What social media sites would be most relevant for networking for a career in your field

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Social media websites can be used strategically in your job search. For example, LinkedIn allows you to search for open positions in their "Jobs" menu tab, and provides networking opportunities within and beyond your personal network. Additionally, you could use a Twitter account (most likely separate from your personal account) to tweet at or about companies and organizations in your career field of interest. Remember, the social media landscape is constantly changing.

Clean up

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter should not contain any material that you would not want a future boss to see. Remove any inappropriate photographs (use the grandmother test: if you wouldn't want her to see it, eliminate it), expletives, complaints about your job or your boss and any potentially controversial material. Consider adjusting your privacy settings on social media profiles to the highest possible level. Photo sharing sites should follow the same set of standards.

Create a professional online presence

If an employer does an internet search for your name, it is a benefit to you if your name appears. It gives the impression that you are involved in recent digital trends and implies a grasp of digital skills. Additionally, the internet provides an excellent way to supplement traditional application materials that you submit with a more comprehensive view of your qualities and interests. Create a LinkedIn profile (more information below) outlining your career goals and past experience. It may help to start a blog covering an area related to your field. It will impress a potential boss to see your intelligent and well-written submission to a discussion board on the website or LinkedIn page of a related professional organization. If you are looking for jobs or internships in a creative field, develop an online portfolio showcasing your projects.

Keep it positive

Ensure that all your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts have a positive tone. Employers want to hire people with a good attitude. Never air grievances about a boss or coworker on the internet. Avoid complaining about relationships or schoolwork on a public forum. Make an effort to strategically post upbeat and well-worded updates about your job search, interests, and educational or extracurricular pursuits to the appropriate sites.


1. Review tips and guidance on creating a profile our LinkedIn profile check list page.

2. Go to LinkedIn, search "Groups" for UC Davis Internship and Career Center, and click Join!


LinkedIn is an online networking site that allows you to create a profile and connect with professionals you may not otherwise have access to. Follow companies, join groups and search for jobs! You can even schedule an appointment to have ICC staff review your LinkedIn profile. Attend the Networking and LinkedIn workshop for additional online networking tips.

While social media platforms have become integral to our personal lives, they're also a powerful recruitment tool - discover how your online presence could be the key to successful job hunting

High Fliers' The Graduate Market in 2021 report has confirmed that many of the UK's top employers are increasingly using social media as a means of finding graduate talent.

During the coronavirus pandemic, almost all employers had moved their graduate recruitment promotions online, with most (91%) stating that they had made use of social media over the past year to keep graduates informed about any available vacancies.

It's easy to see why social media platforms are becoming so popular for recruiters - Digital 2021: The UK, a joint survey between We are social and Hootsuite, found that nearly 78% (53 million people) of the UK population is active on social media (January 2021), up by nearly 5% on the previous year.

With the average user (aged 16 to 64) clocking up nearly two hours of social media time per day, advertising jobs through this medium is fast becoming the quick, accessible way of reaching graduates as well as those who'd like to make a career change.

As over 89% of internet users watch videos every month, it's no surprise that YouTube has now come out on top as the most popular social media platform. While TikTok is also moving up the list, more traditional platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are still are among the UK's most popular sites.

The survey also found that just under a third (29%) of those questioned had used social media for work purposes - so where your career is concerned, it's time to consider how you set up your various profiles.

Building a personal brand

When applying for jobs, remember that potential employers are likely viewing your social profiles, so you need to give a positive representation of yourself and your 'personal brand'.

Create a strong online profile that's integrated across the most popular platforms, and you'll be well-positioned to reap the career rewards, both in terms of your current job search and for future openings.

Use a consistent username and appropriate image for each account, which should be made publicly visible. Also, link to other platforms that you're using professionally.

Bear in mind that social media is a creative medium, so it's perfectly fine to show off your personality, putting forward your ideas, opinions and interests outside of academia and work - for example, if you're into sport, fitness, gaming or fashion.

What you detail in your profiles will let employers know more about you as an individual, providing an insight into your personality that will hopefully impact positively on your job applications.

Create a LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals, and it's the easiest way to make connections in your industry from the comfort of your home. LinkedIn also advertises vacancies, so it's a great place to search for jobs as well.

Your profile should detail relevant professional information including your previous experience, skillset and education history, which you can then use to connect with companies and individuals and start building a network of contacts.

You'll be recommended jobs based on your interests and the companies you follow, so by signing up you could come across opportunities that you didn't even know existed.

Make sure your profile is ready to be seen by recruiters by:

  • Utilising your biography - this is the first thing recruiters will see when looking at your profile, so make it count. Let them know what type of roles you're looking for and share your current location, as well as your course, key modules, dissertation, work experience, interests, hobbies and key accomplishments - but be selective, as some part-time jobs may not be relevant.
  • Following relevant companies - they'll post company and sector-wide updates, so this is a great way of staying clued up on what's happening in the industry.
  • Looking to people you admire - thanks to the 'Experience' section of LinkedIn profiles, you can see the steps taken by people in the roles you're aspiring to enter.

Once you've got it all set up, you can follow Prospects' LinkedIn profile.

Job hunt through Facebook

According to the We are social survey, Facebook is the nation's second most popular platform, with nearly three-quarters (73%) of internet users having used it within the past month. What's more, it can reach up to 38 million of the UK's population through advertising.

As the majority of Facebook's audience logs in for personal use, it may not seem like the obvious place to look for jobs. However, with the amount of active users at their fingertips, and its Jobs on Facebook feature, employers are now listing opportunities on their accounts, which users can then apply for with the click of a button.

To make the application process as smooth as possible, fill out the 'Work and education' section of your profile, adding any notable achievements (such as promotions and travel opportunities) to your 'Life events' timeline.

Avoid making rude or negative comments about previous employers on your profile, even in jest, and don't share anything that would be deemed unprofessional - whether or not you've applied for a position through Facebook. This is because employers often look to candidates' profiles to gauge whether they'll be a suitable fit for the company.

Take a look at Prospects on Facebook.

Find a career on Twitter

Without a built-in jobs feature, you may be less inclined to search for jobs on Twitter - but it's fast becoming a place for employers to find passionate, ambitious graduates.

Twitter offers a more relaxed approach to social networking, where users discuss their interests through likes, retweets and sharing 280-character updates.

To use this to your professional advantage:

  • Get inventive with your bio - you'll have to be snappy, as Twitter only offers 160 characters for this, but it should be enough to introduce yourself and state the types of roles you're looking for. Tag your location here and link a website (this could be your LinkedIn profile, or a blog or portfolio) to give employers easy access to your work.
  • Engage with others in your industry - following someone you admire on Twitter is a less personal process than connecting with them on LinkedIn. By joining in conversations, which you can find by searching relevant hashtags, you'll gain access to a range of voices, opinions and opportunities to inspire you.
  • Stay up-to-date with current affairs - tweets take seconds to post and are quick and easy to digest, meaning organisations use them to report breaking news and make announcements. If you're following the right mix of professionals and companies, your Twitter feed should be a real-time account of what's happening in your industry, as it happens.
  • Get to know your employers - it works both ways. Search and follow employers to find out what projects they're currently working on and to get a feel for the company.

Include your Twitter handle in job applications. It's a great way to show employers your personality, and having the confidence to invite others in will make a great first impression.

Be sure to follow @Prospects.

Here are some ways you may also be able to find a job through social networking:

  • By building contacts on social platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter, you can keep up with the latest industry developments and may even get recommended for roles.
  • Attend online and in-person networking events to discover what your peers and mentors are doing. Get some ideas on networking and find a job.
  • At university, keep up with careers fairs, webinars and other events that can boost your job prospects.
  • Discover what graduate schemes are actually like by reading what current and previous graduates think of the programme. Get involved with Q&A sessions that provide an insight into the work culture of that organisation. This allows you to make a more informed decision on whether the company is the right fit for you.

This webinar featured in the Prospects Future You: Live event in November 2020.

Find out more

  • Search graduate jobs.
  • Explore what else is involved with getting a job.

What is the best known social network for career networking?

LinkedIn is a huge professional networking site. In fact, it is the world's largest professional network, with more than 610 million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

Which social networking site helps search for career Connections?

No matter what industry you're in or job you're after—you should get a LinkedIn profile. It's the best networking tool out there for job candidates, great for finding job opportunities, sources for referrals and informational interviews, job market information, and submitting job applications directly.

Which social media platform is most widely used by professionals to network?

Yes, LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking platform. Yet, other options have specific strengths that approach networking in different and meaningful ways.


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