In the fhs, the ____ directory contains the linux kernel and files used by the boot loader.

This set of Linux / Unix questions and answers focuses on linux filesystem hierarchy. This is set-2.

1. When we install a new package in linux system, then
a) all the files of the packages are installed in a single directory
b) different files are installed at different locations of the file system
c) package works just after extraction, installation is not required
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

2. Host specific configuration files are installed in
a) /etc directory
b) /lib directory
c) /root directory
d) /bin directory
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

3. The directory /media is the
a) mount point for removable media
b) mount point for filesystem
c) mount point for removable media & filesystem
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

4. What is /bin/sh ?
a) bourne shell
b) hard or symbolic link to the real shell command
c) bash shell
d) both bash shell and bourne shell
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

5. The /boot directory stores the data that is used
a) before the kernel begins executing user mode programs
b) after the kernel begins executing user mode programs
c) before the bootloader is loaded in the RAM
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

6. Which one of the directory does not contain binary files?
a) /bin
b) /sbin
c) /etc
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

7. Kernel modules are present in
a) /lib directory
b) /root directory
c) /boot directory
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

8. The directory /opt is reserved for
a) installation of add-on application software packages
b) optional booting files
c) optional user specific files
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

9. The directory /srv contains
a) site-specific data which is served by the system
b) all the system files
c) all the service files provided by the specific user
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

10. Any file or directory present in the ______ directory may not be reserved between the invocation of the program.
a) /var
b) /tmp
c) /etc
d) all of the mentioned
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: None.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Linux Administration & Programming.

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Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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  • If a device is mounted to a directory that contains files, are those files temporarily covered up until the device is unmounted?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) True

    True        False

  • In Fedora Linux, a ____ file is a script file that speifies the choices that you would normally choose when you install the operating systeminstall=

    True        False

  • If a Linux installation ends abnormally and the screen displays a "fatal signal ____" error message, it indicates an error known as a segmentation fault.
    1) 0
    2) 1
    3) 10
    4) 11
    4) 11

    True        False

  • When using the chmod command for a specific file, the ______ argument would add read permissin and remove write permission for the group persmission3) 7

    True        False

  • To format a filesystem with a specified filesystem type, you can use the ____ option with the mkfs command.
    1) -t
    2) -f
    3) -c
    4) -o
    1) -t

    True        False

  • The ____________________ facility used by the System Log Daemon specifies messages from the Linux kernel.Kern

    True        False

  • Passwords used by the PPP daemon are stored in two files:/etc/ppp/pap-secrets and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets.tune2fs

    True        False

  • Some installation fail to place a boot loader on the hard disk properly; this is often the case with large hard disk drives that have over ____ cylinders.1024

    True        False

  • To copy a directory full of files in Linux, you must tell the cp command that the copy will be ____________________ (involve files and subdirectories too) by using the -R optionlocate command

    True        False

  • Partition to which the MBR pointsminor number

    True        False

  • Databases store information in the form of ____, each of which contains ____.records; tables

    True        False

  • The ____ in the /proc directory contains statistics on the performance of the processor.loadavg

    True        False

  • All DNS servers contain a DNS cache fileTrue

    True        False

  • ____________________ is the process in which a single large network is subdivided into several smaller networks to control traffic flow and improve manageability.sestatus

    True        False

  • The ____ utility can be used to obtain a shell from a remote computer on the network without specifying a password.rlogin

    True        False

  • The ____ standard support speeds of up to 80 MB/second.
    1) SCSI-3 Ultra2 Wide
    2) SCSI-2 Wide
    3) SCSI-3 Ultra
    4) SCSI-3 Ultra3 Wide
    1) SCSI-3 Ultra2 Wide

    True        False

  • Devices that transfer data in a character-by-character fashion are referred to as______devices.*

    True        False

  • When a device is mounted, it is attached to a certain directory on the directory tree called a(n) mount point.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • Each octet in an IP address represents a(n)_____ binary number.0

    True        False

  • In Fedora Linux, a ____ file is a script file that specifies the choices that you would normally choose when you install the operating system.
    1) setup
    2) startup
    3) kickstart
    4) scriptstart

    True        False

  • The ______ window manager is used for the GNOME desktop in Red Hat Fedora Core 2tail -5

    True        False

  • Modifies the look and feel of X WindowsWindow manager

    True        False

  • The chgrp command takes ____ argument(s) at minimum.
    1) one
    2) two
    3) three
    4) four
    3) 7

    True        False

  • To mount all filesystems in the /etc/fstab file that are intended to mount at boot time, you can simply type the ____ command.
    1) mount -o
    2) mount -f
    3) mount -u
    4) mount -a

    True        False

  • The easiest method for monitoring free space by mounted filesystems is to use the _____ commanddf

    True        False

  • In the PostgreSQL utility, the ____________________ built-in command is used to list available databases./usr

    True        False

  • In the FHS, the ____ directory contains the Linux kernel and files used by the boot loader.
    1) /load
    2) /bin
    3) /boot
    4) /mnt

    True        False

  • The first DNS server in a zone is called the ____________________ DNS server.master or

    True        False

  • Most printers are plug and play compatible and must be manually configured when they are plugged into the system./var/log

    True        False

  • Any error messages generated by a commandfirmware RAID

    True        False

  • Class D addresses are used for multicasting.True

    True        False

  • Raid level ____ is commonly referred to as disk striping with parity5

    True        False

  • What filesystem is compatible with the Windows FAT filesystem?True

    True        False

  • Some installations fail to place a boot loader on the hard disk properly; this is often the case with large hard disk drives that have over ____ cylinders.
    1) 256
    2) 512
    3) 1024
    4) 2048

    True        False

  • The ____ command can be used to obtain root access when you need to perform an administrative

    True        False

  • In the FHS, the ____ directory contains most system commands and utilities.
    1) /usr
    2) /root
    3) /bin
    4) /home

    True        False

  • To find all of the commands that have the word list in their name or description, you would type what?hard limits

    True        False

  • The _____ command could be used to view the contents of the environment variable that represents the BASH shell prompt.tail -5

    True        False

  • Indicates a particular deviceminor number

    True        False

  • The Skeleton directory on most Linux systems is ______./etc/skel

    True        False

  • The ____ file in the /proc directory contains a list of memory address ranges reserved for device use.1) /usr

    True        False

  • The Filename extension given to files compressed with bzip2 is ____.0

    True        False

  • The ____________________ command is used to view the current SELinux status.Compression

    True        False

  • What metacharacterindicates background command execution?&

    True        False

  • The highest priority SCSI device is given a SCSI ID of______.7

    True        False

  • In NTP, stratum ____ consists of atomic devices or GPS clocks./dev

    True        False

  • Which utility can be used to modify runtime configuration files so that they start and stop daemons when entering a particular runlevel?ntsysv

    True        False

  • You can specify the ____ option to the userdel command to remove the home directory for the user and all of its contents.<

    True        False

  • RAID level ____ is commonly referred to as disk striping with parity.
    1) 0
    2) 1
    3) 5
    4) 6
    3) 5

    True        False

  • The ____ ftp utility command runs a shell on the local computer.!

    True        False

  • The ____ command can be used to extract, manipulate, and format text using pattern-action statementsawk

    True        False

  • The _____ filesystem contains most of the operating system files.head command

    True        False

  • Normally, kickstart files are text files.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • The tar utility cannot back up device files or files with filenames longer than 255 characterschmod

    True        False

  • Special variable on the system used to take away permissions on new files and directories immediately after they are created.umask

    True        False

  • IPv6 IP addresses are written using eight 16-bit ____ numbers./dev

    True        False

  • If a user has ____ permission for a file, they can open, read, and edit the contents of a file.
    1) write
    2) execute
    3) read
    4) alter

    True        False

  • After the entries in /etc/inittab have been executed, the ____ file is executed to perform tasks that must occur after system startup.8-bit

    True        False

  • The subnet mask for a Class C IP address is ____.

    True        False

  • A type of RAID level 0 that consists of two hard disks that are seen as one large volume.spanning

    True        False

  • Each track on a hard disk is divided into ____________________ of information.sectors

    True        False

  • The ____ command displays the last five lines of a text filetouch

    True        False

  • To perform a Linux installation over a network, you can connect to a server with the appropriate installation files via FTP.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • Command used to create modify system parameterstune2fs

    True        False

  • Program started by the BIOS that loads the Linux kernel into memory from a hard disk partition inside the computerdual booting

    True        False

  • The ____ device file represents the second serial port on the system (COM2)./dev/ttyS1

    True        False

  • The very secure FTP Daemin is a stand-alone Daemon.True

    True        False

  • The compress utility preserves the original ownershi, modification, and access time for each file that it compresses.chown

    True        False

  • In the FHS, the ____ directory contains most system commands and utilities3) /boot

    True        False

  • To create partitions after installation, you can use the ____ command.
    1) format
    2) formatdisk
    3) fdisk
    4) partition
    1) ln

    True        False

  • To send a print job to a printer, you nust first use the ___ command and specify what to print.Ip

    True        False

  • Any line that starts with a(n) ___ character is a comment in the /etc/rsyslog.conf file.;

    True        False

  • Command used to change the group owner of a file or directory.chown

    True        False

  • The normal output of a commandHost names

    True        False

  • After configuring X Windows, you can fine-tune the vsync and hsync of the video card using the ____ utility withing the desktop environment./proc

    True        False

  • The ___ option to the ipstat command causes a list of printers that are enabled to be displayed.Alert

    True        False

  • To lock an account, you can use the usermod command with the____ option.1) True

    True        False

  • The information that is processed by the command during execution&

    True        False

  • Errors on a filesystem are often referred to as filesytem ____ and are common on most filesystems.corruption

    True        False

  • Data is read off of hard disks in concentric circles called what?tracks

    True        False

  • Another name for runlevelsinitstates

    True        False

  • Most files on a Linux system that contain configuration information are what kind of files?text files

    True        False

  • When using the find command, the -size x criteria is used to search for files with a size greater than x.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • The file descriptor stderr is represented by the number___.firmware RAID

    True        False

  • The ____ command count the number of lines, words, and characters in a filewc

    True        False

  • You can redirect a file to the standard input of a command using the ____ character./var/log

    True        False

  • To check whether the /mnt/floppy directory is being used by any users, you can use the fuser command with the -u option
    1) True
    2) False

    True        False

  • If you do not know the type, major, or minor number of a device, you can use the ____ command to re-create the device based on the common name.
    1) /dev/MAKEDEV
    2) mkfs
    3) mknod
    4) /dev/makedevice

    True        False

  • Displays lines of test that match extended regular expressionsegrep comand

    True        False

  • CD-ROMs typically use the _____ filesystemiso9660

    True        False

  • RAID level 3 requires a minimum of three hard disk drives to function.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • If no level of comression is specified, the gzip command assumes the number____.6

    True        False

  • To format a filesystem with a specified filesystem type, you can use the ____ option with the mkfs command.1) True

    True        False

  • The ____ file in the /proc directory contains a list of memory address ranges reserved for device use.
    1) meminfo
    2) ioports
    3) iomem
    4) misc
    2) ioports

    True        False

  • Copying a file can be accomplished using the ____ command.
    1) copy
    2) mv
    3) cp
    4) cpy
    4) 15

    True        False

  • Some peripheral devices can perform a great deal of processing that is normally performed by the CPU; this is known as ____________________.Ipadmin

    True        False

  • Data is read off of hard disks in concentric circles called ____.
    1) tracks
    2) blocks
    3) sectors
    4) cylinders
    1) tracks

    True        False

  • ____ is a remote administration tool that encrypts information that passes across the network.Secure Shell (SSH)

    True        False

  • Any line in a kickstart file that starts with a(n) ____ symbol is a comment line and is ignored by the installation program.
    1) *
    2) #
    3) $
    4) %
    2) #

    True        False

  • Programs that tell X Windows how to draw teh graphics and display the reultX Client

    True        False

  • Viewing the output of the ____________________ command or the contents of the /var/log/boot.log and /var/log/messages log files can isolate most hardware problems.dmesg

    True        False

  • ____________________ is used to reduce the size of a file or set of files.Compression

    True        False

  • The section of an inode that stores permissions is called the ____ of the file.
    1) tail
    2) head
    3) mode
    4) accessor
    3) mode

    True        False

  • The ____ option for the sar command is used to displays statistics for the processor queue.-q

    True        False

  • The ____ option to the iptables command can be used to specify the default policy for a certain chain type.-d

    True        False

  • PATA hard disk drives typically have faster data transfer speeds, and most systems allow for the connection of more than four such hard disks.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • To move from the /home/joe/test/data to the home/joe directory, what command would you use?2) chmod 7777 name

    True        False

  • The ____ can be used with LISP artificial intelligence programming language and supports hundreds of keyboard functions like the vi editor.echo $PS1

    True        False

  • Can you use a Kickstart Configurator to make major changes to a kickstart file?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • A common utility used to troubleshoot routing is the ____ command.traceroute

    True        False

  • Most linux distributions today use____ as their package manager.RPM

    True        False

  • When working with Sendmail, you can use the ____ command to test SMTP support.HELO

    True        False

  • to verify hardware settings, you can examine the contents of the _____ directory./proc

    True        False

  • The ____________________ command only searches directories that are listed in a special variable called the PATH variable in the current BASH shell.smbclient

    True        False

  • CD-ROMs typically use the ____ filesystem type.
    1) ntfs
    2) ext2
    3) iso9660
    4) ext3
    3) iso9660

    True        False

  • To ensure that Linux has detected the correct amount of RAM in the system after installation, you can view the contents of the ____ file.
    1) /proc/mem
    2) /proc/cpuinfo
    3) /proc/memoryinfo
    4) /proc/meminfo

    True        False

  • You can edit the quotas for certain users by using the ____ command.
    1) edquota
    2) editquota
    3) quota
    4) repquota
    3) fdisk

    True        False

  • A system process tha performs useful tasks, such as printing, scheduling, and operating system maintenancedaemon

    True        False

  • When using the compress utility, each file is renamed with a(n)_____ filename extension to indicate that is compressed..Z

    True        False

  • The ____ file in the /proc directory contains statistics on the performance of the processor.
    1) cpuinfo
    2) modules
    3) kcore
    4) loadavg

    True        False

  • When using the chmod command for a specific file, the ____ argument would add read permission and remove write permission for the group permissions.
    1) u+r+w
    2) g-r+w
    3) g+r-w
    4) o+r-w
    3) g+r-w

    True        False

  • A Fedora 13 CD installation requires ____ CDs.
    1) two
    2) four
    3) six
    4) ten
    3) six

    True        False

  • Channel that allows a user to log interminal

    True        False

  • Displays files in reverse ordertac command

    True        False

  • A(n) ____________________ backup backs up only the data that has been changed since the last backup.incremental

    True        False

  • Command used to change the group owner of a file or directoryping

    True        False

  • You can see the contents of a certain variable in memory by using the ____ metacharacter with the echo command.
    1) $
    2) *
    3) &
    4) #

    True        False

  • The first line in a shell script, which specifies the pathname to the shell that interprets the contents of the shell scripthashpling

    True        False

  • The more filesystems that are used on a system, the less likely a corrupted filesystem will interfere with normal system operations.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • In Linux, what is used to accept input from the user and pass input to the kernel for processing?Display settings

    True        False

  • When used with the uncompressed command, the _____ option can be used to compress symbolic links.2) False

    True        False

  • The ____ regular expression metacharacter matches 0 or more occurrences of the previous character.*

    True        False

  • Because you need to document so many pieces of hardware and software information, you should create a ______ that contains all important installation information as well as hardware information.tee

    True        False

  • At installation, Fedora Linux creates a symbolic link called ____________________ to the correct device file for your first CD-ROM drive./dev/cdrom

    True        False

  • A LILO version available for Intel Pentium and Itanium computers that use Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI).ext2

    True        False

  • In a file's mode, if a permission is unavailable, a(n) ____ character replaces its position in the mode.
    1) *
    2) +
    3) ?
    4) -

    True        False

  • Shares password databases among Linux systemsNetwork Information Service (NIS)

    True        False

  • You can create user accounts on the Linux system by using the ____./etc/skel

    True        False

  • A filter command that takes information from standard input and sends that information to a file, as well as to standard output.file descriptors

    True        False

  • The ____ editor is functionally analogous to the Windows Wordpad and Notepad editors.gedit

    True        False

  • LOg files are typically stored in the _____ directory./var/log

    True        False

  • To create an encrypted password for use in the /boot/grub/grub.conf, you can use the ____ commandgrub-md5-crypt

    True        False

  • To check a filesystem for errors, you can use the ____ command, which can check filesystems of many different types.
    1) fcheck
    2) fsc
    3) fscheck
    4) fsck
    4) fsck

    True        False

  • Command used to view your group memberships and primary group.groups

    True        False

  • In the FHS, the ____ directory contains the Linux kernel and files used by the boot loader/boot

    True        False

  • Are permissions additive?
    1) Yes
    2) No

    True        False

  • Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys that are uniquely generated on each system: a(n) ____ key and a(n) ____ key.1) True

    True        False

  • The ____ zone configuration file contains a PTR record used to identify the loopback adapter.4) loadavg

    True        False

  • To create a subdirectory, you would use the makedir command.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • To check a filesystem for errors, you can use the _____ command, which can check filesystems of many different types.4) fsck

    True        False

  • Specify a commands' working parametersarguments

    True        False

  • The most command LAN protocol used today is____.@

    True        False

  • NetBIOS names can be up to ____ characters long.15

    True        False

  • Is ext3 the traditional filesystem used on Linux?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • The ____ device file represents the first primary partition on the second IDE hard disk drive (primary slave).
    1) /dev/hdc1
    2) /dev/hdb1
    3) /dev/hda1
    4) /dev/hdc2
    2) /dev/hdb1

    True        False

  • Hard disk quotas that the user can exceed for a certain period of time.soft limits

    True        False

  • The ____ httpd.conf directive specifies that the index.html file in the document root directory will be sent to clients who request an HTML document.-d

    True        False

  • Can you install Linux from ISO image files on a hard disk?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    2) No

    True        False

  • Two or more computers that are connected with media that can exchange information are called a(n)

    True        False

  • Allows you to choose the operating system upon system startupBASH

    True        False

  • Device files that represent disks, such as floppy disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and hard disks, are typically character device files because a fast data transfer rate is preferred.
    1) True
    2) False
    Linked files

    True        False

  • You can use the ____ command to start, stop, or restart any daemons listed within the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory.service

    True        False

  • The shell restricts the number of file handles that programs can open to ____ by default.Three(3)

    True        False

  • Devices that transfer data in a character-by-character fashion are referred to as ____ devices.
    1) text
    2) block
    3) character
    4) binary

    True        False

  • One method of setting up trusted access is to add the host names of computers to the ____ file on the remote computer./etc/hosts.equiv

    True        False

  • A file that contains the most recent entries at the bottom of the filelog file

    True        False

  • The test statement ____ would be used to determine if A is numerically greater than B[ A -gt B ]

    True        False

  • The _____ standard supports speeds of up to 80 MB/s.stdout

    True        False

  • SLIP is a newer technology than PPPFalse

    True        False

  • The /etc/resolv.conf file can contain up to ____ DNS servers.200 MB

    True        False

  • Apache daemon listens for HTTP requests on port ____.TCP 80

    True        False

  • File that contains a list of devices that are currently used on the system and their major numbers./proc/devices

    True        False

  • When creating a system backup, temporary files in the /tmp and /var/tmp directories should be included.False

    True        False

  • A Linux system in runlevel ___ is a system that has no daemons active in memory and is ready to be powered off0

    True        False

  • ___________________________________ defines a standard set of directories for use by all Linux and UNIX systems, as well as the file and subdirectory contents of each directory.incremental

    True        False

  • On a CUPS printing system, to remove a print job that is in the print queue, you can use the ____________________ command followed by the print job IDs of the jobs to remove.traceroute

    True        False

  • What command takes a list of arguments specifying the absolute or relative pathnames of files to remove?rm

    True        False

  • When performance issues arise, you can compare the output of performance utilities to the ____________________ values found in the system log book.baseline

    True        False

  • To share information to Windows client computers, you can use the ____________________ daemon, which emulates the SMB protocol.Samba

    True        False

  • The recommended size for the /home directory is _____ per user.200 MB

    True        False

  • Command used to test network connectivityping

    True        False

  • The ____ command sends a small TCP/IP packet to another IP address and awaits a

    True        False

  • Displays the first ten lines of a text filetail -5

    True        False

  • If you find a corrupted device file, or accidentally delete a device file, the ____________________ command can be used to re-create the device file if you know the type, major, and minor numbers.mknod

    True        False

  • File that contains a list of devices that are currently used on the filesystem and their major numberswhoami

    True        False

  • File that lists all of the system events that occurred during the installation, such as the creation of user and group accountspwd

    True        False

  • The ____ command looks for makefile and uses the information within to compile the source code into binary programs using the appropriate compiler program for local hardware architecture.make

    True        False

  • When you use disk imaging software to write a Linux ISO image onto a USB flash drive, the filesystem existing on the flash drive is maintained.
    1) True
    2) False

    True        False

  • If some users, such as software developers, need to run certain commands as the root user in certain situations, it is best to allow them to log on to the root user account via the SU command.False

    True        False

  • Command used to view your group memberships and primary groupgroups

    True        False

  • Performance problems are caused by hardware, not

    True        False

  • To set all of the special permission on a certain file or directory, you can use the command _____, where name is the name of the file or directory.chmod 7777 name

    True        False

  • The Linux kernel is stored in the _____ directory.iso9660

    True        False

  • The file descriptor stdin is represented by the number____.0

    True        False

  • When used with the uncomress command, the ___ option displays the contents of the compressed file to Standard Output.-o

    True        False

  • Command used to view you current user namealias

    True        False

  • Most Parallel SCSI controllers support up to ____ devices.
    1) 12
    2) 13
    3) 14
    4) 15
    4) 15

    True        False

  • To see a list of all exported environment and user-defined variables in the shell, you can use the ____ commandenv

    True        False

  • To see a list of the environmental variables and their current values on a system, you can use the ____ command;

    True        False

  • File that contains a lists of packages that were installed as well as a list of those that were not installed/root/install.log.syslog

    True        False

  • Indicates a particular device.minor number

    True        False

  • To verify hardware settings, you can examine the contents of the ____ directory.
    1) /log
    2) /root
    3) /proc
    4) /hw

    True        False

  • You can send the standard output of one command to another command as standard input using the ____ shell metacharacter./usr

    True        False

  • Linux requires how many partitions at minimum?file descriptors

    True        False

  • What are specific letters that start with a dash (-)?minor number

    True        False

  • What is the most common method of installing Linux?;

    True        False

  • The first readable sector of a hard disk, where partition definitions are stored.MBR

    True        False

  • Do symbolic links share the same inode and inode number?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) True

    True        False

  • You can restrict who can print to certain by using the ____ command.Ipadmin

    True        False

  • Points to the device driver for a device in the Linux kernelmajor number

    True        False

  • The section of an inode that stores permissions is called the _____ of a file.traceroute

    True        False

  • The ____ filesystem contains most of the operating system files.
    1) boot
    2) data
    3) mnt
    4) root
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • To remove a package from the system, you can use the ___ option to the rpm command.-e

    True        False

  • The subnet mask for a Class B IP address is ____.Network Information Service (NIS)

    True        False

  • The ____ command can be used in the BASH prompt to obtain a Web page from the Apache server.echo $PS1

    True        False

  • The IP addresses___and___ are not allowed to be assigned to a host computer because they refer to all networks and all computers on all networks, respectively.;

    True        False

  • When working with files, the special metacharacter ".." specifies the current directory.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • To identify any missing files in a package or package dependency, you can use the ____ option to the rpm command, followed by the name of the package.-V

    True        False

  • The highest priority SCSI device is given a SCSI ID of ____.
    1) 1
    2) 6
    3) 7
    4) 15
    2) No

    True        False

  • Client computers can retrieve e-mail from e-mail servers via ____ or ____.ln

    True        False

  • To view the contents of a file that was compressed with the bzip2 utility, you must use the ____________________ command.bzcat

    True        False

  • Shell variables that are typically set by the system and contain information that the system and programs access regularlyenvironment variables

    True        False

  • The execute permission for a file allows a user the ability to execute the file in memory (if it is a program file or a script).
    1) True
    2) False
    200 MB

    True        False

  • Most common boot loader on modern Linux systems.Grand unified bootloader

    True        False

  • Command used to change the permissions for a certain file or directorychmod

    True        False

  • Alter the way a command worksinitstates

    True        False

  • ____ servers resolve fully qualified domain names to IP addresses for a certain namespace on the Internet.DNS

    True        False

  • _____ of the GRUB boot loader typically resided on the Master boot recordStage 1

    True        False

  • The compression algorithm used by the compass utility has an average compression ratio of _____%40-50

    True        False

  • Can several different devices share the same major number?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • A Fedora 13 CD installation requires ___ CDs.six

    True        False

  • Which Linux Command displays your login name?whoami

    True        False

  • When using the chmod command, the mode rwx can be represented by the number ____.
    1) 0
    2) 1
    3) 7
    4) 8
    3) 7

    True        False

  • When using the chmod command, the mode rwx can be replaced by the number____.7

    True        False

  • Identifies a channel that passes information from one process in memory to another, and in some cases can be mediated by fiels on the hard drivenamed pipe

    True        False

  • A type of RAID level 0 in which an individual file is divided into sections and saved concurrently on multiple disks.iSCSI target

    True        False

  • Extended regular expression metacharacters?, +, {}, |

    True        False

  • Command used to test network

    True        False

  • The ip command uses the ___ option to specify the destination printer name.-d

    True        False

  • To change the primary group temporarily to another group that is listed in the output of the groups and id commands, you can use the _____ command.newgrp

    True        False

  • By default, all print jobs have a priority of____.50

    True        False

  • The ____ option to the iptables command can be used to specify the destination address of packets for a rule.-p

    True        False

  • Command used to view your current user name.whoami

    True        False

  • Most Parallel SCSI controllers support up to ____ devices.15

    True        False

  • Up to 100,000 Serial Attached SCSI hard disks can be connected to a single SCSI controller via serial cables with small serial connectors.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • Rigid quota limits that the user cannot exceed.Host names

    True        False

  • You can use the ____________________ command to connect to both Samba and Windows servers.sestatus

    True        False

  • Computer names are called ____.minor number

    True        False

  • Command used to create modify filesystem parameters.arguments

    True        False

  • The ____ symbol indicates a linked file.@

    True        False

  • When you insert a DVD while in a GUI environment, it is automatically mounted by the system to a directory underneath the /media directory that is named for the label on the DVD.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • The _____ option can be used with the tar command to extract a specified archive.-x

    True        False

  • The ____ filesystem is used by software programs that write to a CD-RW or DVD-RW drive.curl

    True        False

  • Linux requires ____ partition(s) at minimum.
    1) one
    2) two
    3) three
    4) four
    1) ln

    True        False

  • When using the gzip utility, the -1 option is also known as best compression and results in a higher compression ratio.False

    True        False

  • The ____ command can be used to assign a TCP/IP configuration to a NIC as well as view the configuration of all network interfaces in the computer.curl

    True        False

  • The _____ environment fiel is always executed immediately after login for all users on the system, and sets most environment variables, such as HOME and PATH.whoami

    True        False

  • Raid level _____ is often referred to as disk mirroring.;

    True        False

  • The command that displays the calendar for the current month is what?

    True        False

  • The ____ SQL statement is used to delete a database.DROP DATABASE

    True        False

  • To see what network services are running on your network, you can run the ____ command.nmap

    True        False

  • Directory that stores device files.head command

    True        False

  • All Linux problems can be divided into ____ categories.3

    True        False

  • Which Linux command gets you out of your current shell?exit

    True        False

  • To set all of the special permissions on a certain file or directory, you can use the command ____, where name is the name of the file or directory.
    1) chmod 777 name
    2) chmod 7777 name
    3) chmod 6666 name
    4) chmod 0000 name
    2) chmod 7777 name

    True        False

  • Hard disk quotas that the user can exceed for a certain period of time.Soft limits

    True        False

  • Should most files residing in a user's home directory be owned by that user?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • Labels representing command input and outputTrue

    True        False

  • In the /etc/lilo.conf file, the ____ keyword specifies the file that contains the physical layout of the disk drive.3) kickstart

    True        False

  • If a hard disk fails in a RAID level 0 configuration, is all of the data lost?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    3) mode

    True        False

  • Command used to display BASH shell aliasestouch

    True        False

  • The _____ priority used by the system log daemon indicates an error that should be rectified immediately, such as a corrupt system database.metacity

    True        False

  • After a typical Fedora Linux installation, over 700 different device files are in the /dev directory.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • You can edit the quotas for certain users by using the _____ commanduseradd

    True        False

  • When a user creates a file or directory, that user's name and ____________________ becomes the owner and group owner of the file, respectively./dev/cdrom

    True        False

  • The PATH variable lists directories that are searched for executable files if a relative or absolute pathname was not specified when executing a command on the command line.
    1) True
    2) False

    True        False

  • A route table is a list of TCP/IP networks that is stored in system memory.True

    True        False

  • The average compression ratio for gzip is ______%60-70

    True        False

  • In the FHS, the ____ directory is the root user's home directory.
    1) /bin
    2) /home
    3) /boot
    4) /root

    True        False

  • The easiest method for monitoring free space by mounted filesystems is to use the ____ command.
    1) df
    2) fs
    3) dfs
    4) fd

    True        False

  • A computer connected to a remote hard disk via iSCSI is referred to as an iSCSI initiator.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • If you have _____ permission to a shell script, you cn execute the shell script like any other executable program on the system.!

    True        False

  • Utility used to configure video card and monitorFalse

    True        False

  • To mount all filesystems in the /etc/fstab file that are intended to mount at boot time, you can simply type the ____ command.mount -a

    True        False

  • NTP uses port ____.False

    True        False

  • The first readable sector of a hard disk, where partition definitions are storedDisplay settings

    True        False

  • Remote computers can connect to a configured VNC server using the ____ command.vncviewer

    True        False

  • By default, sar commands are scheduled using the cron daemon to run every ____ minutes in Fedora 13.whoami

    True        False

  • Copying a file can be accomplished using what command?True

    True        False

  • To create partitions after installation, you can use the _____ commandfdisk

    True        False

  • The fastest method to search for files in the Linux Directory tree is to use what command?locate command

    True        False

  • The IP address of the network interface on the router to which you send packets is called the ____________________.default gateway

    True        False

  • Packages in the Red Hat Package Manager format have filenames that indicate the hardware architecture for which the software was compiled, and end with the ____________________ extension..rpm

    True        False

  • The SGID allows regular users to execute a binary compiled program and become a member of the group that is attached to the file.
    1) True
    2) False

    True        False

  • The fastest method to search for files in the Linux directory tree is to use the ____ command.
    1) search
    2) id
    3) find
    4) locate
    4) locate

    True        False

  • The BIOS configurations on different computers are generally very similar or exactly the same.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • In the process called ____________________, a user's user name and password are checked against a system database that contains all user account information.GECOS or
    GECOS field or
    General Electric Comprehensive Operating System or
    General Electric Comprehensive Operating System (GECOS)

    True        False

  • A protocol that may be used to install Fedora via the network.Network File System (NFS)

    True        False

  • To create a(n) ____________________ link, you use the -s option to the ln command.Ipadmin

    True        False

  • Does the find command use a pre-made index of files to locate a file?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    2) No

    True        False

  • Directory that stores devices filesoptions

    True        False

  • During Linux installation, you need to configure a minimum of how many user accounts?1) True

    True        False

  • You can use a small bootable Linux kernel to fix problems related to the following: the boot loader; filesystems and partitions; the configuration file; and drivers.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • The ____ PostgreSQL command-line utility backs up PostgreSQL database settings.TCP/IP

    True        False

  • The ____ device file represents the second serial port on the system (COM2).
    1) /dev/ttyS0
    2) /dev/tty2
    3) /dev/tty1
    4) /dev/ttyS1
    4) /dev/ttyS1

    True        False

  • The ____ command takes a list of arguments specifying the absolute or relative pathnames of files to remove.
    1) del
    2) rm
    3) remove
    4) delete
    2) rm

    True        False

  • Command used to change the ownership of a file or directorytune2fs

    True        False

  • When applications run into difficulties gaining resources during execution and stop functioning, restarting the process using a(n) ____ often solves this problem.SIGHUP

    True        False

  • Each SCSI device is assigned a unique ID number known as a(n) ____.
    1) device ID
    2) target ID
    3) SCSI number
    4) SCSI controller
    2) No

    True        False

  • Command used to change the permissions for a certain file or

    True        False

  • Can disk imaging software be used to perform a Linux installation?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • Almost all hardware problems are the result of damaged hardware.False

    True        False

  • If a Linux installaion ends abnormally and the screen displays a "fatal signal _____" error message, it indicates an error known as a segmentation fault.11

    True        False

  • Command used to quickly create an empty file.touch

    True        False

  • _______________________________________________________ represents a text description of the user and is typically left blank.GECOS or
    GECOS field or
    General Electric Comprehensive Operating System or
    General Electric Comprehensive Operating System (GECOS)

    True        False

  • If a user has _____ permission for a file, they can open. read, and edit the contents of a filewrite

    True        False

  • Errors on a filesystem are often referred to as filesystem ____ and are common on most filesystems.
    1) breaks
    2) corruption
    3) degradation
    4) failures
    2) corruption

    True        False

  • The____ command can be used to display the contents of a compressed file.-x

    True        False

  • In SSH, the /etc/ssh directory stores the DSA public key in the ____ file.ssh_host_dsa_key. pub

    True        False

  • The ____ filesystem is used by software programs that write to a CD-RW or DVD-RW drive.
    1) ntfs
    2) udf
    3) ext2
    4) hpfs

    True        False

  • A version of RAID controlled by the system BIOSfirmware RAID

    True        False

  • In a laptop computer, can changes to the BIOS be retrieved if the battery dies?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    2) No

    True        False

  • In a file's mode, if a permission is unavailable, a ____ character replaces its position in the mode:

    True        False

  • what is the metacharacter for command termination?;

    True        False

  • To Convert a system so that it uses an /etc/shadow file to store the encrypted password after installation, you can run the ____ command.pwconv

    True        False

  • There can be multiple device files per device.
    1) True
    2) False
    3) cp

    True        False

  • To see a list of all printers on the system and their status, you can use the -t option to the _____ command.1) -t

    True        False

  • A remote disk to which a computer connects using iSCSIiSCSI target

    True        False

  • In FHS, the ____ directory is the root user's home directorychgrp

    True        False

  • Filesystem that performs journalingext3

    True        False

  • The ____ device file represents the first primary partition on the second IDE hard disk drive (primary slave)./dev/hdb1

    True        False

  • command that halts the system immediately and powers down the computerpoweroff

    True        False

  • The______ option, when used with the Gzip Command, causes the compression ratio for files that have been compressed to be listed.-B

    True        False

  • When used with the tar utility, the ___ option causes filenames to be stored in an archive using absolute pathnames.-p

    True        False

  • Running background processes using the ____ command allows you to exit your command-line shell without ending any background processes.nohup

    True        False

  • To create a hard link, you must use the ____ command.
    1) ln
    2) link
    3) lnk
    4) lk
    3) six

    True        False

  • Most configuration files on Linux systems are delimited using ____ characterscolon

    True        False

  • RAID level 4 configurations are not fault tolerant.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • An extended partition can contain many subpartitions called ____________________.logical drives

    True        False

  • RAID level ____ is often referred to as disk mirroring.
    1) 1
    2) 2
    3) 3
    4) 4
    3) 7

    True        False

  • To configure your keyboard, you can use the _____ command from either a GUI or terminal environment and restart X Windowssystem-config-keyboard

    True        False

  • When using the cpio utility, the ___ option causes a new archive to be created.-o

    True        False

  • What is the shell that is used by default in Linux?BASH

    True        False

  • Using wildcard metacharacters, how can one indicate a number is either 1, 2, 3, or 4?[1-4]

    True        False

  • Special file that serves as placeholders to organize other filesdirectory

    True        False

  • In the /etc/lilo.conf file, the ____ keyword specifies the absolute pathname to the Linux kernel.image=

    True        False

  • The two most common dsktop environments that are used on Linux are ____and____.kde and gnome

    True        False

  • The use of NFS is less common than the use of FTP to transfer files on public networks.chown

    True        False

  • The ____ command can be used to replace characters in a file sent via Standard Input-x

    True        False

  • Traditional filesystem still used on most Linux computersext2

    True        False

  • What directory contains system commands and utilities?/usr

    True        False

  • _____ installation log files are create by the Fedora installation program.two

    True        False

  • ____ installation log file(s) is/are created by the Fedora installation program.
    1) One
    2) Two
    3) Three
    4) Four

    True        False

  • To move files, you can use the mv command.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) No

    True        False

  • If you type enough unique letters of a directory and press the _____ key, the BASH shell will find the intended file or directory being specified and fill in the appropriate information.Tab

    True        False

  • ____ are the most common hardware component to fail on Linux systems.Hard disks

    True        False

  • Hard disks can contain how many major partitions?4

    True        False

  • When using the chmod command, if there is no character specifying the category of user to affect, only the group category is affected.
    1) True
    2) False
    3) g+r-w

    True        False

  • Each SCSI device is assigned a unique ID number known as a _____.

    True        False

  • Constructs that alter the flow of a program based on whether a command in the program completed successfully or based on a decision that the uer makes given a question posed by the programcp

    True        False

  • Can any existing directory can be used as a mount point?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • To create a hard link, you must use the ____ commandIpadmin

    True        False

  • It is good form to check the installation log files after installation as well as verify settings on the system after installation to ensure that all hardware was detected with the correct values.
    1) True
    2) False

    True        False

  • What command will confirm the system directory that you are currently in?DVD installation

    True        False

  • Used to run multiple OSs at the same timestdout

    True        False

  • A file that represents a device on the system, such as a hard disk or serial port/usr

    True        False

  • The ____ command can be used to provide a long listing for each file in a certain directory.curl

    True        False

  • The ____ section of a filesystem is the section that contains information about the filesystem in general.
    1) inode table
    2) inode
    3) data blocks
    4) superblock
    4) superblock

    True        False

  • What metacharacter can also be used to refer to the current user's home directory?~

    True        False

  • To view the size of a directory and its contents in Kilobytes, you can use the du command.
    1) True
    2) False

    True        False

  • You can see the contents of a certain variable in memory by using the ____ metacharacter with the echo command|

    True        False

  • Files that are typically used to create custom programs that perform administrative tasks on Linux systems.environment variables

    True        False

  • ___ is a freely available version of X Windows used in many Linux Distributions.Network Information Service (NIS)

    True        False

  • In Linux, you must use only one type of filesystem on a system.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • IPv6 IP addresses are delimited by the ____ character.3

    True        False

  • The ____ section of a filesystem is the section that contains information about the filesystem in

    True        False

  • Rigid quota limits that the user cannot exceed/dev

    True        False

  • You can ue the BASH shell to redirect standard output and standard error from the terminal screen to a file on the filesystem using the ___ shell metacharacter followed by the absolute or relative pathname of the file-r

    True        False

  • The rmdir command automatically removes a directory and all of its subdirectories and files.
    1) True
    2) False
    2) False

    True        False

  • Can the mv command be used to rename files?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    1) Yes

    True        False

  • The ____ ftp utility command uploads the filename from the current directory on the local computer to the current directory on the remote computer, and allows the use of wildcard metacharacters to specify the filename.rlogin

    True        False

  • Command used to change the ownership of a file or directory.chown

    True        False

  • The ____ option for the sar command is used to display swap statistics.alias

    True        False

  • Processes can initiate numerous connections, called ____________________, to files on the filesystem in addition to standard input, standard output, and standard error.file handles

    True        False

  • Points to the device driver for a device in the Linux kernel.;

    True        False

  • Command used to displays BASH shell aliases.alias

    True        False

  • You can use wildcard metacharacters with the find command.
    1) True
    2) False
    1) True

    True        False

  • Creating a filesystem on a device is commonly referred to as ____________________.formatting

    True        False

  • Files that have an association with one anotheractive partition

    True        False

  • You can perform up to____ different incremental backups using the dump/restore utility.nine

    True        False

  • To view a list of files and their type, use the ____ switch to the ls command.-F

    True        False

  • A unique identifier for each devie attached to any given node in a SCSI chainLogical Unit Number (LUN)

    True        False

  • Can CD-ROMs be ejected from the CD-ROM drive before the CD-ROM is properly unmounted?
    1) Yes
    2) No

    True        False

  • What key combination, commonly used in the vi editor command mode, displays current line statistics?ctrl + g

    True        False

  • If your system uses the implementation of X Windows, the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and video adapter card information is stored in the ____ file in text format-d

    True        False

  • The situation in which a program has accessed an area of RAM that was not assignedFalse

    True        False

  • The ___ log file contains information and error messages regarding netork access generated by daemons such as sshd and xinetd.Secure

    True        False

  • When working with Sendmail, if you modify the /etc/aliases file, you need to run the ____ command to rebuild the aliases databasenewaliases

    True        False

  • File on the hard disk representing a device on a Linux systemNetwork Information Service (NIS)

    True        False

  • A file that allows a process on another computer to write to a file on the local computer while another process reads from that filechgrp

    True        False

  • A(n) ____ is a program that can start a network daemon.TCP wrapper

    True        False

  • Which of the FHS defined directories contains the Linux kernel?

    The /boot/ directory contains static files required to boot the system, such as the Linux kernel.

    Which directory in the FHS contains most system commands and utilities?

    CIT222 Chapter 4- Linux Filesystem Management Key Terms.

    What directory under contains the log files for a Linux system?

    Linux has a special directory for storing logs called /var/log . This directory contains logs from the OS itself, services, and various applications running on the system.

    Which section of a filesystem is the section that contains information about the filesystem in general?

    The central concepts are superblock, inode , data block, directory block , and indirection block. The superblock contains information about the filesystem as a whole, such as its size (the exact information here depends on the filesystem). An inode contains all information about a file, except its name.

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