Was ist der unterschied zwischen your und yours

Yours sincerely und Yours faithfully gehören für viele zu den größten Unsicherheiten im Business Englisch. Hier finden Sie die Regeln für die korrekte Anwendung von Yours sincerely und Yours faithfully. Der Unterschied zwischen der Verwendung von Yours sincerely oder Yours faithfully liegt darin, ob Sie den Empfänger der Nachricht mit Namen kennen oder nicht.

1. Sie kennen den Empfänger nicht mit Namen, dann ist die Anrede

  • Dear Sir … Yours faithfully
  • Dear Madam … Yours faithfully
  • Dear Sir or Madam … Yours faithfully

2. Ihnen ist der Empfänger bekannt, dann schreiben Sie

  • Dear Mr Mueller … Yours sincerely
  • Dear Mrs Mueller … Yours sincerely
  • Dear Ms Mueller … Yours sincerely

3. Wenn Sie eine ganze Gruppe, z.B eine Abteilung ansprechen möchten, schreiben Sie

Dear Sirs … Yours faithfully

Eselsbrücke, um sich den Unterschied zwischen Yours sincerely und Yours faithfully zu merken

Merken Sie sich daher am besten die folgende Eselsbrücke für Yours sincerely Yours faithfully:

Keine SS – also auf Dear Sir, folgt Yours faithfully und nicht Yours sincerely

Gut zu wissen

Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, welche Anrede Sie für eine Frau wählen sollten, dann sehen Sie doch auch unseren Artikel zu Mrs oder Ms

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Yours is the second person possessive pronoun – it replaces the possessive adjective "your" + a noun.

He found a book – is it yours?

Is this yours or theirs?

I can’t find my wallet, but yours is on the table.

Yours is a better idea.

Yours sincerely


Though you may see your’s written even by native speakers, it is incorrect. Yours should never have an apostrophe.

The Bottom Line

The idea that yours needs an apostrophe comes out of the fact that on virtually every other word, ‘s indicates possession, so English speakers sometimes think yours should be spelled your’s. However, this is always incorrect – yours is the only correct spelling.

Pronouns: possessive (my, mine, your, yours, etc.)

Grammar > Nouns, pronouns and determiners > Pronouns > Pronouns: possessive (my, mine, your, yours, etc.)

aus English Grammar Today

We use pronouns to refer to possession and ‘belonging’. There are two types: possessive pronouns and possessive determiners. We use possessive determiners before a noun. We use possessive pronouns in place of a noun:

How do you form the second person possessive? For instance, if someone drops a belonging in a crowded area, you might pick it up and ask him or her,

  • Is this yours?
  • Is this your’s?

Now, you need to ask yourself, which of the above spellings is correct, yours or your’s? This isn’t much of an issue in speech because both would sound the same when spoken, but one spelling is correct and one is definitely wrong.

What is the Difference Between Yours and Your’s?

If you don’t know which of these spellings is correct, don’t worry. I’ll cover everything you need to know about yours vs. your’s in this post.

The short answer is that yours is always and unequivocally the correct choice. You should never use your’s in your sentences.

I’ll explain in more detail below.

When to Use Yours

What does yours mean? Yours is a second person possessive pronoun and is used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.

  • You can stay here or come with us; the choice is yours.
  • The future of television (according to Apple) can be yours starting Friday when a revamped Apple TV begins hitting stores. –USA Today
  • Assuming that yours is a family where facts matter, The Fix is on the case. We checked in with three political historians to see what brainy insights they could share. –The Washington Post

When you are indicating possession, yours is the correct choice—not your’s. You do not need an apostrophe to indicate possession because yours itself is a possessive pronoun.

In this sense, yours is similar to other possessive pronouns like its, whose, and ours. None of these words requires an apostrophe since they are already possessive.

When to Use Your’s

Your’s is an incorrect formation of the second person possessive pronoun. There is no reason to use it in your sentences.

Why is There Confusion: Yours vs. Your’s?

As I have mentioned in other posts, the concept of a possessive pronoun can be confusing for an English learner.

To make most words possessive in English, you add an apostrophe.

  • The boy’s pencil.
  • The girl’s dress.

Wouldn’t it, therefore, make sense to add an ‘s to your to make is possessive? Not exactly.

Pronouns have their own possessive forms, as I mentioned above: its, ours, whose, etc. These help the reader understand you more clearly because if you added an ‘s to its, it is not clear whether you mean its as a possessive or it’s as a contraction.

The separate forms solve this problem.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Here’s an easy trick to remember your’s vs. yours.

The first and easiest trick to keep track of these words is to completely eliminate your’s from your vocabulary. There is no use for this spelling, and it serves no purpose—other than to confuse people.

If, for whatever reason, you do find yourself torn between your’s and yours, just spell out your’s as if it were a contraction.

  • Is this suitcase yours?
  • Is this suitcase your’s?
  • Is this suitcase your is?

As you can clearly see, your’s makes no sense in this sentence. Yours is the correct choice and is always the correct choice.

Wann your?

Your” ist ein besitzanzeigendes Adjektiv in der zweiten Person und bedeutet übersetzt „dein/deine“. Es wird dazu verwendet, anzuzeigen was dir gehört. Kaplan Tipp: Auf "your" folgt fast immer ein Nomen oder eine Wortgruppe, die aus einem Adjektiv plus Nomen besteht.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Mine und My?

My friend ist Teil einer Anrede oder eines Hinweises , friend of mine wendest Du an,wenn Du etwas berichtest über einen Freund von Dir !


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