Is a dimension of intellectual ability which refers to the ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic?

Over the past two decades, business schools have added required courses on people skills to many of their curricula. Why have they done this?

managers need to understand human behavior if they are to be effective

Which of the following is most likely to be a belief held by a successful manager?

Technical skills are necessary, but insufficient alone for success.

Which of the following would


be considered an organization?

all adults in a given community

Which of the following is best defined as a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, which functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals?

Which of the following is least likely to be considered a manager?

an IT technician who enables communication between all of a company’s employees

Which of the following is not one of the four primary management functions?

Which of a manager’s primary roles requires the manager to define an organization’s goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving these goals and develop a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities?

Determining how tasks are to be grouped is part of which management function?

Mintzberg concluded that managers perform 10 different, highly interrelated roles. Which of the following is one of the broad categories into which these roles could be grouped?

As a manager, one of Joe’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is Joe acting in when he does this?

According to Mintzberg, one of management’s interpersonal roles is _____.

According to Mintzberg, when a manager searches the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change, the manager is acting in which role?

Robert Katz identified three essential skills that managers need to have in order to reach their goals. What are these skills?

technical, human, and conceptual

A manager is valued by her colleagues for her ability to perform effective break-even analysis on upcoming ventures. In this case, her colleagues value her for competencies that fall within which of Katz’s essential management skills categories?

According to Katz, when managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations, they possess _____ skills.

Which one of the following would not be considered a human skill in Katz’s structure?

According to Katz, technical skills encompass the ability to _____.

apply specialized knowledge or expertise

According to Luthans and his associates, which of the following is considered a part of traditional management?

Which of Luthans’ managerial activities involves socializing, politicking, and interacting with outsiders?

How does Luthans define a manager’s success?

by the speed of their promotion

According to Luthans’ research, successful managers spent more of their time on _____ than on any other activity.

Studies of communication in U.S. managers indicate what about those managers who seek information from colleagues and employees?

they are generally more effective managers

The pie charts above show how 5 different managers spent their time. According to Lucan’s research, which manager is most likely to receive more promotions and other rewards associated with career success?

While the Functions, Roles, Skills, and Activities approaches to management all differ, they all recognize that effective and successful managers must develop which of the following?

An OB study would be least likely to be used to focus on which of the following problems?

a decrease in sales due to growing foreign competition

______ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

Which of the following is not a core topic of organizational behavior?

What are the three primary determinants of behavior that organizational behavior focuses upon?

individuals, groups, and structure

In order to predict human behavior, it is best to supplement your intuitive opinions with information derived in what fashion?

Which of the following is a reason that the study of organizational behavior is useful?

Human behavior is not random.

A manager wishes to know how members of her team will react to layoffs in other departments. Which of the following is


useful in predicting her team’s behavior?   

Knowing what are the organizational goals of her team.

Which of the following is the best description of the settings in human society in which behavior is guided by implicit and explicit behavioral rules?

What do the fundamental consistencies underlying the behavior of all individuals enable researchers to do?

Analyzing relationships, determining causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence all constitute aspects of _____ study.

How is the science of organizational behavior different from sciences such as physics and chemistry?

Most people have preconceived notions about the phenomena studied by OB.

Organizational behavior is constructed from all of the following disciplines except _____.

Psychology’s major contributions to the field of organizational behavior have been primarily at what level of analysis?

the level of the individual

The study of group processes in organizational behavior has largely been derived from what field of study?

The science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals is known as _____.

Which behavioral science discipline is


focused on understanding individual behavior?

The OB topic of motivation has been


influenced by which behavioral science discipline?

The science that focuses on the influence people have on one another is _____.

_____ blends concepts from psychology and sociology.

Group behavior, power, and conflict are central areas of study for _____.

Significant contributions to OB in the study of group behavior in organizations have been made by _____.

_____ focuses on the study of people in relation to their social environment.

Which field of study has contributed to OB through its research on organizational culture and formal organization theory and structure?

Social psychologists have made major contributions to OB by their study of which of the following?

behavioral and attitude change

The subject of organizational culture has been


influenced by which behavioral science discipline?

Which of the following fields has most helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior among people in different countries?

Which of the following statements best describes the current status of Observational Behavior concepts?

They can be used to predict human behavior only if the situation is clearly specified.

There are _____ simple and universal principles that explain organizational behavior.

In order to predict human behavior with any degree of accuracy, what sort of variables must be taken into account?

Whereas _____ focuses on differences among people from different countries, _____ addresses differences among people within given countries.

globalization; workforce diversity

_____ is a measure of how organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.

In what way does current thought on workplace diversity differ from the older “melting-pot” assumption?

By recognizing that employees don’t set aside their cultural values, lifestyle preferences, and differences when they come to work.

_____ is/are the number one reason that business travelers have cut back on their travel.

Which of the following OB topics is


central to managing employees’ fears about terrorism?

In 2003, which group made up 46.7 percent of the U.S. labor force?

What was the most significant change in the U.S. labor force during the last half of the twentieth century?

the rapid increase in the percentage of workers that are women.

What is the probable consequence of the fact that women significantly outnumber men on U.S. college campuses?   

An increase in the number of technical positions filled by women.

Increasingly, we can expect that women will be hired into _____ positions.

Which of the following is


a reason we expect to see an increase in the number of managerial jobs filled by women in the future?

a decrease in the number of men available to fill these positions

Which of the following statements is not an implication of increased workplace diversity?

It is critical that all workers be treated alike.

According to the textbook, when diversity is not managed properly, there is a potential for _____.

Lensmasters, a U.S. company that produces high quality optical systems for survey equipment, has decided to expand its operations by opening plants in low-wage countries in Southern Asia. If this proves successful, it plans to reduce its U.S. manufacturing capacity and move more of its production offshore. Managers at Lensmasters are least likely to find their jobs changing in which of the following ways due to these changes?

They will need to anticipate an anti-capitalism backlash.

According to management guru Tom Peters, almost all quality improvement comes from _____ of design, manufacturing, layout, processes, and procedures.

Quality management and process reengineering are alike in what ways?

They both require the extensive involvement of employees.

Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____.

Predictions suggest there will be a labor shortage for at least another _____ years.

The U.S. labor shortage is a function of _____.

birth rates and labor participation rates

Many employees have been led to retire early as a result of _____.

expanded Social Security benefits

Which of the following is likely to be least important in getting and keeping skilled employees in a time of labor shortages?

increasing the number of temporary and contract workers   

The majority of employees today in developed countries work in _____.

Approximately _____ % of the U.S. labor force is employed in service industries.

Service industry jobs include all of the following



When managers put employees in charge of what they do, they are _____ the employees

Which of the following is a trend in management since the 1980s?

a blurring between the roles of managers and workers

Which of the following factors makes it imperative that organizations be fast and flexible?

Given the climate of “temporariness” in modern organizations, employees must _____.

continually update their knowledge and skills

Which of the following is the major challenge to managers in a fully networked organization?

Managing people who work together but are geographically separated.

_____ allow(s) people to communicate and work together even though they may be thousands of miles apart.

Which of the following has


contributed to blurring the lines between employees’ work life and personal life?

Creation of flexible teams

Situations where an individual is required to define right and wrong conduct are termed _____.

Which of the following has only recently been considered a primary dependent variable in organizational behavior?   

organizational citizenship behavior

At its root, productivity involves concern for both ____.

effectiveness and efficiency

Which of the following is an example of being an efficient company?

Operating at the lowest possible cost while yielding a higher output.

Why did Sears try to improve the employee-customer interaction through training of its employees?

to generate additional revenue

_____ is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirement, but that promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

Organizational citizenship

Individual-level independent variables include all of the following



What term is used to describe voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization?

Kimberly Ortiz strongly believes in working for a company which promotes diversity. She believes that such organizations are respectful of differences and allow employees more exposure. She recently attended an interview where she was told that the company follows policies which focus on organizational diversity. However, when she finally joined the company, she had a strong feeling that the company's claim was not true. Which of the following, if true, weakens Kimberly's belief that the company does not encourage diversity?

The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group.

________ diversity refers to diversity in observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex, and age.

Which of the following is true of surface-level diversity?

It refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender and race.

Differences in ________ indicate surface-level diversity.

Which of the following most likely indicates surface-level similarity?

Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together.

________ diversity refers to diversity with respect to attributes that are less easy to observe initially but that can be inferred after more direct experience.

Which of the following best represents deep-level similarity?

employees who seek challenges in assignments and like to work collaboratively

Malcolm Industries recently hired a large number of workers for the company's new construction factory in Colorado. During the hiring process, the management made a clear effort to recruit physically strong individuals because the work at the factory involves manual labor. The jobs needed to be performed by individuals who had the energy and physical stamina to work for long hours. Which of the following surface-level characteristics did the company most likely concentrate on when selecting the new workers?

A difference in ________ would indicate deep-level diversity.

________ differences between people represent deep-level diversity.

The management at Climate Action Development needs to recruit campaign managers for its Renewable Energy Project. They are looking for candidates who are assertive, extroverted, and who can tackle challenges head-on. Which of the following deep-level characteristics should they focus on to best help them recruit the right candidate for the job?

The human resources department of Orbit Bank believes in being unbiased toward all employees and treating them fairly. They believe it is crucial that the company treat all their employees equally. However Susan Daniels, an employee at the bank, recently filed a lawsuit against the company, claiming that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, best justifies Susan's action?

She was given the same incentives as her colleagues in spite of performing better than them.

In a workplace, ________ involves overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees.

April's colleague Nathan has consistently pestered her to go out on a date with him. Though she has refused his offer several times, he keeps persisting. She found an envelope on her desk from Nathan with inappropriate pictures and cartoons, which left her infuriated. She now intends to go discuss the matter with the human resource department of her company. Which of the following forms of discrimination is April most likely to cite?

Which of the following refers to a kind of discrimination which refers to overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees?

Which of the following is the best example of the use of intimidation?

Anya's boss Kira sets difficult targets and hints that Anya may lose her job if she doesn't meet them

Hazel Samuels has been working at her company for the past two years and consistently gets yelled at by her manager even when she is not at fault. He often makes derogatory references to her ethnicity. In addition, during team meetings, she is his target for practical jokes and nasty pranks. She is extremely upset and decides not to be subjected to such treatment any longer. Which of the following kinds of discrimination is she most likely to report to the human resource department in such a situation?

Which of the following is the best example of mockery as a tool of discriminatory treatment in organizations?

Rifka's supervisor often stereotypes Rifka because of her ethnic heritage and makes jokes about her ethnicity.

A person who is made fun of because he is an Arab-American is being subjected to ________, a kind of discrimination in work environments.

Stacy Hanes is an African-American woman who has recently taken her first job and does not seem to like the work environment at all. Her colleagues put down her ideas at team meetings and refer to them as "stupid." In addition, they make fun of her race and often ask her if she is educated enough to work for the company. Which of the following kinds of discrimination is Hanes most likely subject to?

________, which may occur intentionally or unintentionally, refers to keeping certain people in a work place away from job opportunities, social events, discussions, or informal mentoring.

Jill Ivey has been working as a sales executive at Orbit Bank for the last two years. However, she has noticed that she is often not given an opportunity to attend training programs that her team members attend every quarter. She also is disappointed about the fact that she never gets to handle corporate clients, which provides better chances of a promotion. Which of the following kinds of discrimination is she most likely to have been subjected to?

Women being assigned marginal job roles that do not lead to promotion is an example of the ________ form of discrimination.

Which of the following is true of workplace discrimination?

It may lead to reduced productivity and citizenship behavior.

Which of the following is a biographical characteristic of an employee?

Which of the following is true of biographical characteristics?

They are representative of surface-level diversity.

Which of the following explains why the relationship between age and job performance is likely to be of increasing importance during the next decade?

U.S. legislation, in effect, outlaws mandatory retirement.

Raylon Inc. is in the process of recruiting a new Operations Manager. The Human Resources team has narrowed the candidate list down to two candidates, but cannot come to an agreement about whom to hire. Though both candidates have the relevant qualifications for the post, one will soon be 60 years old. The other candidate is in his early thirties. Rachel, a member of the HR team, recommends hiring the older candidate, citing his years of experience and leadership ability. Tim, on the other hand, strongly recommends that the company hire the younger candidate, as he is likely to be more flexible when it comes to working. Which of the following, if true, will most strengthen Rachel's argument?

Most of the employees the Operations Manager will be supervising are under 30 years of age.

Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers?

Older workers have extensive work experience.

Thurman Inc., a manufacturing company in Vermont, needs to hire employees for their new office in the city. The positions require the employees to travel across the country regularly. The management has specified that they are looking for employees below the age of 40 who are young and dynamic. Which of the following beliefs is the management most likely to hold?

Younger workers are more flexible to change.

Angela Wells recently applied for a job at Spiga, a lounge in Paris. Having worked in several restaurants and lounges in and across France, she was confident that she would get the job. However, soon after the interview, she was informed that another candidate was offered the job, even though the other candidate had limited experience in comparison to her. Angela feels that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, would best justify Angela's assumption?

Angela is a single mother with two young children.   

Raylon Inc. needs to hire a new Floor Supervisor. As the company has recently made an effort to increase diversity within the organization, the HR team wants to hire a qualified female candidate for the role, instead of adequately qualified male candidates. However, top management insists that optimal performance is the top priority and that the candidate hired should be the person best suited for the job. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen HR's case for hiring the female candidate?

Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

________ refers to the biological heritage people use to identify themselves.

Green Planet, an environmental organization, recently opened an office in Indonesia. The organization is currently looking for employees to staff a deforestation project in the country. They need to recruit individuals who understand the intricacies of Jakarta's culture, the mindset of the locals, and are fluent in the local language. Which of the following are they most likely to consider while they recruit for these positions?

________ may be defined as an individual's current capacity to perform the various tasks in a job.

________ is a dimension of intellectual ability which refers to the ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic.

________ is a dimension of intellectual ability which refers to the ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other.

________ refers to a dimension of intellectual ability which involves identifying a logical sequence in a problem and using this logical sequence to solve the problem.

________ is a dimension of intellectual ability which involves using logic to assess the implications of an argument.

Which of the following best describes spatial visualization?

the ability to imagine how an object would look if its position were changed

Rene Cox works as a media officer in a global forest protection organization. Her job requires her to interact with a large number of people from the press with whom she needs to establish strong professional relationships. This requires her to remember a large number of people's names and the organizations with which they are associated. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability will best help her accomplish this task?

Gina Sanchez, an architect in California, is renovating an old school building and turning it into a retail and entertainment space. She must decide how the existing layout can be redesigned and modified to best suit the new uses. Which of the following dimensions of intelligence will most help Gina reimagine the existing building?

Irene Jones, a project manager at a water conservation foundation, is holding a team meeting to discuss the different modes of spreading awareness about the issue of water conservation to the public. A team member, John Sullivan, states that using broadcasting media is the best way to reach out to the public. On the other hand, Pamela Riley states that print media is the right medium to spread word about the issue. Jones is now weighing the pros and cons of both her team members' suggestions before choosing the medium which will be most appropriate for the water conservation project. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability is Jones most likely to be using to make her decision?

A market researcher who uses his ability to identify a logical sequence to predict demand for a new line of winter clothing is using the ________ dimension of intellectual ability.

Jeremy Samuels works in the police department of California. His job often requires him to observe clues that criminals leave behind. His job is to analyze these clues which help the department catch the criminal. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability does Samuels most likely have?   

Lorna Perry, who works in a financial firm in Michigan, is required to calculate a large number of clients' accounts daily. She needs to tally figures and check accuracy at a high speed. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability does Perry most likely use?

Audrey Smith is a renowned psychiatrist in New Jersey. While interacting with patients, she needs to understand their points of view by listening intently to what they say. It is important that she understands their problems so that she can offer advice. In such a situation, Smith is using the ________ dimension of intellectual ability.

________ refers to an overall factor of intelligence as suggested by the positive correlations among specific intellectual ability dimensions.

The ________ is the most widely used intelligence test in hiring decisions and takes only twelve minutes to be completed.

Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

________ may be referred to as the capacity to undertake tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, and strength.

________ refers to the ability to exert force against external objects.

Which of the following is a kind of physical ability which refers to the ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements?

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as trunk strength?

the ability to exert muscular strength using the abdominal muscles

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as dynamic strength?

the ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as dynamic flexibility?

the ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements

The ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible is known as ________.

The physical ability that allows a body to maintain equilibrium despite opposing forces is known as ________.

The physical ability that allows a body to continue maximum effort at maintaining prolonged effort over time is known as ________.

What are the dimensions of intellectual ability?

The seven most frequently cited dimensions making up intellectual abilities are number attitude, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and memory.

Is an ability which is to do speedy and accurate arithmetic?

Intellectual abilities commonly refer to the ability measured by performance on an intelligence test. Intellectual Abilities are those that are needed to perform mental activities usually involving thinking and reasoning. It is an ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic.

What is the intellectual ability?

“Intellectual ability” is exceptional capability or potential recognized through cognitive processes (e.g., memory, reasoning, rate of learning, spatial reasoning, ability to find and solve problems, ability to manipulate abstract ideas and make connections, etc.). [

What are examples of intellectual abilities?

Examples of intellectual capacity include memory, verbal comprehension, reasoning, analysis, problem-solving, and reasoning skills.


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