What is one of the seven web design elements that drive the customer experience? quizlet

The seven Ps of services refer to an expanded marketing mix for services that includes the four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion) as well as

people, physical environment, and process.

personality, performance, and process.

people, process, and productivity.

personality, procedure, and performance.

productivity, performance, and profitability.

Which of the following statements about attitude tests is most accurate?

In an attitude test, respondents are first shown an ad and then asked whether their previous exposure to it was through reading, viewing, or listening.

In an attitude test, respondents are asked questions to measure changes in their attitudes after an advertising campaign.

With attitude tests, a question such as, "What ads do you remember seeing yesterday?" is asked of respondents without any other prompting.

With attitude tests, product information, product samples, or premiums are offered to an ad's readers or viewers, and ads generating the most inquiries are considered the most effective.

Attitude tests involve studies such as controlled experiments and consumer purchase tests.

marketer-to-consumer e-mail notification, consumer to marketer buying and service requests, and consumer to consumer chat rooms and instant messaging plus social networking websites

ability to get reviews online
-marketer to consumer emails
-consumer to marketer requests
-chat rooms, messaging, social networks

-web communities: websites that allow people to congregate online and exchange views on topics of common interest
-web logs or blogs

-viral marketing: internet enabled promotional strategy that encourages individuals to forward marketer initiated messages to others via email, social networking websites, and blogs
~embedded in a message, create compelling content, offer incentives

Buzz and Viral marketing = trying to sell iced tea and put interactive videos games into it and do this to engage consumers in a variety of different ways and ended up with incredible sales volume for their product

A functionally oriented website focuses largely on the company's offering, be it products, services, or information. Deal-oriented travel websites, such as Priceline.com, tend to be functionally oriented with an emphasis on destinations, scheduling, and prices. In contrast, beauty websites, such as Revlon.com, are more aesthetically oriented. As these examples suggest, context attempts to convey the core consumer benefit provided by the company's offerings.

There are three approaches to viral marketing. First, marketers can embed a message in the product or service so that customers hardly realize they are passing it along. The classic example is Hotmail, which was one of the first companies to provide free, Internet-based e-mail. Each outgoing e-mail message had the tagline: "Get Your Private, Free Email from MSN Hotmail." This effort produced more than 350 million users. Second, marketers can make the website content so compelling that viewers want to share it with others. Careerbuilder.com has done this with its Monk-e-mail site, which allows users to send personalized, private-themed e-cards for all occasions. More than 100 million Monk-e-mails have been sent since 2006. Finally, marketers can offer incentives (discounts, sweepstakes, or free merchandise). For example, Burger King asked, "What do you love more, your friend or the Whopper?" in its Whopper Sacrifice campaign. Facebook users were asked to "unfriend" 10 people from their Facebook friends list in exchange for a free burger.18

Privacy and security are two key reasons consumers are leery of online shopping and buying. A recent Pew Internet & American Life Project poll reported that 76 percent of online consumers have privacy and security concerns about the Internet. And, 73 percent of online consumers considered it an invasion of privacy if a search engine tracked their activity to personalize future search results. Even more telling, many have stopped shopping a website or forgone an online purchase because of these concerns. Industry analysts estimate that over $30 million in e-commerce sales are lost annually because of privacy and security concerns among online shoppers. Consumer concerns are not without merit. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 46 percent of fraud complaints are Internet related, costing consumers $560 million. In addition, consumers lose millions of
dollars each year due to identity theft resulting from breaches in company security systems. A percolating issue is whether the U.S. government should pass more stringent Internet privacy and security laws. About 70 percent of online consumers favor such action. Companies, however, favor self-regulation. For example, TRUSTe (www.truste.com) awards its trademark to company websites that comply with standards of privacy protection and disclosure. Still, consumers are ultimately responsible for using care and caution when engaging in online behavior, including e-commerce. Consumers have a choice of whether or not to divulge personal information and are responsible for monitoring how their information is being used. What role should the U.S. government, company self regulation, and consumer vigilance play in dealing with privacy and security issues in the digital marketspace

Sets with similar terms

What is one of the seven Web design elements that drive the customer experience?

Marketers produce a customer experience through seven Web site design elements: (1) context; (2) content; (3) __________; (4) customization; (5) communication; (6) connection; and (7) commerce. A visitor to schoolpop.com, an online retailer of school supplies, will notice that it contains little text, sound, video.

What element of website design applies to all digital information on a website including the use of text video audio and graphics?

content - all digital information on a website including the text, video, audio, and graphics; 3.

Which website design element refers to a site's ability to modify itself to or be modified by and for each individual user?

Customization: ability of a site to modify itself to, or be modified by, each individual user. 4. Connection: network of linkages between a company's site and other sites.

What does personalization mean in the context of interactive marketing?

Personalization is the process of keeping in mind the needs and preferences of your audience so that you market the right product and experience to the right person at the right time. By doing this, you stand a better chance of making customers feel heard, having more meaningful interaction and nudging them to convert.


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