How do you insert a function that will display the median price for the range?

Microsoft Excel 2010 is designed to store numerical inputs and permit calculation on those numbers, making it an ideal program if you need to perform any numerical analysis such as computing the mean, median, mode and range for a set of numbers. Each of these four mathematical terms describes a slightly different way of looking at a set of numbers and Excel has a built-in function to determine each of them except for the range, which will require that you create a simple formula to find.

  1. 1.

    Open a new Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet by double-clicking the Excel icon.

  2. 2.

    Click on cell A1 and enter the first number in the set of numbers that you are investigating. Press "Enter" and the program will automatically select cell A2 for you. Enter the second number into cell A2 and continue until you have entered the entire set of numbers into column A.

  3. 3.

    Click on cell B1. Enter the following formula, without quotes, to find the arithmetic mean of your set of numbers: "=AVERAGE(A:A)". Press "Enter" to complete the formula and the mean of your numbers will appear in the cell.

  4. 4.

    Select cell B2. Enter the following formula, without quotes, into the cell: "=MEDIAN(A:A)". Press "Enter" and the median of your set of numbers will appear in the cell.

  5. 5.

    Click cell B3. Enter the following formula, without quotes, into the cell: "=MODE.MULT(A:A)". Press "Enter" and the cell will display mode of the data set.

  6. 6.

    Select cell B4. Enter the following formula, without quotes, into the cell: "=MAX(A:A)-MIN(A:A)". Press "Enter" and the cell will display the range for your set of data.

    A median function is categorized under the statistical function; This MEDIAN function returns the median of the numbers provided. This is the number in the middle of a set of numbers, separating the higher half of its value; it is the central aspect of the data set arranged in order of magnitude.

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    Median Formula in Excel

    Below is the Median Formula in Excel :

    Median Formula in Excel has the following arguments :

    1. Number 1 (required argument) – The number arguments are a set of single or more numeric values (or arrays of numeric values), for which you want to calculate the median.
    2. Number 2 (optional argument)

    Steps of using the median function

    • Select the Formulas tab & Click On More Function.

    • Choose Statistical to open the Function drop-down list. Select MEDIAN in the list.


    • Also, click on the Insert function icon, then manually write Median and search the formula.

    • We get new function windows shown in the below mentioned picture.


    • Then we have to enter the details. Put the Numbers value or Range value where you want to get the middle value of the series. Then Click On OK.


    Shortcut of using the formula

    Click on the cell where you want the result from the value, then put the formula as below mentioned.

    How to Use Median Function in Excel?

    The median function in excel is very simple and easy compared to other functions in Microsoft Excel, which contains lots of arguments or parameters.

    You can download this Median Function Excel Template here – 

    Example # 1 -Median function on even numbers.

    Let’s understand below mentioned table below and the data as a series of even numbers; now I want to know the middle no of the series; we can see that this is an even series of the set. So, on even numbers of the group, median functions pick the two middle numbers of value and get the average. So in this series, the two middle numbers of the set are 10 and 9; thus, if we get an average of 10 and 9 ( 10 + 9 ) / 2, then we get 9.5. Thus we can use the median function on numbers of all set to get the result.

    Now we will apply the Median function on the above data:

    = MEDIAN (A2: A17 )

    The Result will be :

    Example # 2. Median on odd numbers of group

    As shown in example one, this is the same table; only remove one number for creating the odd numbers of the group.

    So if we use the median function on an odd number of the set, then simply find the middle numbers of value in series, and we get the result. For example, we can see that 9 is the exact middle value of the group.

    Now we will apply the Median function in the below data:

    = MEDIAN (E2: E16 )

    The Result will be :

    Explanation of the median function

    There are two concepts of median function: odd numbers of the set and even numbers of the set.

    If the data series in odd numbers. The MEDIAN function in Excel finds the middle of a number set or series; this result value is the middle in a group of numbers when those numbers are listed in numerical order.

    Suppose the data contains an even number of value. The median then is the average of the middle two numbers in the group – when sorted numerically.

    Suppose we talk about the data type, which can be numbers, dates, named ranges, dates, arrays, or references to cells containing digits. Number1 is required; subsequent numbers are optional.

    Basically, as we know, the median function and average function are approximately the same, but there is some difference between both the formulas. Let’s understand the mathematical logic.

    In the below-given example, we will find the difference between average and median function by the following set of series.

    We can see that when we are using the median function for getting the middle number in a set of numbers listed in numeric order, as mentioned above, that as per odd numbers, any mathematical calculation of series finally gets the result exactly in the middle value of set as 3.

    When we are using the average function, the numbers are added, or the sum of the total set and then their total no of the count is divided. So the sum of the series is 18, and the total no of the count is 5, then 18 / 5 = 3.6 is the average of the series.

    = AVERAGE (H7: H11 )

    = MEDIAN (H7: H11 )

    = SUM ( H7 : H11 ) / COUNTA ( H7 : H11)

    The median function uses of the arguments:-

    The arguments can contain numbers, cell references, formulas, and other functions, or it’s Maybe 1 to 255 arguments (Like number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Etc.) of the Median function below mention.

    = MEDIAN ( number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Etc / Range Value )

    Things to Remember About the Median Function in Excel

    • This function is applicable in only numeric value and dates; it will not work on any type of text value. Arguments that are text or error values and which cannot be translated into numbers cause errors.
    • If there is an even number of values in the dataset, the average of the two middle values is returned.
    • If there is an odd number of values in the dataset, exactly the middle numbers of the set are returned.
    • In current versions of Excel (Excel 2007 and later), the function can only accept up to 30 number argument, but you can provide up to 255 number arguments to the Mode function in Excel 2003.
    • Cells with zero values (0) are added in calculations.

    Recommended Articles

    This has been a guide to Median Function in Excel. Here we discuss the Median Formula in Excel and How to use the Median function in Excel, along with practical examples and a downloadable excel template. You can also go through our other suggested articles –

    How to insert a function that will display the median price for the range?

    MEDIAN Function Example Select the Insert Function button to open the Insert Function dialog box. Choose Statistical in the Category list. Select MEDIAN in the list of functions and then select OK. Highlight cells A2 to F2 in the worksheet to automatically insert that range.

    Which function is used to find the median number in a range?

    The MEDIAN function syntax has the following arguments: Number1, number2, ... Number1 is required, subsequent numbers are optional. 1 to 255 numbers for which you want the median.

    What function would you use to find the middle value in a column of numbers?

    The MEDIAN function returns the median (middle number) in a set of data. The calculation performed by MEDIAN varies according to the number of numeric values provided.


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