What command can you use to determine if a network service is listening on the correct port number

Windows 7 Troubleshooting and Performance Tools

Jorge Orchilles, in Microsoft Windows 7 Administrator's Reference, 2010

Listening Ports

The Listening Ports section of the Network tab gives you information about the services and processes on your system that are waiting to service network requests. These services are listening on either a TCP or a User Datagram Protocol (udp) port. This section shows process name, process ID, listening address, port, protocol, and firewall status.

The Listening Ports section of the Network tab can come in very handy. It can tell you what ports a given service is listening on. This is very useful if you are trying to figure out why a given service is not accepting requests. It can also help you resolve port conflicts. You may be trying to configure a service to start on a particular port, but you keep receiving a message about the port being in use. You can use the Listening Ports section to determine what service may be using the port you are trying to configure the new service with.

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Analysis of a Suspect Program

James M. Aquilina, in Malware Forensics, 2008

Examining Network Connections and Open Ports

In addition to examining the details relating to our suspect process, we'll also want to look at any established network connections and listening ports on the infected system. The information gained in the process will serve as a good guide for a number of items of investigative interest about our malicious code specimen. In particular, we'll gain some insight into the network protocols being used by the program, which may help to identify the purpose or requirements of the program and additionally serves as a good reference of what to look for in the network traffic capture. Further, the information gathered can be corroborated with data we've already collected, such as the network related system calls discovered with strace.

We can get an overview of the open network connections, including the local port, remote system address and port, and network state for each connection using the netstat-an command. Similarly, using –anp switches, the output will also display the associated process and pid responsible for opening the respective network sockets, as shown in Figure 10.23.

Figure 10.23. - Examining Network Connections and Open Ports with Netstat

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Linux Malware Incident Response

Cameron Malin, ... James Aquilina, in Linux Malware Incident Response, 2013

Correlate Open Ports with Running Processes and Programs

In addition to identifying the open ports and running processes on a subject system, determine the executable program that initiated a suspicious established connection or listening port, and determine where that program resides on the system.

Examining open ports apart from active network connections is often inextricably intertwined with discoveries made during inspection of running processes on a subject system.

When examining active ports on a subject system, gather the following information, if available:

Local IP address and port

Remote IP address and port

Remote host name


State of connection

Process name and PID

Executable program associated with process

Executable program path

Username associated with process/program.

Process-to-port correlation can be conducted by querying a subject system with a conjunction of the netstat, lsof, and fuser commands. For instance, consider a system that is observed to have unusual activity associated with UDP port 60556 and there is a need to determine whether this is due to malware on the system.

Fig. 1.44 shows the fuser command being used to determine that a process with PID 15096 (running under the “victim” user account) is bound to UDP port 60556. Fig. 1.45 also shows the name of the process “httpd” that is bound to UDP ports 60556 and 37611 using the netstat -anp command.

Figure 1.44. Determining which process (and associated user) is listening on a specific port using the fuser -u command.

Figure 1.45. Determining which process is listening on a specific port using the netstat -anp command.

Ultimately, the executable that is associated with this suspicious process can be found using the lsof command as shown in Fig. 1.46. This output reveals that the malware named httpd is running in the/tmp/me directory.

Figure 1.46. Files and sockets being used by the httpd process (EnergyMec bot) displayed using the lsof command.

In addition to providing information about open ports, the fuser command can show which processes are accessing a particular file or directory. Fig. 1.47 shows all processes that have the “/tmp/me” directory, suggesting that they are suspicious and require additional inspection.

Figure 1.47. Determining which processes (and associated user) are accessing a specific directory (/tmp/me) using the fuser -u command.

Investigative Consideration

Some rootkits do not listen on a specific port but instead monitor connections to any legitimate service that is already running on the compromised system and wait for a specific pattern of network connections, such as a particular source port or a sequential access to several ports (a.k.a. port knocking). When the expected pattern is observed, the rootkit activates backdoor access. In this way, such rootkits make it difficult to distinguish between unauthorized backdoor activities from legitimate connections to a service on the compromised computer.

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Mitigating Network Vulnerabilities

Thomas W. Shinder, ... Debra Littlejohn Shinder, in Windows Server 2012 Security from End to Edge and Beyond, 2013

Creating Custom Log Files

You can also create two types of custom log files that can be helpful in troubleshooting WFAS:

Network Statistics file: displays network statistics, listing all listening ports.

Task List file: lets you view the task lists of programs and services and provides the event PID (which you can then find in the Network Statistics file).

Here is how you create these two custom files:


At the command prompt, type netstat -ano > netstat.txt, and then press ENTER.


At the command prompt, type tasklist > tasklist.txt and then press ENTER or (to create a task list for services, type tasklist /svc > tasklist.txt).


Open the tasklist.txt and the netstat.txt files in a text editor such as Notepad.


In the tasklist.txt file, record the Process Identifier (PID) for the process you are troubleshooting and then compare the PID with the one in the Netstat.txt file. Also record the protocol that is used. This information can be useful when you review the information in the firewall log file.

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ISA 2004 Stateful Inspection and Application Layer Filtering

Dr.Thomas W. Shinder, Debra Littlejohn Shinder, in Dr. Tom Shinder's Configuring ISA Server 2004, 2005

Scanning and Spoofing

The term scanner, in the context of network security, refers to a software program that is used by hackers to remotely determine what TCP/UDP ports are open on a given system, and thus vulnerable to attack. Scanners are also used by administrators to detect vulnerabilities in their own systems in order to correct them before an intruder finds them. Network diagnostic tools such as the famous Security Administrator's Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN), a UNIX utility, include sophisticated port scanning capabilities.

A good scanning program can locate a target computer on the Internet (one that is vulnerable to attack), determine what TCP/IP services are running on the machine, and probe those services for security weaknesses.


A common saying among hackers is: “A good port scanner is worth a thousand passwords.”

Many scanning programs are available as freeware on the Internet. An excellent resource for information about the history of scanning, how scanners work, and some popular scanning programs can be found at www.ladysharrow.ndirect.co.uk/Maximum%20Security/scanners.htm.

Port Scan

Port scanning refers to a means of locating “listening” TCP or UDP ports on a computer or router, and obtaining as much information as possible about the device from the listening ports. TCP and UDP services and applications use a number of well-known ports, which are widely published. The hacker uses his knowledge of these commonly used ports to extrapolate information.

For example, Telnet normally uses port 23. If the hacker finds that port open and listening, he knows that Telnet is probably enabled on the machine. He can then try to infiltrate the system; for example, by guessing the appropriate password in a brute-force attack.

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Security for mobile edge cloud

Simon Hanisch, ... Thorsten Strufe, in Computing in Communication Networks, 2020

23.5.2 Tunnel network

In the second exercise, we showcase how to set up Wireguard with multiple peers and a configuration file using

to automate the process. Inside the secure-tunnel-2.py file, there are four hosts: center, client1, client2, and client3. We want client1, client2, and client3 to establish a Wireguard tunnel to center.

The generation of the key pairs is already done, and the respective keys are stored in files on the hosts. We now can write a configuration file for each of the hosts that sets up the Wireguard interface. The configuration files are stored in /etc/wireguard and follow the naming scheme INTERFACE_NAME.conf. For example, for the wg0 interface, we get /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf.

The first part of the configuration describes the interface and can only appear once in the configuration. To replicate our setup from exercise 1, we need to specify the internal tunnel address, the listening port, and the private key of the interface. Additional options allow specifying DNS server and network configurations. Wireguard will also create its own routing table for the interface, which can be disabled via the options. All options can be found in the manpage of


The second part of the configuration specifies the peers of the interface. There can be multiple peers per interface, and all that is required to specify is the public key and the AllowedIPs. The endpoint is optional, but at least one side of the tunnel must specify one. The AllowedIPs specify which IPs are allowed to traverse the tunnel and are used to determine which peer is the recipient of a packet. Just like regular routing Wireguard looks up the shortest prefix match of its peers to decide which peer should receive the packet. This requires the AllowedIPs prefixes to be unique per peer, and hence you cannot have two peers with the same AllowedIPs.

With a complete configuration in hand, the creation of the interface boils down to calling

. The interested reader can now write a single configuration file for each host and check if all they can reach center via their tunnels.

An additional benefit of interface configurations is that the creation of a Wireguard interface can be triggered on system boot by using the systemd service as

(note that this does not work in the ComNetsEmu containers).

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Base Network Security

Kenneth Tam, ... Josh More, in UTM Security with Fortinet, 2013

Port Forwarding Tunnel Mode

The port forwarding tunnel mode is used to communicate on specific ports without having to install or run a client.

Port Forwarding Tunnel Mode Highlights:

This function only works when accessing the web portal via the web mode SSL VPN.

This method may be configured in the Bookmark widget or dynamically launched via the Connection Tool widget.

Upon launching the port forwarding mode, a java applet is downloaded to the end user’s machine and generate a local listening port. Applications can then communicate on this port and the traffic can be proxied through the SSL VPN connection.

Only supports static TCP ports.

Syntax for the port forwarding configuration in both Connection Tool and Bookmark widgets:

config vpn ssl web portal

 edit <ssl vpn portal name>

  config widget

   // enabling the ability within the Connection Tool widget

   edit 1

    set type tool

    set name “My Connection Tool”

    set allow-apps portforward


   // predefining a bookmark within the bookmark widget

   edit 2

    set type bookmark

    set name “My bookmarks”

    edit <name of bookmark>

    set apptype portforward

    set host <host IP address to portward trafic to>

    set remote-port <host listening port>

    set listening-port <local ssl vpn user listening port>






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Network Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Derrick Rountree, in Windows 2012 Server Network Security, 2013

Resource Monitor Network Tab

The Resource Monitor Network Tab, as seen in Figure 6.13, gives information on network activity on the system. You can view network usage information, connection information, and port information. In the right pane, you can see total network usage, number of TCP connections, local LAN usage, and wireless network usage. This can help you figure out if a network bottleneck is occurring on a specific network or all networks.

Figure 6.13. Resource Monitor—Network Tab

The Resource Monitor Network Tab provides detailed information on what’s happening with your network connections. You can use this information to troubleshoot connection issues or port conflicts. The Resource Monitor Network Tab has four sections—Processes with Network Activity, Network Activity, TCP Connections, and Listening Ports:

Processes with Network Activity: The Processes with Network Activity section of the Network Tab gives general network activity information. You can see the processes that are running, process ID, bytes sent, bytes received, and total bytes. This can help you determine if a process is generating excess network activity.

Network Activity: The Network Activity section provides the same information that’s found in the Network section of the Overview tab. You can see process name, process ID, remote address, sent bytes, received bytes, and total bytes. You can use this information to determine what remote systems your system is communicating with, and how much data is being sent between the two systems.

TCP Connections: The TCP Connections section of the Network Tab shows active TCP connections. You can see what remote systems you are connected to and what TCP ports are being used. This section shows process name, process ID, local address and port, remote address and port, packet loss, and latency. The information in this section can help troubleshoot dropped connections, which are often a result of high latency and/or packet loss.

Listening Ports: The Listening Ports section of the Network tab gives you information about the services and processes on your system that are waiting to service network requests. These services are listening on either a TCP or a UDP port. This section shows process name, process ID, listening address, port, protocol, and firewall status. The Listening Port section of the Network tab can come in very handy. It can tell you what ports a given service is listening on. This is very useful if you are trying to figure out why a given service is not accepting requests. It can also help you resolve port conflicts. You may be trying to configure a service to start on a particular port, but keep getting a message about the port being in use. You can use the Listening Ports section to determine what service may be using the port you are trying to configure the new service with.

The Network tab supports the filtering option that allows you to filter based on a specific process. Simply check the box next to the desired process in the Processes with Network Activity section. The Network tab also includes the Search online feature to help make monitoring and troubleshooting easier. Simply right-click on the desired process and select Search online.

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Network Tools and Utilities

Derrick Rountree, in Windows 2012 Server Network Security, 2013


Netstat is used to show protocol information and current connection information. You can use netstat to view which systems your system currently has a connection with. If you see a connection that you do not expect, there may be an issue. Also, if you see more open sockets than you expect, your system may be the target of a TCP SYN attack:

-a This option displays all current connections and listening ports.

-b This option displays the executable associated with a listening port.

-e This option is used to show Ethernet statistics.

-f This option displays the FQDN for foreign addresses.

-n This option displays IP addresses and ports in numeric format.

-o This option displays the process ID associated with each connection.

-p This option only displays connections for the specified protocol.

-r This option displays the routing table for the system.

-s This option displays per protocol statistics.

-t This option displays the current connection offload state.

-x This option displays NetworkDirect connections, listeners, and shared endpoints.

-y This options displays the TCP connection template for all connections.

Interval: This option displays the current statistics, pausing for a given interval between displays.

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Analysis of a Malware Specimen

Cameron H. Malin, ... James M. Aquilina, in Malware Forensics Field Guide for Linux Systems, 2014

Port and Vulnerability Scanning the Compromised Host: “Virtual Penetration Testing”

▸ In addition to exploring the functionality of a malicious code specimen to assess the threat the program poses to the victim system, there are additional steps the digital investigator can take to explore the impact resulting to the system as of result executing the specimen.

First, a port scan can be conducted (from a different system) against the infected system to identify open/listening ports, using a utility such as nmap.109 To gain any insight in this regard, it is important to know the open/listening ports on the baseline instance of the system, making it easier to decipher which ports were potentially opened as a result of launching the suspect program.

Similarly, vulnerabilities created on the system by the malware can potentially be identified by probing the system with vulnerability assessment tools such as OpenVAS110 or Nessus.111

The digital investigator would typically not want to conduct a port or vulnerability scan of the infected host during the course of monitoring the system because the scans will manifest artifacts in the network traffic and NIDS alert logs, in turn, tainting the results of the monitoring. In particular the scans would make any network activity resulting from the specimen indecipherable or blended with the scan traffic.

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Which command is used to check whether the port is listening?

The netstat command shows the services listening to ports on a Linux server and the details of any connections currently made to them.

How do you check ports are listening in Linux?

To check the listening ports and applications on Linux:.
Open a terminal application i.e. shell prompt..
Run any one of the following command on Linux to see open ports: $ sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN. $ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN. ... .
For the latest version of Linux use the ss command. For example, ss -tulw..

How do I check if a port is running?

You can use "netstat" to check whether a port is available or not. Use the netstat -anp | find "port number" command to find whether a port is occupied by an another process or not. If it is occupied by an another process, it will show the process id of that process.

How do you check if a port is open on your network?

Answer: Open the Run command and type cmd to open the command prompt. Type: “netstat –na” and hit enter. Find port 445 under the Local Address and check the State. If it says Listening, your port is open.


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