Was ist die bedeutung von anti

Giffords joined filmmakers Betsy West and Julie Cohen on the stage to discuss the need for anti gun violence prevention, including Congressional action.

  • But, as Patsky points out, Google is being investigated for anti competitive practices.

  • Jealousy and suspicion line up the antis and knockers against any man or measure bigger than their two-by-four standards.

  • Before anti-vaxxers, there were anti-fluoriders: a group who spread fear about the anti-tooth decay agent added to drinking water.

    • A few years back, designer John Galliano was fined by the government for sharing just such anti-semitic sentiments in public.

    • The “doctorate” Duke claims is from an anti-Semitic Ukranian “diploma mill” as described by the State Department.

    • Charles “Father” Coughlin, a raving anti-Semite, was one of the most popular radio hosts in the country.

    • The anti-crime cops began searching the likely path of flight.

    • To give him a party name, he became an anti-clerical, strictly in a political and lawful sense.

    • Martini appeared from his little anti-room, with a lamp in his hand, as the prison clock struck ten.

    • The unoccupied pallet of Martini lay in one corner of this miserable anti-room.

    • He sincerely hates all anti-tobaccoites and has a supreme disgust for the memory of King James I. and all royal foes of the plant.

    • Let no opportunity be missed of exposing the true character of the vile and selfish agitators of the Anti-corn-law league.

      : of the same kind but situated opposite, exerting energy in the opposite direction, or pursuing an opposite policy


      : one that is opposite in kind to


      : opposing or hostile to in opinion, sympathy, or practice


      : opposing in effect or activity

      : serving to prevent, cure, or alleviate

      : combating or defending against

      Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!

      With suffragists, many ' antis' believed that women's part in social evolution was becoming more significant, in reproductive and moral terms.

      From the Cambridge English Corpus

      She now claims that she and her family are confirmed antis and will not continue to support the pro-hunt movement.


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      He is quite right that the issue is not as simplistic as it seems for the pros or the antis.


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      I know that financially the proportions were 10 for the pros and one for the antis.


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      The pros made their case and the antis made theirs.


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      If more people voted, turnout would go above the threshold and the antis would lose the vote.


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      If there was a threshold below which the result would not be accepted, would not that give the antis a deliberate tactic to persuade people not to vote?


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      The "anti's" cannot have it both ways.


      Hansard archive

      Bespiel aus dem Hansard-Archiv. Enthält Parlamentsinformationen lizenziert unter der Offenen Parlamentarischen Lizenz v3.0

      She engaged in sonar evaluation tests, antisubmarine warfare exercises, and submerged simulated attack exercises.



      Dieses Beispiel stammt aus Wikipedia und kann unter einer CC BY-SA Lizenz wiederverwendet werden.

      Sab is regarded by some scholars as an antislavery novel, and some have also suggested that it criticizes the institution of marriage.



      Dieses Beispiel stammt aus Wikipedia und kann unter einer CC BY-SA Lizenz wiederverwendet werden.

      The first is the 'anti-populist' type based on middle-class support.

      From the Cambridge English Corpus

      Scores on the scales ranged from 1 (pro-integration), to 11 (anti-integration).

      From the Cambridge English Corpus

      In such a context, involvement in anti-war activities was at best an unwelcome distraction.

      From the Cambridge English Corpus

      A prospective, paired, cross-over study investigated the impact adding acupressure wristbands to the usual anti-emetic care had on radiotherapy-induced nausea.

      From the Cambridge English Corpus

      In the revisionist stories, she can even become an antihero or a tragic hero.



      Dieses Beispiel stammt aus Wikipedia und kann unter einer CC BY-SA Lizenz wiederverwendet werden.

      Sehen Sie alle Beispiele von anti

      Die Meinungen in den Beispielen repräsentieren nicht die Meinungen von den Redakteueren der Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press oder Ihren Lizenzgeber.

      Für was ist Anti?

      Anti bezeichnet: ἀντί antí, griechische Präposition und Vorsilbe mit der Bedeutung „gegen“ oder „anstelle von“, siehe Liste griechischer Präfixe#anti.

      Was heißt anti auf Deutsch?

      wider, (ent)gegen, gegen … eingestellt od wirkend, Gegen…, anti…, Anti…, feindlich, Feind…

      Ist Auto ein deutsches Wort?

      [1] Die griechische Vorsilbe auto- erfreut sich einer großen Beliebtheit bei Wortschöpfungen, aber so gebildete Worte haben selten ein langes Leben. [1] Die griechische Vorsilbe Auto- bedeutet selbst-, Autosuggestion ist somit Selbstmanipulation.


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