What is not a commonly prescribed benzodiazepine used in the treatment of anxiety disorders?

Benzodiazepine Addiction

Benzo alternatives can help patients struggling with anxiety, insomnia, or other unwanted symptoms, avoid the most dangerous aspect of benzodiazepine medication — addiction. Medical researchers suspected a high potential of addiction to benzodiazepines since the 1970s. Later research confirmed this to be a major concern.20 Today, prescribing doctors are cautioned by drug regulators to provide their prescriptions for short-term use, with cessation in mind.1

Currently, benzodiazepine use and misuse in the US is a growing concern to drug regulators and the medical community as a whole.7.14,16

Facts about benzodiazepine use in the US:
  • As of 2019, 30.6 million adults reported they used benzodiazepines in the previous year.
  • 64% of US benzodiazepine-only overdose deaths from 2000-2019 were accidental.
  • 92% of benzodiazepine overdoses that included other substances were accidental.
  • Benzodiazepine use (especially long-term use and longer-acting versions) significantly increases the risk of developing dementia and impaired mental capacity later in life.
  • Exacerbated levels of original symptoms can resurge in benzodiazepine withdrawal (especially if withdrawal is abrupt or not properly managed).

Like any other addictive drug, benzo addiction will almost invariably lead to tolerance, and the person with the benzo addiction will need larger doses to feel the desired effects. Some turn to alternative delivery methods for more potent doses, such as crushing pills and snorting the powder instead of taking them orally as intended.

Benzo overdose can cause severe weakness, confusion, convulsions, seizures, respiratory failure, coma, or even death. They may also cause a slowed heart rate or heart failure.

Long-term use of benzodiazepines is associated with impaired cognitive function. Benzodiazepines are not safe for long-term use. This is especially tragic since there are so many safer effective therapies for natural mental health that are freely available and easy to obtain and put into practice.17

Alternative Anxiety Treatments

ATMC believes in helping patients overcome their addictions without simply replacing one addiction with another. For example, it is not uncommon for heroin users to develop addictions to methadone. Substituting one drug with addictive properties with another drug that has similar properties can not be considered the best solution. At ATMC, we rely on holistic therapies and treatments to help our patients overcome addiction and fight the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Rather than prescribing benzodiazepines as the first-line treatment for general anxiety, insomnia, or other symptoms, we believe that benzodiazepine alternatives should be explored FIRST, and drug treatment should take its place well down on the list of preferred treatments. Many non-pharmacological treatments exist for anxiety, as effective or better than drug therapy according to clinical trials and studies. Some examples are listed below.3,5-10,15

Art Therapy

Using expressive visual art can be a very constructive way to overcome anxiety disorder symptoms and avoid benzodiazepine addiction. ATMC provides the materials and instructions for patients to incorporate art therapy into their individual treatment plans.

Environmental Medicine

ATMC caregivers and therapists use a variety of environmental medicine techniques to better understand each patient on an individual level. Environmental medicine requires analyzing a patient’s unique genetic profile to identify immune system irregularities, DNA damage, and hormonal imbalances that may be behind anxiety symptoms.

Neurotoxin Removal

A neurotoxin is any substance that damages nerve cells. Some neurotoxins over-excite nerve cells to death and others interfere with mood expression. Exposure to various toxins and chemicals including pesticides, carbon dioxide, and many others commonly found in day-to-day life including the workplace is known to cause neurotoxic symptoms, and ATMC’s neurotoxin treatment program focuses on removing these substances safely for each individual patient.11-13

Neurotransmitter Rehabilitation

Various neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin influence mood and are necessary for human health. ATMC administers nontoxic amino acid precursors to effectively replace low neurotransmitter levels and help the body overcome neurotransmitter deficiencies in the body.

Orthomolecular Medicine

The basis of orthomolecular medicine is preventing and treating diseases by supplying a patient with naturally-occurring substances that normally exist within the human body. This means no foreign substances and no drugs, only replacement of vital substances that naturally occur within human physiology. Nutrition, including lab testing for deficiencies and their correction, are effective mental health tools. Specific plant-based remedies have also received much testing and have proven as effective or more effective than drug therapies for many mental health symptoms.


Acupuncture has a long history as a part of traditional Chinese medicine dating back thousands of years. The practice involves placing sterilized acupuncture needles on various pressure points on the body to stimulate neurohormonal responses. In ancient China, practitioners believed the needles released the body’s natural flow of “qi,” or spiritual energy. Proper qi flow is essential to good health in traditional Chinese medicine. Today, most medical professionals do not recommend acupuncture as a primary treatment, but they will not discourage patients from trying it if other treatments fail or if the patient insists on non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive treatment. Many people who undergo acupuncture report feelings of euphoria and lower pain sensations, and the relaxing effects of acupuncture can be tremendously beneficial to those struggling with anxiety or other unwanted symptoms.

Psychological Therapy

Psychological therapies that are clinically proven effective include CBT, mindfulness meditation, and learned relaxation therapies.6-8

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise, therapeutic massage, exposure to sunlight, and other physical therapies have been found highly effective in alleviating mental health symptoms without drugs. Other benefits include improved general and cardio fitness, reduced blood pressure, weight loss, better sleep, increased energy, increased interest in sex, and many others.18,19

Are Benzodiazepines Necessary to Treat Anxiety or are there Alternatives?

In addition to the holistic detox therapies provided under medical supervision at ATMC, we use a variety of holistic therapies and treatments tailored to each patient. Cognitive behavioral therapy, for example, can help a patient better understand his or her anxiety symptoms and analyze the root cause of his or her anxiety, if one exists. Some people develop anxiety disorders as a response to traumatic events while others are able to trace their unique history and find other root causes that can be authentically addressed and resolved. Cognitive behavioral therapy, nutritional therapy, neurotoxin removal, and neurotransmitter rehabilitation are some examples that can help avoid the need for potentially dangerous benzodiazepine use. We invite you to take a look at our services overview pages to find out more about the holistic protocols used at Alternative to Meds Center.

Many people who develop benzodiazepine addictions do not realize they are addicted until it is too late. They may attempt to stop taking benzos only to experience a sudden strong resurgence of anxiety symptoms, and this encourages them to start taking benzos again. A person in this situation may accidentally take too much out of panic or desire to curb symptoms as quickly as possible. Benzos can cause potentially fatal overdoses, so sudden cessation followed by large doses of benzos is an extremely dangerous pattern.

Download Our Alternatives to Benzodiazepines eBook

Finding Benzo Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepine medications may be effective at treating anxiety symptoms in the short term, but they are risky for long-term use. A person taking benzos should only do so for relief from acute symptoms and look for additional treatments to address the underlying cause of his or her anxiety symptoms. ATMC does not believe in replacing one addiction with another. We use various holistic treatments to help patients on their recovery journeys, and we understand the severity of benzodiazepine addiction, as well as the severity of ruinous mental health symptoms. Considering the extreme risks presented by benzodiazepine medications, anyone taking them should expect to stop at some point in the near future, and alternative treatments can help make the transition off of benzos much easier. We hope this information has helped answer whether benzodiazepines are necessary to treat anxiety. Please reach out to us for more help and assistance.

What benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety?

Benzodiazepines most commonly used to treat anxiety disorders are clonazepam (Rivotril)*, alprazolam (Xanax) and lorazepam (Ativan). Also used are bromazepam (Lectopam), oxazepam (Serax), chlordiazepoxide (once marketed as Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene) and diazepam (Valium).

What anti

Fluoxetine (Prozac®).
Escitalopram (Lexapro®).
Citalopram (Celexa®).
Paroxetine (Paxil®).
Sertraline (Zoloft®).

What are the 3 types of Benzos?

There are three types of benzodiazepines: long, intermediate and short-acting. Short-acting benzodiazepines have stronger withdrawal or 'come down' effects and can be more addictive than long-acting ones.

What is the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepine?

The most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines were lorazepam (n = 5057; 51 %;), clonazepam (n = 2007; 20 %), diazepam (n = 1372; 14 %), and alprazolam (n = 1371; 14 %).


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