What type of tests are the Rorschach Inkblot Test and the Thematic Apperception Test quizlet?

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Terms in this set (31)

What is an important criticism of the Rorschach Inkblot Technique?

It penalizes less intelligent or less vocal people for not giving many answers.

It rarely gives us information we could not easily find in other ways.

Almost any answer to any item is typically regarded as normal.

Many people are unable to follow the precise and complicated instructions.


To find out about children's personalities and experiences, a psychologist gives children puppets to act out a story. Which terms best describes this procedure?






Criminal profiling can be thought of as an example of applied personality testing. At the current time, which of the following would be the fairest conclusion about profiling?

Profilers consistently develop detailed profiles that lead police to the criminal.

Profilers' descriptions are no better than random guessing.

The results are unimpressive so far, but they may improve with more research.

On average, psychics have developed the most accurate, detailed profiles.


What led to increased interest by the police in criminal profiling?

exaggerated claims by a psychiatrist about how he helped find the Mad bomber.

research showing similar personalities by people committing similar crimes

research showing that criminal profilers are highly accurate at describing criminals

research demonstrating genetic control of the tendency toward particular crimes


Dr. Wonderful designs a new personality test, administers it to hundreds of people, and later asks them whether they think the results are correct. Why should we be skeptical of their reports?

The results might have been different if the psychologist had studied a larger group.

The results might have been different if the psychologist had used different norms.

Most people accept almost any personality description a psychologist offers.

Most people reject almost any personality description a psychologist offers.


How does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) differ from most other personality tests?

The MBTI is suitable for use by people who cannot read or write.

The MBTI identifies personalities by measuring brain waves.

The MBTI puts people into distinct categories.

The MBTI provides recommendations for clinical diagnoses of mental disorders.


The theory behind the Thematic Apperception Test is that the stories a person tells about an ambiguous picture will

be more complicated or less complicated, depending on the person's intelligence.

provide an outlet for long-suppressed creative urges.

describe what is really going on in the person's own life.

be similar to the stories the person heard in early childhood.


If someone dots his/her i's with an upward slanted dash, what does this tendency imply about the individual's personality?


high energy




Why is the Rorschach Inkblot test considered a "projective" technique?

It is still in the stage of being a research project.

It asks people to project their personality onto an ambiguous figure.

It invites people to describe their projects for the future.

It asks people to throw projectiles and engage in other motor tasks.


Prior to the 1960s, different psychologists were interpreting the Rorschach tests in different ways. That problem has been at least partially corrected in that now

results are scored by computer.

responses are sent to the Rorschach Institute for analysis.

clients themselves evaluate the meaning of their answers.

most psychologists use a common set of standards for scoring the test.


When psychologists designed the MMPI, they evaluated possible questions for the depression scale by asking the following question:

Is the predictive validity of this item higher than its reliability?

Do most depressed people answer differently from most other people?

Do most psychologists agree that this item has something to do with depression?

Does this item correspond to a major point in current theories of depression?


For what purpose is the NEO PI-R a more suitable test than the MMPI?

for detecting personality abnormalities and problems

for measuring normal personality

for comparing personalities of people in different cultures

for studying the personalities of people who cannot read or write


Which of the following tests asks for true or false answers?


Rorschach Inkblot Test

Thematic Apperception Test

Progressive Matrices


The MMPI measures people's personalities by their

answers to true-false questions.

brain waves.

stories about a series of pictures.

actual behavior in a series of standard situations.


From what source did the Rorschach Inkblot Test get the name "Rorschach"?

from Rorschach University in Germany

from the Rorschach Ink and Dye Company

from its inventor, Hermann Rorschach

as an abbreviation of an organization of psychiatrists


Which personality test is based on the big five personality model?


Rorschach Inkblots


Thematic Apperception Test


Suppose that 95% of people with schizophrenia and only 5% of other people have a particular profile on a personality test. Suppose also that schizophrenia occurs in only about 1 person out of every 100. Of all those with the schizophrenia-typical profile, about how many actually have schizophrenia?




far fewer than 50%


Which of these is a common criticism today of the Rorschach Inkblots?

The current method of evaluating answers to the Inkblots has near-zero reliability.

The technique so rarely identifies anyone as abnormal that it is not worth the time.

The Inkblots are strongly biased against less intelligent or less talkative people.

The Inkblots seldom provide valid information we could not get in other ways.


Dr. Shrink has just developed a new personality test but has not yet administered it to anyone. What is the one thing we know about the test for sure, right now?

The test is not valid.

The test is not standardized.

The test has low reliability.

The test has high reliability.


The MMPI includes some items concerning rare virtues, such as "Without fail, I always stop to help a person who is having trouble." Why?

to identify extremely conscientious people

to check whether people are answering honestly

to break up a long string of items to which most people answer "true"

to identify a rare form of depression


An employer asks job applicants how much experience they have had at various skills, but suspects that many applicants are lying. Which of the following methods could the employer use to determine which applicants are exaggerating their experience?

Ask how many times the applicant has used each skill.

Ask applicants to take the Rorschach Inkblot Test.

Ask about their experience on nonexistent skills such as "matrixing solvency files."

Ask applicants to fill out the application while under the influence of hypnosis.


To develop the MMPI, researchers selected questions that

pertained to personality traits that all major personality theories emphasized.

people with certain disorders answered differently from most other people.

were simple enough to be understood even by children or brain damaged adults.

were sufficiently open-ended to allow each person to answer a different way.


Why does the MMPI include some items that very few people check true, such as "I have never been angry"?

to identify certain extremely rare personality types

to confuse people about what the test is measuring

to see whether someone is lying

to measure creative thinking


Why does the MMPI include some items that ask about common but minor faults, such as "Sometimes I have told a lie" and "I dislike some of the people I know"?

to find out whether someone is lying

to measure need for achievement

to find out whether someone has these minor faults

to measure psychopathic deviation


The Rorschach Inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test are examples of

Non-standardized intelligence tests.

standardized intelligence tests.

projective personality tests.

Non-projective personality tests.


According to the limited research available so far, how accurate is criminal profiling?

Criminal profiling is an exact science that almost never makes a mistake.

In most cases it is accurate enough to lead police to the criminal.

It is better than random guessing, but it is often useless or misleading.

It is no more accurate than random guessing.


Why did psychologists decide to revise the MMPI?

Most people consider the original MMPI to be too long and boring.

The original MMPI was based on personality theories that are no longer accepted.

The copyright on the MMPI was about to expire.

Some items on the MMPI no longer mean what they used to mean.


A test that encourages people to describe themselves indirectly by talking about an ambiguous stimulus such as an inkblot is called a __________ test.






When the Rorschach Inkblots are administered, the instructions to the subject are

unusually precise, compared with other personality tests.

intentionally vague.

to follow the examples that the psychologist provides.

to tell a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.


The Thematic Apperception Test is NOT

a projective personality test.

a series of pictures.

used by clinical psychologists.

a measurement of IQ.


To find out about children's personalities and experiences, a psychologist gives children puppets to act out a story. Which terms best describes this procedure?






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Which of the following processes would produce the acquisition of a conditioned response? a. Repeatedly present an unconditioned response. b. Administer the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus. c. Make sure that the conditioned stimulus comes at least one minute before the unconditioned stimulus. d. Pair a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus several times. e. Present the condition ed stimulus until it starts to produce an unconditioned response.

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The maturation of the brain’s ____ lags behind the development of the limbic system, which may explain the impulsivity of teenagers compared with adults. a. frontal lobes. b. temporal lobes. c. occipital lobes. d. parietal lobes. e. corpus collosum.

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Paola and Juliana went to a baseball game and were shown on the center field screen. Juliana was embarrassed, because she had mustard on her face from her hot dog. In reality, no one in the crowd noticed the mustard. Juliana was overestimating how much attention people were paying to her due to the a. self-efficacy effect. b. self-serving bias. c. self-transcendent effect. d. terror-management theory. e. spotlight effect.

Verified answer

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What kind of test are the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test TAT )?

Tests: The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and Rorschach Inkblot Tests (RIT) are both projective types of psychological assessment. Projective assessments are those during which different settings, images, shapes, or words are shown to the examinee, or test taker.

What type of test is the Thematic Apperception Test?

The TAT is a widely used projective test for the assessment of children and adults. It is designed to reveal an individual's perception of interpersonal relationships. Thirty-one picture cards serve as stimuli for stories and descriptions about relationships or social situations.

What type of tests are the Rorschach inkblot and test Thematic Apperception Test TAT )? Why do may psychologists criticize them?

Projective tests, such as the Rorschach Inkblot Test and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), ask test-takers to respond to ambiguous stimuli, which reportedly provides insight into unconscious elements of personality.

What do the Rorschach inkblots and the Thematic Apperception Test have in common?

Both the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Rorschach Inkblot Test are projective tests.


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