Text that prints at the top of a sheet of slide handouts or notes pages is a

ChQuestionAnswerThe primary editing view in PowerPoint.Normal ViewSlideTitle SlideA box on a slide that holds title and body text or other content.PlaceholderThemeList levelSmall circles surrounding a picture that indicate that the picture is selected.Sizing handlesA circular arrow that provides a way to rotate a selected image.Rotation HandleA collection of formatting options that can be applied to a picture, text, or object.StyleBlack slidePrinted images of slides on a sheet of paperSlide HandoutNotes pageText effectsA common format for a slide that contains a singel point without a bullet symbol.ParagraphA single media file, such as art, sound, animation, or a movie.Clip2 In Normal view, that pane that displays a large image of the active slide is the:Slide Pane3 In Normal view, the pane that displays below the slide pane:Notes Pane4View buttons5Editing6Layout7 Formats applied to images that make pictures resemble sketches or paintings are: Artistic effects8Presenter View9 Text that prints at the top of a sheet of slide handouts or notes pages is a:Header10Footer11Replace12 A variation on a theme style and color is a:Varient13 A set of characters with the same design and shape is a:FontA presentation page that can contain text, pictures, tables, charts, & othermultimedia or graphic objectsThe first slide in a presentation, the purpose of which is to provide anintroduction to the presentation topic.A set of unified design elements that provides a look for your presentation byapplying colors, fonts, and effects.An outline level in a presentation represented by a bullet symbol and identified ina slide by the indentation and the size of the text.A slide that displays at the end of every slide show to indicate that thepresentation is over.A printout that contains the slide image on the top half of the page and notesthat you have created in the Notes pane on the lower half of the pageFormats applied to text that include shadows, reflections, glows, bevels, & 3Drotations.The buttons in the lower right corner of the PowerPoint window that control thelook of the presnetation window are the:The Process of modifying a presentation by adding and deleting slides or bychanging the contents of individual slides is referred to as:The arrangement of elements, such as title and subtitle text, lists, pictures,tables, charts, shapes & movies on a PowerPoint slide is:

You finished creating your presentation, and now you want to print it as a handout for your audience.

PowerPoint gives you several choices for handouts. To start, you click FILE, Print to open print view.

In print view, your options for page layout and printing are on the left, and a preview of the handout is on the right.

To see the page layout choices, click the Page Layout button.

These are the layouts. They include Full Page Slides, shown in the preview, here as well as layouts with multiple slides per page.

Let's look at the 3 Slides layout. It has three slides on the page as well as lines for audience notes.

Another type of handout is the Notes Pages.

The notes page includes not only the slide, but also your speaker notes.

When you plan to use the notes page as a handout, you'll type the notes you intend for the handout in the notes pane, below the slide.

This approach is a great way to keep from overloading the slide with information.

If you put details in the notes pane, your audience can get those in the handout.

Another thing to consider when you print handouts is page orientation.

With a Portrait Orientation, the page is laid out vertically.

With a Landscape Orientation, the page is laid out horizontally.

You'll also decide whether to print the handouts in color, or in one of the black and white formats–Grayscale or Pure Black and White.

And, you'll choose headers and footers for the handout, things like date and page number.

You click Edit Header & Footer to do that.

Another option for handouts is to print them in Microsoft Word. To do that, you would click Export, Create Handouts.

When you click Create Handouts again, you get these layout choices for printing and formatting the handouts in Word.

Up next: Print a basic handout.

What is a printout that contains the slide image on the top half of the page and notes that you have created in the Notes pane on the lower half of the page?

Chapter 5: Glossary.

What are printed images of slides on a sheet of paper?

Chapter 1.

What is the information at the top and bottom of every slide in a presentation referred to?

PowerPoint allows you to create headers and footers, that is, information that appears at the top and bottom of all slides.

Which print setting creates printouts of an entire slide on the top of the page and an area for speaker notes below the slide?

PowerPoint Elements.


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