What is the term for programs in system software is that can query WMI quizlet?

disk storage used to expand the capacity of the physical memory installed in the computer.

When the currently running programs and processes exceed the physical memory, they treat disk space allocated for virtual memory just as if it were physical memory.

The disadvantage of this is that memory activities performed through virtual memory are not as fast as those performed in physical memory (although disk access and data transfer speeds can be quite fast).

Virtual memory works through a technique called paging, whereby blocks of information, called pages, are moved from physical memory into virtual memory on disk.

On a typical computer, data is paged in blocks of 4 KB.

For example, if the system is not presently using a 7 KB block of code, it divides the code block between two pages, each 4 KB in size (part of one page will not be completely full).

Next, both pages are moved to virtual memory on disk until needed. When the processor calls for that code block, the pages are moved back into physical memory.

• Key—A folder that appears in the left pane of the Registry Editor and can contain subkeys and entries, for example, HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
• Subkey—A part of the Windows Registry that is below a key. A subkey can contain entries or other subkeys.
• entry—An item that appears in the details pane and is the lowest level in the Windows Registry. An entry consists of an entry name, its data type, and its value.

A key is a category or division of information within the Windows Registry. A single key may contain one or more lower-level keys called subkeys, just as a folder may contain several subfolders. An entry is a data parameter associated with a software or hardware characteristic under a key (or subkey).

An entry consists of three parts—
- a name,
- the data type,
- configuration parameter.

For example, in ErrorControl:REG_DWORD:0, ErrorControl is the name, REG_DWORD is the data type, and 0 is the parameter setting.

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Which of the following is the most likely cause for this issue?

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