The marginal product of labor curve shows the change in total product resulting from a

The marginal product of the labor curve shows the change in the total product resulting from a:


one-unit increase in the quantity of a particular resource used, holding constant other resources. 


change in the cost of a variable resource. 


one-unit increase in the quantity of a particular resource used, letting other resources vary. 


change in the cost of a fixed resource. 

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What does the marginal product of labor curve show?

The MRPL determines the labor demand curve for a company and shows that companies will demand labor until their MRPL equals their marginal cost of labor. The demand curve can be shifted in the short run by changes in productivity of labor, the relative price of labor, or the price of output.

When the total product curve is falling the marginal product of labor is?

When the total product curve is falling the A Marginal product of labor is zero | Course Hero.

What changes marginal product of labor?

Marginal product is the additional output that is generated by an additional worker. With a second worker, production increases by 5 and with the third worker it increases by 6. When these workers are added, the marginal product increases.

How does marginal product relate to total product?

How Does Marginal Product Relate to Total Product? The total product of a business represents the sum total of what it produces, while the marginal product represents additional output stemming from the increase of a single input.


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