The inverted y appears _____. we see this anatomic landmark on a _____ periapical film.

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Chapter 18, 22, 23

What is the appropiate action for a PA of the maxillary molar region that did not image the thid molar? a. position the image receptor higher b. Position the image receptor lower c. Move the image receptor forward d. Move the image receptor back further d. Move the image receptor back further in the oral cavity.
Which will result in not recording the apex of the maxillary premolar teeth on a PA? a. IR not placed high enough. b. IR not placed toward the midline of the palate. c. Patient not occliding way down on the biteblock. d. Vertical angulation was excessive. d. Vertical angulation was excessive.
What does herringbone error indicate? a. Embossed dot was positioned incorrectly. b. Lead foil was processed with the film. c. Film packet was placed in the oral cavity backwards. d. Temp. of the processing chemicals were not equal. c. Film packet was placed in the oral cavity backwards.
When using the bisecting technique, which of theses errors results from inadequate vertical angulation? a. Elongation b. Foreshortening c. Conecut d. Overlapping a. Elongation
What error results in overlapped contacts being more severe; the first and second molar than between the first and second premolar? a. Excessive vertical angulation b. inadequate vertical angulation c. mesiodistal projection of horizontal angulation c. Mesiodistal projection of horizontal angulation
Overlapped teeth contacts renders a bitewing radiograph indiagnostic.What corrective action is needed? a. Increase the vertical angulation. b. decrease the vertical angulation c. shift the horizontal angulation toward the mesial c. Shift the horizontal angulation toward the mesial.
Which of these conditions results from a failure to direct the central ray toward the middle of the image receptor? a. overlapping b. conecut c. elongation d. foreshortening b. conecut
Which of these indicate an overexposed radiograph? a. clear image b. light image c. dark image d. double image c. dark image
Each of the following will result in radiographs that are too light EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. hot developer solution b. old, expired film c. underexposing d. underdeveloping a. hot developer solution
Each of the following will result in radiographs that are blank (clear) EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. no exposure to x-rays b. placing films in the fixer first c. extended time in warm water rinse. d. accidental white light exposure d. Accidental white light exposure
If two films become overlapped together because they were inserted into the automatic processor too quickly, what is the result? a. Green films b. brown films c. light films d. black films a. green films
Which of these indicates that a film was not properly washed? a. image appears light b. fogging results c. film turns brown d. white spots form c. film turns brown
Each of the following will result in black artifacts on the radiograph EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. static electricity b. bent film c. glove powder d. fixer splash d. fixer splash
Static electricity appears radiographically as black. a. thin lines b. starburts c. dots d. any of the above d. any of the above
Each of the following is a cause of film fog EXCEPT one. Whic one is the exception? a. exposure to scatter radiation b. use of old, expired film c. double exposing the film d. chemical fume contamination c. double exposing the film
A competent dental hygienist and dental assistant must be able to identify which of the collowing radiographically? a. caires b. periodontal abcess c. normal anatomy d. periapical pathology c. normal anatomy
Which of the following facial bones would most likely appear on a periapical radiograph? a. occipital b. parietal c. frontal d. zygoma d. zygoma
Bone sometimes has a mixed radiopaque-radiolucent appearance due to the nature of the a. cortical plates b. trabeculae patterns c. alveolar process d. genial tubercles b. trabeculae patterns
Which of the following will most likely appear as a radiopacity outlini g the tooth root? a. PDL space b. lamina dura c. nutrient canal d. cementum b. lamina dura
When nutrient canals open at the surface of the bone, they often appear radiographically as a. small radiolucent dots b. large radiopaque lines c. small radiolucent lines d. small radiopaque dots a. small radiolucent dots
Which of these structures appears radiolucent? a. enamel b. cementum c. dentin d. pulp d. pulp
A periapical radiograph of a 10-year old will most likely reveal developing permanent dentition. a. the first is true, second is false b. first is false, second is true c. both are true d. both are false a. the first statement is true, the second statement is false.
On a periapical radiograph of the maxillary molars, which of the following structures may be recorded superimposed over the roots of the teeth? a. mastoid process b. maxillary tuberosity c. zygomatic process d. mylohyoid ridge c. zygomatic process
Each of these features will appear radiolcent EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION? a. foramen b. suture c. canal d. spine d. spine
Each of these features will appear radiopaque EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION? a. ridge b. sinus c. tubercles d. process d. process
Each of the following may appear on a periapical radipgraph of the maxillary anterior region EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. nasal septum b. median palatine suture c. maxillary tuberosity d. inverted Y c. maxillary tuberosity
Each of the following may appear ona periapical radiograph of the maxillary posterior region EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. maxillary sinus b. incisive foramen c. zygomatic arch d. hamulus b. incisive foramen
A mandible landmark feature that may be imaged on a periapical radiograph of the maxillary posterior region is the a. mandibular canal b. submandibular fossa c. inferior border of the mandible d. coronoid process d. coronoid process
Each of the following may appear on a periapical radiograph of the mandibular anterior region EXCEPT one. which one is the EXCEPTION? a. genial tubercles b. mental ridge c. coronoid process d. lingual forament c. coronoid process
Each of the following may appear on a periapical radiograph of the mandibular posterior region EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. mental foramen b. pterygoid plate c. mandibular canal d. mylohyoid ridge b. pterygoid plate
The inverted Y landmark is compsed of the intersection of what two structures? a. lateral wall of the nasal cavity and anterior border of the maxillary sinus b. lateral wall of the nasal cavity and soft tissue a. lateral wall of the nasal cavity and anterior border of the maxillary sinus
Almalgam and a full metal crown can be distinguished from each otherradiogrpahically by their a. degree of radiopacity b. shape and margins c. location in the mouth d. use of retention pins b. shape and margins
Which of these dental restorative materials appears most radiopaque? a. amalgam b. porcelain c. silicate d. acrylic resin a. amalgam
Which of these dental restorative materials is most likely to mimic decay radiographically? a. gold b. stainless steel c. amalgam d. composite d. composite
Dens in dente appears radiographically as a a. tiny tooth b. large tooth c. twin tooth d. tooth within a tooth d. tooth within a tooth
A sharp bend in the tooth root is called a. taurodontia d. hypercementosis c. dilaceration d. exostosis c. dilaceration
Radiographically its not possible to accurately differ between PA abscess, granuloma and cyst. radiographically it is not possible to differ between carcinoma and sarcoma. a. the first is true, second is false c. both are true d. both are false c. both statements are true
Which of these appears radiolucent on a radiograph a. sialolith b. abscess c. torus d. odontoma b abcess
a large radiolucency surrounding the crown only of an unerupted tooth is most likely what type of cyst a. dentigerous b. radicular c. residual d. periapical a. detingerous
The evidence of resprption that appears to shorten the tooth root is called a. internal resorption b. external resorption c. primary resorption d. secondary resorption b. external resorption
The radiograph appearance of a samll ovoid radiopacity within the pulp chamber of the tooth is called a... a. rhinolith b. phlebolith c. pulp stone d. pulp cap c. pulp stone
Which of the following appears radiolucent in its early stages and as a radiopaque mass in later stages? a. condensing osteitis b. periapical granuloma c. osteosclerosis d. Periapical cemental dysplasia (PCD) d. periapical cemental dysplasia (PCD)
Which of the following tumors appears radiolucent radiographically? a. torus palatinus b. odontoma c. sarcoma b. odontoma
Radiographic evidence of a bone fracture appears as a radiolucent line that may resemble a... a. nutrient canal b. cyst c. tumor d. retained root tip a. nutrient canal

What makes up the inverted Y?

Inverted Y – The inverted Y is a radiographic landmark that depicts where the nasal fossa crosses the maxillary sinus. The boundary between them is shaped like an upside-down letter Y, hence its name.

What two structures make up the inverted Y quizlet?

Remember the maxillary sinus appears as a radiolucent area above the maxillary posterior teeth. The term inverted Y refers to the intersection of the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity/fossa, viewed on a maxillary canine dental image.

What is the arrow pointing to on your patient's dental image?

The green arrows are pointing to the bone. The blue arrows are pointing to the healthy enamel. The red arrows are pointing to the pulp, where the nerve and blood vessels are located for a tooth. The dentin layer is between the enamel and the pulp.

Which of the following radiographic landmarks would appear radiolucent?

Structures that are cavities, depressions or openings in bone such as a sinus, fossa, canal or foramen will allow x-rays to penetrate through them and expose the receptor. These areas will appear radiolucent or black on radiographic images.


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