What is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline quizlet?

  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Abnormal Psychology

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Terms in this set (41)

Which does dialectical behavior therapy NOT emphasize?

A. mindfulness meditation (Zen technique involving observing one's emotions)
B. the use of antipsychotic meds in an outpatient setting
C. social skills training
D. client-therapist relationship

B. use of antipsychotic meds in an outpatient setting

Sarah respects none of society's boundaries and is insensitive to other people, frequently violating their rights. She does not consider the consequences of her actions. she MOST probably experiences:

A. histrionic personality disorder
B. schizoid personality disorder
C. schizotypal personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder

D. antisocial personality disorder

About _____ of people regularly check their reflections in store windows or similar mirrors.

A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 10%
D. 20%

D. 20%

the absence of parental love results in emotional detachment and the use of power to form relationships. this is most like a _____ explanation of the development of antisocial personality disorder.

A. psychodynamic
B. biological
C. behavioral
D. cognitive

A. psychodynamic

What is common reason for hospitalization of people w/ borderline personality disorder?

A. they are so afraid of leaving their homes that they suffer social paralysis
B. they may attempt suicide or otherwise hurt themselves
C. they voluntarily ask for hospitalization, out of desperation
D. they finally cannot care for themselves

B. they may attempt suicide or otherwise hurt themselves

"there's nothing out there for me. I can't stand other people, and I can't stand myself, either. I'm just really mad right now." such as statement would most likely be made by someone w/ which personality disorder?

A. barcassistic
B. borderline
C. antisocial
D. paranoid

B. borderline

A client has enlarged brain ventricles and a measurable loss of gray matter. These symptoms are:

A. biological, and the most likely diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder
B. biological, and is mostly likely antisocial personality disorder
C. psychoneuroimmunological, and the most likely diagnosis is antisocial personality disorder
D. psychoneuroimmunological, and most likely diagnosis is schizotypal personality disorder

A. biological, and the most likely diagnosis is schizotypal personality disorder

A young boy's parents constantly tell him to "Be a man!" whenever he is in conflict with friends. In turn, his parents themselves often act aggressively toward each other and toward him. The theorist who would BEST be able to explain an adult diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder for this boy would be a _____ theorist.

A. biological
B. cognitive
C. behavioral
D. psychodynamic

C. behavioral

the lack of multicultural research is of special concern w/ regard to:

A. paranoid personality disorder
B. antisocial personality disorder
C. obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. borderline personality disorder

D. borderline personality disorder

The disorder that appears to be MOST closely related to the schizotypal personality disorder is:

A. schizophrenia
C. narcissistic personality disorder
D. anxiety

A. schizophrenia

"comorbidity" describes a situation in which:

A. two disorders occur together in an individual
B. appearance of one disorder implies the disappearance of the one that preceded it
C. one disorder develops into another
D. one disorder automatically implies the other

A. two disorders occur together in an individual

some researchers note that majority of those diagnosed w/ borderline personality disorder are female and that many of these women experienced emotional trauma, victimization, violence, and various forms of abuse as children. as a result, these researchers view the disorder as a special form of:

B. postpartum psychosis
C. anxiety disorder


The category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of:

A. anxiety and fearfulness
B. extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and perceptual paculiarities
C. being highly dramatic, emotional, or erratic
D. inflexibility and total loss of contact w/ reality

B. extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and perceptual peculiarities

"it is clear that very demanding parents caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." this statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which theoretical perspective?

A. psychodynamic
B. cognitive
C. sociocultural
D. behavioral

A. psychodynamic

research has found that borderline personality disorder is more common among:

A. white americans
B. african americans
C. hispanic americans
D. asian americans

C. hispanic americans

cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 15:

A. may be best diagnosed as antisocial personality disorder
B. predict later antisocial disorder w/ virtual certainty
C. seem unrelated to antisocial personality disorder
D. are characteristic of those later diagnosed w/ antisocial personality disorder

D. are characteristics of those later diagnosed w/ antisocial personality disorder

assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed w/ antisocial personality disorder shows that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when they lie or "con" others. this outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position?

A. cognitive
B. psychodynamic
C. behavioral
D. biological

D. biological

One similarity of those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they tend:

A. not to have close ties w/ others
B. to distrust others
C. not to score well on typical IQ tests
D. to be described by others as arrogant and angry

A. not to have close ties to others

When the seat belt light in DiDi's car stays on for a few extra seconds, she bursts into tears. She always craves attention and reacts to even the smallest event with an elaborate show of emotion. She probably could receive a diagnosis of:

A. narcissistic personality disorder
B. antisocial personality disorder
C. obsessive personality disorder
D. histrionic personality disorder

D. histrionic personality disorder

Which statement is NOT generally true of those w/ antisocial personality disorder?

A. they lie frequently
B. they are careless w/ money and often do not pay their debts
C. they care for no one's safety, except theirs and their childrens
D. they have little regard for their own safety or the safety of others

C. they care for no one's safety, except theirs and their childrens

personality disorders are most likely to be diagnosed among:

A. the wealthy
B. males
C. racial/ethnic minorities
D. those unemployed

B. males

the strong relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse means that:

A. if individuals stop abusing substances, their antisocial personality disorder will be cured
B. substance abuse causes individuals to develop antisocial personality disorder
C. there are high rates of substance abuse among those w/ antisocial personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder causes individuals to abuse substances

C. there are high rates of substance abuse among those w/ antisocial personality disorder

people w/ avoidant personality disorder have difficulty _____ relationships, while people w/ dependent personality disorder have difficulty _____ relationships.

A. seeking; initiating
B. ending; beginning
C. initiating; ending
D. ending; initiating

C. initiating; ending

Some multicultural theorists believe that borderline personality disorder is actually a reaction to persistent feelings of marginality, powerlessness, and social failure. If they are correct, then the disorder is a result of:

A. social inequalities
B. childhood abuse
C. psychological factors
D. biological factors

A. social inequalities

in future editions of the DSM change to a dimensional approach in the diagnosis of personality disorders, clinicians will have to:

A. observe the criteria for diagnoses directly
B. not do anything differently than they are doing now in diagnosing personality disorders
C. rate the degree of dysfunction caused by each person's traits in diagnosing personality disorders
D. utilize categories vs a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders

C. rate the degree of dysfunctioning caused by each person's traits in diagnosing personality disorders

A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives?

A. it might work, but only if the client is nonsuicidal
B. yes; drugs alone work at least as well as drugs plus psychotherapy and are less expensive
C. no; drugs should be used along w/ psychotherapy, if used at all
D. yes; drugs alone work at least as well as drugs plus psychotherapy but are expensive

C. no; drugs should be used along w/ psychotherapy, if used at all

"beetlemania" gripped the U.S. in the 1960s when the british rock group The Beatles performed; adoring fans screamed, sometimes fainted, and shouted exaggerated, emotional praise at the group. these behaviors MOST closely resemble the characteristics of:

A. histrionic personality disorder
B. schizoid personality disorder
C. narcissistic personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder

A. histrionic personality disorder

if you wanted to write a book about a fictional character who is "typical" example of antisocial personality disorder, you might have the character exhibit all of the following EXCEPT:

A. persistent violation of others' rights
B. incessant lying
C. lack of conscience after committing crimes
D. periods of very high anxiety

D. periods of very high anxiety

cognitive therapy for avoidant personality disorder focuses on:

A. helping patients uncover the origins of their symptoms and resolve the unconscious conflicts that may be operating
B. increasing the client's tolerance of emotional discomfort and building up his or her self-image
C. providing practice in social behaviors in a group setting
D. providing social skills training and exposure treatment that requires clients to gradually increase their social contacts

B. increasing the clients tolerance of emotional discomfort and building up his or her self-image

behavioral and cognitive theorists propose that people who develop narcissistic personality disorder may have been treated:

A. either too positively or too negatively in early life
B. too negatively in early life
C. too positively early in life
D. ambiguously and neglectfully early in life

C. too positively in early life

a belief that the news anchor on CNN is giving one important messages about ones behavior reflects:

A. ideas of reference
B. passive-aggressive disorder
C. backward masking
D. bodily illusions

A. ideas of reference

according to a current search, if a person living in the U.S. is distrustful of both lawyers and congressional members, that type of person is:

A. uncommon; great distrust of congressional members but not great distrust of lawyers defines those w/ paranoid personality disorder
B. common; most people in the U.S. distrust both lawyers and congressional members
C. rare; such distrust defines those w/ schizotypal personality disorder
D. rare; such distrust defines those w/ paranoid personality disorder

B. common; most people in the U.S. distrust both lawyers and congressional members

schizotypal personality disorders differ from other "odd" personality disorder in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

A. intellectual disorders
B. stress disorders
C. anxiety disorders
D. mood disorders

D. mood disorders

"group therapy is a good option for those w/ dependent personality disorder; they'll be able to observe others' coping skills and model them." this statement would MOST likely be made by a therapist having which theoretical perspective?

A. behavioral
B. sociocultural
C. psychodynamic
D. biological

A. behavioral

One especially good reason to use a form of group therapy in the treatment of dependent personality disorder is that:

A. the therapist can still control the group, because the participants are so dependent
B. group members tend to see the role as patients as inferior when in treatment individually
C. group members can model appropriate behaviors and expression of feelings to one another
D. group members will see how maladaptive the dependent behavior is when they observe it in the other group members

C. group members can model appropriate behaviors and expression of feelings to one another

Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with:

A. borderline personality disorder
B. dependent personality disorder
C. narcissitic personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder

A. borderline personality disorder

A group of diagnostic clinicians can't agree with each other on appropriate personality disorder diagnoses for several clients. In fact, it is obvious that, in many cases, they have inaccurately made their diagnoses. Assuming they are competent clinicians, this situation would indicate the DSM-5 categories for personality disorder are:

A. reliable, but not valid
B. neither reliable nor valid
C. both reliable and valid
D. not reliable, but valid

B. neither reliable nor valid

with the help of a therapist, a client w/ obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. the client's behavior is:

A. common; most w/ obsessive-compulsive personality disorder seek help, and this person is most likely receiving psychodynamic therapy
B. uncommon; most w/ OC personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving psychodynamic therapy
C. uncommon; most w/ OC personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy
D. common; most w/ OC personality disorder seek help, and person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

C. uncommon; most w/ OC personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

the theorist who describes schizoid personality disorder as developing from coping w/ parental rejection by avoiding relationships represents the:

A. behavioral perspective
B. existential perspective
C. cognitive perspective
D. psychodynamic perspective

D. psychodynamic perspective

A client is initially very resistant to therapy, cannot acknowledge weaknesses, and ignores feedback. MOST likely, the client is experiencing:

A. schizoid personality disorder and will not make much progress in therapy
B. schizoid personality disorder and will make a great deal of progress in therapy
C. narcissistic personality disorder and will not make much progress in therapy
D. narcissistic personality disorder and will make a great deal of progress in therpay

C. narcissistic personality disorder and will not make much progress in therapy

Which would a phrenologist MOST likely have done?

A. assessed personality by feeling for bumps and indentations on the head
B. criticized the validity and reliability of personality disorders in DSM
C. treated personality disorders using didactic behavioral therapy
D. argues that personality disorders should not be categorized according to symptoms

A. assessed personality by feeling for bumps and indentations on the head

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What is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline?

Other common problems that affect people with BPD include getting other mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, substance abuse, eating disorders, and other psychiatric conditions. The person may have repeated hospitalizations due to repeated suicide attempts, self-mutilation, and disruptive behaviors.

What is the most significant thing about borderline personality disorder?

With borderline personality disorder, you have an intense fear of abandonment or instability, and you may have difficulty tolerating being alone. Yet inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you want to have loving and lasting relationships.

Why is it difficult to live with borderline personality?

People living with BPD often have an intense fear of instability and abandonment. As a result, they have problems being alone. The condition is also known for anger, mood swings, and impulsiveness. These qualities can dissuade people from being around someone with BPD.

How does borderline personality disorder affect everyday life?

People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense mood swings and feel uncertainty about how they see themselves. Their feelings for others can change quickly, and swing from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. These changing feelings can lead to unstable relationships and emotional pain.


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