How is creating a table in design view different from creating a table in datasheet view?

  1. Computer Science
  2. Grand Canyon University
  3. Introduction to Computer Technology and Analytics
  4. Question #2312757

Introduction to Computer Technology and Analytics

Compare how you would use the Design view and Datasheet view in Access to organize your information. Consider how they are both useful but different. Topic is based on Scientific calculations in medical administration. We are utilizing excel & spreadhseets

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    Expert Answer

    5 months ago


    Datasheet and design view differs from one another in the following ways-

    • The design view displays only the name of the value and its data types whereas

    the datasheet view displays all the values of calculation fields and their records.

    • In the design view, the tables can be created and modified. For example, if the table is Medical then it can be created for storing all the values for calculation.

    In the datasheet view, the calculation method or values can be easily changed.

    • In the design view, any values that are stored in the fields are modified using set or alter.

    In the datasheet view, small changes can be made such as inserting or deleting the values.

    • In the design view, different data types can be assigned for the field like float, double, and int but it is not available in the datasheet view but can directly enter the values.

    • The design view creates or changes the table name

    In the datasheet view, the tables are created visually and the values are arranged in rows and columns.

    • The design view supports storing a large number of data but in the datasheet view, it is limited.

    The design view and datasheet views both are used to create tables and store the values but in different ways. Therefore, both are useful for managing the data.

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    This chapter is from the book

    Specifying a Primary Key in Design View

    A primary key is one or more fields in a table that provide a unique identifier for every row. You use the primary key in other tables to refer back to the table with the primary key. In Design view, you can use the Primary Key button to assign or remove the primary key designation for the selected field or fields. When you create a new table in Datasheet view, Access automatically creates a primary key and assigns it the field name “ID” and the data type AutoNumber. When you create a table in Design view, you can specify more than one field as a primary key, known as a composite key, so you are responsible for determining the data type of the primary key. Whatever data type you choose, values for the primary key must be unique for each table record.

    Specify a Primary Key

    • In Design view, create a field that will be that table’s primary key, and then select an appropriate data type.

      • If you choose the AutoNumber data type, Access assigns a value to the primary key for a new record that is one more than the primary key in the previous record.
      • If you choose any other data type, such as Text, Number, or Date/Time, during data entry, you must enter a unique value in the appropriate format for the primary key of each new record.
    • Click the row selector of that field.

      • To create more than one primary key, press and hold Ctrl, and then click the additional row selector for each field.
    • Click the Primary Key button.
    • To remove a primary key, delete any table relationships associated with the primary key, select the row selector for the Primary key, and then click the Primary Key button.

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