What was the main reason that the United States fought in the Korean War quizlet?

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What was the main reason that the United States fought in the Korean War?

On June 27, 1950, President Truman ordered U.S. forces to South Korea to repulse the North's invasion. “Democrats needed to look tough on communism,” Kim says. “Truman used Korea to send a message that the U.S. will contain communism and come to the aid of their allies.”

What was the main cause of the Korean War quizlet?

June 25, 1950. What caused the Korean War? The Korean War was caused because North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union all wanted the Korean Peninsula to be a communist area. Then North Korean troops marched into South Korea which set off the war.

What was the main reason the United States get involved in the Korean and Vietnam wars?

The basic idea was that the American's needed to prevent the first domino from falling (country turning to communism) in order to prevent the spread of communism. As such, historians now argue that the United States used the Domino Theory to justify its involvement in Korea, just as it did in the later Vietnam War.


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