How much central ray CR angulation if any should be used for an AP projection of the toes?

In order to best demonstrate TMT joint spaces of foot, angle posterior how many degrees?

The CR is directed to where for AP and AP axial projections of the feet?

The most commonly performed oblique projection of the foot is:

AP oblique in medial rotation

For an AP oblique projection of the foot in either medial or lateral rotation, the plantar surface of the foot should form an angle of:

The CR angle for an AP oblique projection of the foot:

What projection clearly demonstrates the cuboid?

AP oblique in medial rotation

For a lateral projection of the foot, the CR would be directed to the:

base of the 3rd metatrsal

How many degrees of angulation are required to open the IP joint spaces of the toes on an AP projection?

How many degrees are the lower leg and foot rotated for the AP oblique projection of the toes in medial rotation?

The CR angulation for an AP oblique projection of the toes:

For an AP projection of the toes, the CR is directed to the:

How is the patient placed for a lateral projection of the great toe or second toe?

recumbent, on unaffected side

What is the patient position for a lateral projection of the third, fourth, or fifth toes?

lateral recumbent, on the affected side

Which of the following are the essential oblique projections of the ankle?
1.) AP oblique, 45-degree medial rotation
2.) AP oblique, 45-degree lateral rotation
3.) AP oblique, 15- to 20-degree medial rotation for the ankle mortise

Which of the following must be rotated for all oblique projections of the ankle?

1) pelvis

2) leg

3) foot

To demonstrate the ankle mortise, the leg and foot should be rotated medially how many degrees?

When the malleoli of the ankle are positioned parallel with the IR, the ankle is in position for which projection?

AP oblique, 15- to 20- degree medial rotation for the ankle mortise

The medial and lateral projections of the ankle (not the mortise)... must be rotated how many degrees?

Which ankle projection will clearly demonstrate the ankle mortise in profile?

AP oblique, 15- to 20-degree internal rotation

For a lateral projection of the ankle, the central ray must enter the:

To prevent lateral rotation, how should the foot be positioned for a lateral projection of the ankle?

The Cr for an AP oblique projection of the ankle is:

Which projection will clearly demonstrate the joint spaces between the talus and both malleoli?

AP oblique, 15 to 20 degree internal rotation

Which projections of the ankle are performed on a patient following an inversion or eversion injury?

Which specific projections of the ankle are performed to diagnose a tear of the medial or lateral ligament?

1) AP, eversion stress

2) AP, inversion stress

3) AP oblique, 15 to 20 degree medial rotation

The CR angulation for a lateral projection of the calcaneus is:

Whats the most commonly performed lateral projection of the calcaneus?

The CR for an AP ankle projection is:

Whats NOT clearly demonstrated on an AP projection of the ankle?

The CR angle for a lateral projection of the ankle is:

For a lateral projection of the ankle, the central ray must enter the:

Where will the fibula be located on a properly positioned lateral radiograph of the ankle?

Superimposed over posteripr half of tibia

What is the central - ray angulation for the axial (plantodorsal) projection of the calcaneus?

For an AP oblique projection of the foot in either medial or lateral rotation, the plantar surface of the foot should form an angle of:

The most commonly performed oblique projection of the foot is the:

AP oblique in medial rotation

When doing a radiograph of the calcaneus with the patient supine, one would angle the tube

A lateral projection of the ankle will demonstrate the relationship of the fibula to the tibia to be:

In the posterior half of the tibia

A true lateral projection of the foot is attained using the-

Projection used to determine the stability of the longitudinal arch of the feet is the:

To demonstrate sesamoids of foot free of superimposition, one should take:

To attain an axial projection of the calcaneus the CR is directed _____ to the long axis of the foot.

In the medial and lateral oblique of the foot, the sole forms a ____ degree angle with the IR.

To demonstrate distal tibfib joint the foot must be:

To demonstrate ligament tear of joint, what is performed?

When doing a dorsoplantar projection of the foot the Cr is directed to the

Base of the 3rd metatarsal

When radiographing the foot the subtalar joint is well demonstrated using the:

The malleoli are used as landmarks when radiographing the:

The patient will be placed in the ______ position when xraying longitudinal arches for "flat feet".

What would best demonstrate lateral malleolus in profile?

What view BEST demonstrates the calcaneus?

When doing AP projection of toes, the CR is directed to the

If doing a lateral projection of big toe the patient is lying on the

For AP foot you angle the CR

When radiographing lateral foot, the plantar surface is ________ to the IR.

What projection visualizes the navicular bone?

For AP ankle the CR is directed

When radiographing ankle in an internal oblique, you must rotate

What routine is followed for study of 2nd toe?

AP, AP oblique with medial rotation, lateromedial projection

T/ F: A correctly positioned medial 45 degree oblique ankle projection frequently may also demonstrate fracture at base of fifth metatarsal if present.

To properly demonstrate jt spaces on AP projection of foot, CR must be:

perpendicular to the metatarsals

What position of foot will demonstrate 3rd cuneiform?

AO oblique with medial rotation

Where is CR placed for mediolateral projection of calcaneus?

The ______, ______, and _______ form the ankle mortise.

later malleoli, medial malleoli & subtalar joint

T/F: To reduce scatter radiation during tabletop procedures, the Bucky tray should be positioned over lower limb being radiographed.

T/F: With careful and close collimation shielding isn't needed for lower limb radiography

True/False: During digital radiography, lead masking should be placed on the regions of the imaging plate, not within the collimation field.

T/F. A kV range between 50 and 70 should be used for film screen lower limb radiography.

True/False: kV range for CR and digital radiography is typically lower as compared with film-screen ranges.

If a foreign body is lodged in the plantar surface of the foot, which type of CR angle should be used for the AP projection?

None; use a perpendicular CR

How much central ray CR angulation if any should be used for an AP projection of the toes without elevation of forefoot )?

RAD 111.

What is the CR angle for an AP projection of the leg?

The central-ray angulation for the AP ankle projection is: 0 degrees. For an AP oblique projection of the knee, the limb is rotated. 45 degrees.

How should the CR be directed for an AP weight bearing feet projection?

Where is the CR directed for an AP projection of knees—weight-bearing? If the knee is angled 40º for the PA axial intercondylar fossa (Camp-Coventry) projection, the CR will be angled: 40 degrees; If the knee is angled 50 then the CR will be angled to 50 degrees.

What CR angulation is recommended for an AP projection of the knee on a patient with an ASIS to tabletop measurement of 18 cm?

A 3° to 5° caudad CR angle should be used for an AP knee projection for patients with an ASIS-to-tabletop measurement of 20 cm.


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