What is a systematic grouping of individuals which has been brought together to accomplish a goal?

Presentation on theme: "Objectives To obtain knowledge concerning the various organizational structures associated with business. To gain an understanding of each type of organizational."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives To obtain knowledge concerning the various organizational structures associated with business. To gain an understanding of each type of organizational structure. To learn the advantages and disadvantages of various organizational structures.

3 Main Menu Introduction to Organizational Structures
Organizational Details Affecting Structure Ways to Divide Work Basic Business Structures

4 Introduction to Organizational Structures

5 What is an Organization?
An organization is a systematic grouping of individuals brought together to accomplish a goal examples include: businesses and companies school and club organizations nonprofit or religious affiliations

6 Common Characteristics of Organizations
Each organization has: a purpose employees or members a systematic structure

7 Organization Purpose & Employees
goal set of objectives for the organization to accomplish An organization’s employees or members are the driving force in accomplishing a purpose; therefore good employee management and organizational structure is essential

8 Systematic Structures of an Organization
Define the various roles of members Set limits on employee work behavior Create rules and regulations Vary widely from organization to organization Adapt to the environment in which an organization is located

9 Organizational Levels
Most organizations can be divided into four basic levels:

10 Operative Employees Make up the base level of the pyramid
Produce an organization’s goods and services Generally do not manage or oversee the work of other employees examples include: salesperson in a retail store teller at a bank assembly line worker

11 Supervisors Are a part of an organization’s management team
Oversee the work of operative employees Are considered first-level managers examples include: assistant manager department chair head coach shift supervisor

12 Middle Managers Are employees who manage other managers
Are responsible for establishing and achieving the goals of a specific department or region set by top management examples include: director of marketing region manager high school principal vice president of a department

13 Top Management Sets an organization’s goals and objectives
Develops methods for achieving goals and objectives Is the head of the organization examples include: chief executive officer president chairman of the board senior vice-president

14 The Management Process
Can be formed and carried out by upper management positions through this systematic division of individuals

15 The Management Process
Refers to accomplishing goals and objectives effectively and efficiently Involves using resources competently Always has an end goal of achievement Is accomplished through a specific organizational structure

16 Organizational Structures
Arrange and group jobs based on specific tasks in order to enhance efficiency Increase the effectiveness of internal communication and reporting Help with conflict management Establish a chain of command Can be formal or informal

17 Informal Structures Are laid-back and undefined
Involve employees completing tasks which may not always fit their job description Are normally found in smaller businesses with fewer employees Allow for social interactions and preferences

18 Formal Structures Are clearly defined and organized
Can be found in any business large or small Can be charted or described visually Include specific organizational details such as: work specialization span of control chain of command authority

19 Introduction to Organizational Structures
Assessment Introduction to Organizational Structures

20 Assessment 1. Which of the following is an example of an organization?
A. An international corporation B. A private school C. A group of friends D. A community non-profit affiliation 2. Which of the following is an example of an operative employee? A. Regional manager B. Head coach C. Chairman of the board D. Assembly line worker

21 Assessment 3. Which of the following is an example of a middle manager? A. Teller at a bank B. Director of marketing C. Chief executive officer D. Salesperson in a retail store

22 Assessment 4. Which of the following is the correct order of organizational levels? A. Operative employees, supervisors, middle managers, top management B. Operative employees, middle managers, supervisors, top management C. Middle managers, operative employees, supervisors, top management D. Middle managers, supervisors, operative employees, top management

23 Assessment 5. Which of the following types of organizational structures is normally found in a smaller business with fewer employees? A. Employer-based structure B. Informal structure C. Employee-based structure D. Formal structure

24 Organizational Details Affecting Structure

25 Work Specialization Occurs when a job is broken down into a number of steps which are each completed by a different individual example of work specialization: assembly line workers Requires an individual to complete the same small task over and over again in order to contribute to a final project Can cause worker boredom, fatigue and stress Is mainly used by supervisors to design jobs

26 Span of Control Is the number of employees a supervisor can direct
Varies from supervisor to supervisor Is affected by the supervisor’s: experience skill level level of training Is directly related to: the type of job being supervised complexity of tasks rules and regulations

27 Chain of Command Is the principle in which an employee should have only one supervisor to whom he or she is responsible Decreases conflicting demands and priorities Allows easier allocation of tasks Is a formal system of employee communication

28 Authority Refers to the rights of a supervisory position to give orders Relates to one person’s position over another Can be divided into three types: line staff functional

29 Line Authority Is the most straightforward form of authority
Gives the supervisor the right to direct the work of his or her employees without consulting others Is also known as direct authority

30 Staff Authority Supports line authority
Allows others to advise, service and assist the supervisor if needed Allows for input and suggestions from additional staff members, but does not guarantee implementation

31 Functional Authority Signifies the rights over individuals outside of an individual’s specific division Breaks the chain of command Can create greater efficiency by allowing specialization of skills and improved coordination Has a major problem with overlapping authority

32 How Authority Works President Director of Operations Human Resources
Other Directors Division 1 Manager Division 2 Manager Supervisor Human Resources Other Supervisors

33 Organizational Details Affecting Structure
Assessment Organizational Details Affecting Structure

34 Assessment 1. Which of the following requires an individual to complete the same small task over and over again in order to contribute to a final project? A. Span of control B. Work specialization C. Multitasking D. Chain of command 2. Which of the following is the principle in which an employee should have only one supervisor to whom he or she is responsible? B. Authorization C. Supervision

35 Assessment 3. Which of the following types of authority gives the supervisor the right to direct the work of his or her employees without consulting others? A. Line authority B. Staff authority C. Functional authority D. Department authority 4. Which of the following types of authority allows input and suggestions from additional staff members, but does not guarantee implementation? A. Department authority D. Employer authority

36 Assessment 5. Which of the following types of authority can create problems of overlapping authority? A. Line authority B. Employer authority C. Functional authority D. Department authority

37 Ways to Divide Work

38 How Decisions are Made Centralization and decentralization
refer to the degree which decision-making authority is released to lower levels in the organization

39 Centralization Occurs when only a select few people at the top of an organization make decisions Requires additional time and research in order to present to top management Can result in uniformity of procedures Is a top-down approach to making business decisions Problem

40 Decentralization Occurs when decisions are made by the individuals who are the closest to the problem Is more conducive to making changes in a process

41 Departmentalization Is the grouping of individuals into departments based on: work functions product or service target market geographic territory process used to create products

42 Functional Departmentalization
Groups activities with similar functions by units or departments Can be used in all types of organizations Reflects the purpose of the company examples include: accounting department marketing department human resources department

43 Functional Departmentalization Example
Purchasing Manager Business Accounting Human Resources Information Systems Sales

44 Product Departmentalization
Divides the organization by the products or services it produces and then subdivides each department by its function Works well for companies with multiple product lines such as: men’s wear women’s wear accessories

45 Product Departmentalization Example
President Vice President, Women’s Wear Marketing Planning & Economics Supply & Distribution Manufacturing Men’s Wear

46 Target Market Departmentalization
Groups activities around common customer categories Uses the assumption customers in each department have a common set of problems and needs which can be met by having specialists for each May be divided by: retail customers wholesale customers government customers

47 Target Market Departmentalization Example
Government Accounts Customer Service Military Accounts Corporate Business Nonprofit

48 Geographic Departmentalization
Divides activities into segments based on location Is mainly used when an organization’s customers are spread over a large geographic area May divide employees into regions such as: Midwest district Southern territory North American sector

49 Geographic Departmentalization Example
Sales Representative, Eastern Region Vice President, Southern Central Western

50 Process Departmentalization
Group activities based on work or customer flow Provides a basis for the homogeneous categorizing of activities Groups workers into specific steps of a process such as: finger printing inmate processing booking

51 Process Departmentalization Example
Director Production Supervisor Marketing Sales

52 Departmentalization Enhances the manageability of an organization
Begins the framework for basic business structures Should correspond to the goals and tasks of an organization

53 Assessment Ways to Divide Work

54 Assessment 1. Which of the following occurs when decisions are made by the individuals who are the closest to the problem? A. Authorization B. Centralization C. Supervision D. Decentralization 2. Which of the following types of departmentalization involves grouping of individuals into departments based on different tasks? A. Product departmentalization B. Functional departmentalization C. Process departmentalization D. Target market departmentalization

55 Assessment 3. Which of the following types of departmentalization groups activities based on work or customer flow? Process departmentalization Marketing departmentalization Functional departmentalization Homogeneous departmentalization 4. A company divides employees into eastern, southern, western and central regions Which of the following describes such departmentalization? Product departmentalization Geographic departmentalization Target market departmentalization

56 Assessment 5. Which of the following types of departmentalization works well for companies with multiple product lines? A. Product departmentalization B. Marketing departmentalization C. Functional departmentalization D. Homogeneous departmentalization

57 Basic Business Structures

58 Basic Business Structures
Simple Functional Divisional Matrix Team-based Boundaryless Learning

59 Simple Structure Is a non-elaborate structure Has little formalization
Has a centralized authority Is a flat organization with only two or three levels Is widely used in smaller businesses

60 Simple Structure Advantages Disadvantages fast flexible inexpensive
accountability is clear Disadvantages effective only in small organizations has few policies and rules to guide operations can have too much decision-making power at the top level

61 Functional Structure Is an expansion of functional departmentalization
Groups employees with similar and related occupational specialties Is used as a framework for an entire company

62 Functional Structure Advantages Disadvantages
productivity and work specialization job satisfaction minimizes duplication Disadvantages loses sight of employee interests in pursuit of goals individuals may become isolated and have little understanding of what people in other functions are doing

63 Divisional Structure Is composed of self-contained units or divisions
Builds on product departmentalization Creates divisions which are self-sufficient within given limits Constructs divisions which are run by division managers or supervisors

64 Divisional Structure Advantages Disadvantages focuses on results
division managers have full responsibility for products and services frees headquarter staff from being concerned with everyday activities Disadvantages duplication of activities and resources can increase costs can reduce efficiency

65 Matrix Organization Combines the elements of functional and product-based departmentalization creating a dual chain of command Employees have at least two bosses Authority is shared between two supervisors Involves regular communication

66 Matrix Organization Advantage Disadvantage
can facilitate the coordination of multiple projects Disadvantage confusion associated with chain-of-command which can cause conflict

67 Matrix Chart Organizer
Project 1 Project 2 Design Production Sales Accounting Group

68 Team-based Structure Consists entirely of work groups and teams which perform an organization’s work Allows team members to have authority to make the decisions which will affect them Has no chain-of-command

69 Team-based Structure Advantages Disadvantages
allows organizations to listen to the customer gives many different perspectives from various team members Disadvantages the chain of command is not defined which can cause conflict authority is based within the team

70 Boundaryless Organization
Is not defined or limited by boundaries or categories imposed by a traditional structure Blurs boundaries surrounding an organization by increasing its interdependence with its environment Cuts across all aspects of an organization Attempts to eliminate vertical, horizontal and inter-organizational barriers Groups employees to accomplish one common task

71 Learning Organizations
Have developed a capacity to continuously adapt and change because members take an active role in identifying and resolving work-place issues employees must collaborate on work activities throughout the organization and have a team oriented work ethic

72 Selecting a Structure Consider the following:
size of the business or organization business purpose intended outcomes and productivity levels worker skills and responsibilities

73 Organizations Should: be flexible
evaluate the structure of their organization avoid frequent restructuring as it causes employee confusion and poor morale communicate structural expectations to others publish an organizational chart provide employee training conduct employee interviews

74 Basic Business Structures
Assessment Basic Business Structures

75 Assessment 1. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of a simple structure? It only works well in small organizations. It allows too much power at the top level. It has few policies and rules to guide operations. It usually costs a lot of money. 2. Authority is shared between two supervisors in which of the following types of business structures ? Matrix organization Divisional structure Employee-based structure Customer-based structure

76 Assessment 3. Which of the following types of business structures consists entirely of work groups and teams which perform an organization’s work? Productivity structure Divisional structure Employee-based structure Team-based structure 4. Which of the following is NOT one of the considerations when selecting a business structure? Size of the business or organization Worker skills and responsibilities Business purpose Customers’ demographics

77 Assessment 5. Which of the following is an advantage of a divisional structure? A. It often increases efficiency. B. It frees headquarter staff from being concerned with everyday activities. C. It helps reduce costs. D. It can create duplication of activities and resources.

78 Assessment

79 Assessment A(n) ____________ is a systematic grouping of individuals which has been brought together to accomplish a goal. Informal structure Organization Concord Affiliation An organization’s products and services are the driving force in accomplishing its purpose. True False

80 Assessment Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic organizational levels? Supervisors Middle managers Top management Lower managers __________ structures are laid-back and undefined. Matrix Learning Informal Staff

81 Assessment __________ is the principle in which an employee should have only one supervisor to whom he or she is responsible. Chain of command Span of control Work specialization Supervision An assembly line is an example of __________.

82 Assessment __________ is the grouping of individuals into departments.
Centralization Decentralization Centralmentalization Departmentalization Simple structures are flexible and inexpensive, but are often only effective in small organizations. True False

83 Assessment A __________ structure is composed of self-contained units or divisions. Simple Divisional Matrix Learning A __________ organization structure combines the elements of functional and product-based departmentalization.

84 Resources (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2008, from U.S. Small Business Administration: ( ). Retrieved October 3, 2008, from AllBusiness: Guide to Organizational Charting. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2008, from OrgChart.Net: Management. (2008). Retrieved October 2, 2008, from About.Com:

85 Acknowledgements Production Coordinator: Technical Writer:
Megan O’Quinn & Amy Hogan Technical Writer: Jessica Odom Brand Manager: Megan O’Quinn Production Manager: Dusty Moore Project Coordinator: Maggie Bigham Executive Producers: Gordon Davis, Ph.D., Jeff Lansdell Graphic Designer: Ann Adams © MMXIV CEV Multimedia, Ltd.

Is a systematic grouping of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose?

An organization is a systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose.

What structure is composed of self contained units or divisions?

Functional organization groups people with comparable skills and tasks; divisional organization creates a structure composed of self-contained units based on product, customer, process, or geographical division.

Which organization structure combines the elements of functional and product based departmentalization?

A Combined Approach Matrix departmentalization combines the organizational structures of product and functional departmentalization by using parallel management structures, reports management consultancy McKinsey and Company.

What is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization?

Organizational Structure - the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. Organizational design provides a framework of how a group of people gets the job done.


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