What are the differences and similarities in the approaches of the quality gurus?


The concept of “quality” has evolved to mean far more than the integrity of a manufactured product. Quality now represents a philosophy, a system of methodologies and practices, and an ongoing commitment to business excellence that encompasses all issues and engages all individuals within an organization.

Total quality management (TQM) - is an approach to serving customers that involves totally reengineering processes and systems to improve products and services in the way customers expect while considering the needs of employees and relationships with suppliers.

Those who begin to learn about quality become familiar with the names of Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, and Joseph M. Juran, Ishikawa, Feigenbaum, Shigeo Shingo etc - renowned quality experts who have been carrying forth the message of quality for many years.

History & Background

The use of inspection to assure conformity to specific requirements dates back to the middle Ages. For instance, Craft Guilds established standards to differentiate their goods and safeguard the reputation of their trade. Skilled craftsmen performed inspection and remedies were made right at the workbench. And through the early years of low-volume manufacturing, informal inspection of products and arbitrary review of worker output sufficed. However, as organizations and production yields became larger during the Industrial Revolution, the need for “quality control” through more effective operations became evident.

The TQM approach began as a means of repairing the damage Japan suffered post-World War II. In the 1920s, Dr. Walter Shewhart introduced quality control as a proactive function rooted in process, rather than relying strictly on reactive measures resulting from inspection. Applying statistical theory to the management of quality, he developed the first modern control chart and demonstrated that eliminating variation in the process leads to a good standard of end products.

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What is the similarities of all the gurus in quality management?

3). The quality Gurus all strived for the enhancement of quality of their products. Theyall wanted to achieve total quality, but had different approaches that actually in the end achieveda quality product.

What are the different views of quality gurus?

The Four Absolutes of Quality Management: Quality is conformance to requirements. Quality prevention is preferable to quality inspection. Zero defects is the quality performance standard. Quality is measured in monetary terms – the price of non-conformance.

What three things does each quality gurus have in their points of their system?

Key points of Juran's approach to quality improvement: Create awareness of the need for quality improvement. Make quality improvement everyone's job. Create infrastructure for quality improvement.

What are the three quality gurus who created the 7 quality tools?

Top Quality Gurus.
Dr. Walter Shewhart. ... .
Dr. W. ... .
Dr. Joseph M. ... .
Armand V. Feigenbaum. ... .
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa. ... .
Dr. Genichi Taguchi. ... .
Shigeo Shingo. ... .
Philip B..


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