pain?A

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Question 2.What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to do regarding the managementof a patient’s pain?A

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Question 3.Which observation indicates that a patient’s analgesic has been effective in managing painthat she rated a 6 out of 10 on a pain rating scale before the intervention?B

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Question 4.A patient with a herniated disk is scheduled for surgery to fuse two vertebrae in her cervicalspine. Which activity is most likely to be a palliative factor for this patient?

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What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do regarding the management of a patient pain?

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to do regarding the management of a patient's pain? “Let me know at least 30 minutes before you transport her so I can administer her pain medication.” “Be sure to keep the room temperature high and the TV on at all times.”

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personnel to do when measuring an adult patient's radial pulse?

What will the nurse instruct nursing assistive personal (NAP) to do when measuring an adult patient's radial pulse? Place the patient in the lateral (side-lying) position before measuring the pulse. Apply gloves with each patient before measuring the pulse.

What instruction should the nurse give nursing assistive personnel NAP regarding the appropriate technique when measuring the adult patient's apical pulse?

2. What instruction should the nurse give nursing assistive personnel (NAP) regarding the appropriate technique when measuring the adult patient's apical pulse? Document the patient's pulse rate and rhythm. Place the patient in the right lateral position before measuring the apical pulse.

Which instruction might the nurse give to nursing assistive personnel that is applicable only to temporal artery?

1. Which instruction might the nurse give to nursing assistive personnel (NAP) that is applicable only to temporal artery temperature assessment? An accurate temperature reading is obtained with moisture on the forehead. Put on a disposable sensor cover before taking the temporal artery temperature.


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