How does physical activity help yourself physically mentally emotionally and socially?

Setting the Stage (by Example)

Dr. Shawna Charles, who received a PhD in Psychology from Walden University, put her love of psychology into action by opening a Los Angeles boxing gym to provide people with the help they need, including fitness, an ear to listen to their problems, and a connection to vital social services. Dr. Charles, like many others in her field, understands the connection between good physical and mental health.

The Psychological Benefits of Exercise

Most of us know the many physical benefits of exercise: weight control, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of diabetes, and increased energy, just to name a few. But what about the psychological benefits of exercise? From easing symptoms of depression and anxiety to keeping your memory sharp, there’s no shortage of mental benefits of exercise. Whether you need motivation to get to the gym or to just take a brisk walk, the five psychological benefits of physical activity below will have you tying up your shoe laces and heading out the door.

  1. Help for depression and anxiety
    Exercise is a scientifically proven mood booster, decreasing symptoms of both depression and anxiety. Physical activity kicks up endorphin levels, the body’s famous “feel good” chemical produced by the brain and spinal cord that produces feelings of happiness and euphoria. Even just moderate exercise throughout the week can improve depression and anxiety, so much so that some doctors recommend trying out an exercise regimen for these conditions before turning to medication.
  2. Decreased stress
    Another mental benefit of exercise is reduced stress levels—something that can make us all happier. Increasing your heart rate can actually reverse stress-induced brain damage by stimulating the production of neurohormones like norepinephrine, which not only improve cognition and mood but improve thinking clouded by stressful events. Exercise also forces the body’s central and sympathetic nervous systems to communicate with one another, improving the body’s overall ability to respond to stress.
  3. Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
    From improving endurance to losing weight and increasing muscle tone, there’s no shortage of physical achievements that come about from regular exercise. All those achievements can all add up to a whopping boost of self-esteem—and the confidence that comes with it. You may not set out for better-fitting clothes, a slimmer physique, and the ability to climb a hill without getting winded. Oftentimes it happens before you even realize it. It’s just one of the many benefits of physical activity that boost your body, mind, and spirit.
  4. Better sleep
    If you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, exercise can help with that, too. Physical activity increases body temperature, which can have calming effects on the mind, leading to less sheep counting and more shuteye. Exercise also helps regulate your circadian rhythm, our bodies’ built-in alarm clock that controls when we feel tired and when we feel alert. (Although improved sleep is a psychological benefit of exercise, sleep experts recommend not exercising close to bedtime.)
  5. Brain boost
    From building intelligence to strengthening memory, exercise boosts brainpower in a number of ways. Studies on mice and humans indicate that cardiovascular exercise creates new brain cells—a process called neurogenesis—and improve overall brain performance. It also prevents cognitive decline and memory loss by strengthening the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. Studies also prove that physical activity boosts creativity and mental energy. So if you’re in need of inspiration, your big idea could be just a walk or jog away.

Fascinated by the mental benefits of exercise? Or how exercise can improve depression or anxiety? A bachelor’s in psychology will give you the knowledge you need to help others by making meaningful contributions in the field of psychology.

Even if you work full time, a bachelor’s in psychology is something you can achieve. Featuring a flexible, socially conscious learning environment, Walden University makes higher education possible in an online format that fits your busy life. Learn how you can help others with an online BS in Psychology from Walden.

You know exercise is good for you. You’ve heard it time and time again from doctors, teachers, coaches, friends, television programs, magazines, and more for as long as you can remember.

Of course, moving more helps keep our bodies in tip-top shape, from our muscles to our joints to our heart and lungs. But did you know that regular physical activity plays a significant role in our emotional and social health?

This guide explains everything you need to know about the social benefits of exercise at every stage of your life.

Table of Contents

  • How Does Physical Activity Benefit Your Social Health?
  • Top 5 Emotional and Social Benefits of Exercise
  • Social Benefits of Exercise for Children
  • Social Benefits of Exercise for Teenagers
  • Social Benefits of Exercise for Adults
  • Social Benefits of Exercise for the Elderly
  • Want to Learn More About The Social Benefits of Exercise?  Connect With One of In Motion O.C’s Fitness Experts

Whether you get your sweat on with a fitness coach, with a friend or family member, or in a group fitness class, there are several benefits to working out with others. These include:

  • Maintaining proper form
  • A competitive push
  • Staying accountable

When looking for a person or group of people to work out with, ideal qualities include:

  • A positive attitude
  • Similar health and fitness goals
  • Compatible schedules

If regular exercise isn’t a part of your routine, getting started alongside a community of people dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle may be what you need.

That’s what you can expect from In Motion O.C.

From our wide variety of fitness programs to aquatic therapy, In Motion O.C. provides a community of fitness professionals and a community of people committed to putting their health first for you to be a part of.

Working out has several benefits. Controlling weight or building muscle may be two benefits that immediately come to mind.

Additional physical benefits of working out regularly include:

  • Improved sleep
  • Increased muscle and bone density
  • Lowered risk for several chronic health conditions, such as:
    • Stroke
    • Metabolic syndrome
    • High blood pressure
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Many types of cancer
    • Arthritis

But maybe you haven’t thought about what else moving regularly can do to positively impact your life.

Let’s focus on the emotional and social benefits of physical activity. From neighborhood walks to yoga classes to strength training, working out helps you with:

  1. Building relationships
  2. Increasing energy levels
  3. Boosting your mood
  4. Discipline and accountability
  5. Improved cognitive function.

#1: Builds Relationships

Whether in person or virtually, working out with friends, a personal trainer, or in a class is a great way to build relationships with others.

Maybe you’ve moved to a new city, joining a gym or attending a regular workout class is a great way to meet people. After all, you’ll know you already share an interest. Workout classes and camaraderie often go hand-in-hand.

Or, maybe work and life has been extra busy, leaving little quality time to spend with a good friend or significant other.

Carving out an hour a few times each week for a walk, run, or bike ride with that person allows you time for uninterrupted conversation and an opportunity to get moving.

#2: Increased Energy

Do you find you’re worn out after running around after your toddler or winded after taking the stairs? You may think an afternoon nap or a jolt of caffeine may help with that exhaustion, but a better bet may be adding regular exercise into your daily routine.

Physical activity helps build our muscles and increases our endurance when it comes to completing everyday tasks.

On top of that, exercise improves heart and lung health, increasing energy levels.

#3: Mood Boosts

You may have friends or family who hit the gym when they’re feeling upset or go for a long run to blow off some steam. There’s a scientific reason for that.

You’ve likely heard of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s “feel-good” neurotransmitters.

Physical activity increases endorphin levels, which in turn boosts your mood and decreases depression and anxiety.

If you’re feeling stressed out or down in the dumps, regular exercise may be just what the doctor ordered!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week.

#4: Discipline

Think about this.

Are you one of those people who say they’re going to work out each morning?

You lay out your workout gear, prep your water bottle, and set your alarm to go off well before the sun rises.

You’ve got the best of intentions, but hours later, when that alarm starts beeping, you start making excuses:

  • I didn’t get enough sleep.” 
  • I’m not feeling well.” 
  • “I’ll hit the gym early tomorrow morning instead.”

If you find you’re making excuses, hitting snooze, and going back to sleep more often than sweating before sunrise, having an accountability partner may be exactly what you need.

After all, you’re less likely to blow off that morning workout if a friend or fitness coach is waiting on you.

Having an accountability partner encourages healthy habits and discipline.

#5: Improved Cognitive Function

You may have heard people complain of “brain fog” or say they’re going to hit the treadmill to “clear their head.”

That’s because there’s a correlation between regular exercise and improved cognitive function.

Studies have shown that aerobic exercise boosts the size of the brain area associated with verbal memory and learning.

What Are the Social Benefits of Exercise By Age Group?

No matter if you’re…

  • Learning Tae Kwon Do as a six-year-old
  • Playing high school soccer 
  • Training for a marathon with your best friend in your 30s, or
  • Strength training with your significant other so you can keep up with your grandkids

…regular exercise provides social benefits at every age.

If you invest in yourself by working out, you can expect positive impacts from increased confidence to lower stress to a group of friends to socialize with and who support your fitness goals.

Physical play isn’t just enjoyable for kids; it’s essential for their wellbeing, both cognitively and socially.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily for children six years and older.

This activity helps kids:

  • Develop social skills
  • Encourages team-building
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Boosts academic performance

The teenage years aren’t easy. Teens deal with changing bodies, increased responsibilities, and a host of social stressors.

Besides managing weight and keeping young adults healthy, exercise helps teens:

  • Manage stress levels
  • Process difficult emotions
  • Build confidence

Whether it’s getting involved in a team sport at school, going on hikes or bike rides with a friend, routine activity needs to be a priority for adolescents.

As we move into adulthood, exercise remains essential for both our physical and social health. It also becomes more challenging to make regular exercise a priority in this season of life.

After all, as adults, we’re often responsible for more than just ourselves. We may be responsible for:

  • Young children
  • Aging parents
  • Pets
  • A home
  • Managing colleagues and co-workers
  • Managing finances
  • And much more

Despite all of the things that demand our time and energy, making time for regular exercise provides a host of benefits:

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Stress relief
  • Increased energy
  • Improved quality of life
  • Longer life expectancy

Regular exercise is vital for older adults.

Not only does it improve overall health and fitness, but increased physical activity also reduces your risk of chronic conditions.

Strength training is a great place to start because muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. Strength training can help you preserve and enhance that muscle mass.

Regular exercise, specifically strength training and high impact cardio, can also slow the loss of bone density that often comes with age.

In addition to:

  • Preventing disease
  • Preserving muscle mass
  • Increasing bone density

Regular exercise is key to improving mental health and wellbeing. One way to feel happy and confident as we age is by maintaining our physical and psychological independence.

Increased Independence

Getting older comes with its own challenges. It can be downright frustrating when our bodies can’t do the things they were once able to.

At In Motion O.C., our clients want to feel good when they play with their kids or grandkids.

They want to work out in such a way as to maximize their health and wellbeing, not just their biceps. That’s why our fitness coaches focus on functional strength training.

Functional strength training may be especially beneficial as part of a comprehensive program for older adults to:

  • Improve balance
  • Improve agility
  • Increase muscle strength
  • Reduce the risk of falls

Many older adults hope to continue to live in their own homes as long as possible, as opposed to moving to an assisted living center or other care facility.

If maintaining that independence is important to you, now is the time to get moving.

Regular exercise helps seniors stay mobile, increasing their ability to complete everyday tasks and live independently.

Do you want to experience the many emotional and social benefits of exercise firsthand?

You can.

Start your journey to better physical, mental, and social health with a free consultation.

In Motion O.C. isn’t just a physical therapy clinic. It isn’t just a gym.

When you become part of the In Motion O.C. family, you’re welcomed into a community of like-minded individuals. When you walk through the doors of this state-of-the-art facility, you’ll know you’re in a place where your health is our #1 priority.

In Motion O.C. is your alternative to large, impersonal gyms.

That’s because, at In Motion O.C., we focus on real relationships with our members. Our team of fitness professionals will get to know your personal goals and help you reach and exceed them.

Whether you’re beginning your fitness journey or you’re a seasoned athlete, when you join the In Motion O.C. family, you’re getting:

  • A top-level fitness coach
  • A workout program co-designed by physical therapists, postural specialists, and fitness coaches
  • Free consultations with physical therapists whenever needed

Make a commitment to your physical, mental, and social wellness with a fitness program and wellness community today. In Motion O.C. will be with you every step of the way.

How does physical activity help us emotionally socially and physically?

Physical activities - like walking, biking, dancing, yoga, or tai chi - can help: Reduce feelings of depression and stress. Enhance your mood and overall emotional well-being. Increase your energy level.

How does physical fitness helps improve your mental emotional and social health?

Mental health benefits of exercise Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that improve your mood. It can also get you out in the world, help to reduce any feelings of loneliness and isolation, and put you in touch with other people.

How does physical activities helped us in converting our emotional social and mental stress?

Physical activity is not only good for your body, but it's also great for your mind. Being active releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good - boosting your self-esteem and helping you concentrate as well as sleep well and feel better. Not bad for something many of us can do for free!

How does participation in various physical education activities benefit you physically mentally socially and emotionally?

Physical activity can improve mental health by decreasing and preventing conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as improving mood and other aspects of well-being.


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