How do happily married couples and those who get divorced differ in their handling of money quizlet?

1.) Frequency
- Common phenomenon of young adults living at home with parents or returning to live at home - about 30% of young adults (25-35) return to live with parents

2.) Satisfaction with arrangement
- Over 75% are happy living at home with parents and are optimistic of future financial prospects
- Parents, whose children have moved home for financial reasons, report being just as satisfied with family life as those who don't have adult children living with them

3.) Finances
- Young adults: financial lifeline, poverty rate of those who live with parents is half that of those who live alone
- Parents: about half of the children pay rent to parents, and 90% help parents with other type of household expense

4.) Family dynamics
- Half of the young adults report quality of relationship with parents has not changed
- ¼ report it has been worse for relationship and another ¼ say it has been beneficial for relationship

5.) Trends
- Seen proportion of young adults moving home has increased over the last 10-15 years
- Particularly large increases during poor economic conditions

6.) Group differences (gender, ethnicity, education, employment)
- No gender or ethnicity differences Education - educational attainment linked to likelihood of living back at home
- 30-35: if you had a college degree, significantly less likely to live at home
- 25-30: education did not impact likelihood of moving back home
- Employment: unemployed more likely to have to move back home

MAIN IDEA: The number of boomerangers has increased dramatically - 52%

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Terms in this set (33)



In ___________, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling that same-sex marriage was legal nationwide.

June 2015

Empirical research comparing the marital satisfaction of couples in arranged marriages versus those born out of choice has revealed that ___________.

those in arranged marriages were significantly more satisfied

Which of the following mate characteristics was NOT highly rated by both sexes?

Social class

Dirk is a white Protestant who has never been married. He intends to marry his girlfriend of one year, Rebecca, whom he met at church. She is also white, never married, and of the same social class. This pairing demonstrates ___________.


A family member nearly bores you to tears about her husband's virtues, but you try to be understanding because it is still the honeymoon period. Further, you would not want to put a damper on her marital bliss. Your family member's expression of bliss is most characteristic of the ___________ stage of the family life cycle.

joining of families

Which of the following is NOT a communication style identified by Gottman as a risk factor for divorce?


Divorce rates peaked at approximately ____%, and now divorce rates are at about ____%.

50; 40

The unique challenge for same-sex couples relative to their heterosexual counterparts is ___________.

sexual stigmatization

In a national survey of never-married adults, approximately ____% reported that they did not want to get married at some point in time.


Relationship status and whether sexual acts have occurred in the past are _________.

not indicators of consent



Marriage is ___________.

the legally and socially sanctioned union of sexually intimate adults

In general, research on family background and marital success has found that children of divorce tend to__________________.

demonstrate negative communication styles

Mark is a handsome, college-educated man who has never been married. He intends to marry his girlfriend of two years, Marina, a former pageant winner who is graduating with her graduate degree in psychology, and also never married. This pairing demonstrates ___________, and based on its discussion in your text, you would expect their relationship to demonstrate ___________.

homogamy; high levels of satisfaction

Couples who, prior to having children, have high levels of intimacy, closeness, and commitment tend to ___________.

keep a high level of satisfaction after childbirth

Michelle and Luis have a son who is entering high school and another about to graduate. Michelle's father moved in with them because he is widowed and of declining health. This couple appears to be in the ___________ phase.


Which of the following BEST characterizes the difference in money handling strategies between happily married couples and divorced couples?

Happy couples engage in more shared financial decision making.

____% of children demonstrate emotional problems and/or psychological issues 2 to 3 years post-divorce.


The vast majority of children who were raised in same-sex families identify as ________________.


Singlism has been coined by researchers who note the ___________ unmarried adults.

prejudice and discrimination toward

The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) encourages the knowledge of the three stages of date rape. The first stage is ___________, second __________, and the third stage is ____________.

intrusion; desensitization; isolation



Two trends affecting the institution of marriage include the increasing percentage of young adults who have never been married (nearly ____), and the median age of first marriage—which, for both men and women, is now approaching ___ years of age.

2/3; 30

The first time you met the parents of your significant other, they got out the photo albums and showed you embarrassing childhood photos of your fiancé/fiancée. As a child, your significant other seemed to be frowning more often than not. Based on the research presented in your textbook, you might predict which of the following?

A higher likelihood of divorce

Imagine that you are trying to explain aspects of evolutionary psychology to a classmate by focusing on gender differences in mate selection criteria. You tell her that according to Buss and colleagues, men tend to prioritize ________________; women tend to value ____________.

youthfulness and attractiveness; financial prospects

Your authors note that the transition to parenthood is likely to be the most stressful under the following condition: _______________________.

when there are unrealistic expectations about parenting responsibilities

Samirah's kids are all college graduates with families and no longer live in the house with her. She is most likely to experience which of the following?

Feeling free from child-rearing responsibilities

Which of the following statements about gender equality in household chores is MOST accurate?

Gender equality is increasing, but wives still do the bulk of household chores.

Which of the following statements regarding the adjustment of stepchildren is NOT true?

Psychological adjustment is similar to that of children from same-sex families.

Adjustment of stepchildren:
a. The stepfamily is reported to be less cohesive than their original family.

b. Psychological adjustment is similar to that of children from single-parent homes.

c. The differences between psychological adjustment in stepfamilies and intact families are substantial.

Carmen hypothesizes that high-quality parenting practices root from one factor—the quality of parent-child interactions. Based on this hypothesis, it would follow that the best parents are likely to be ___________.

of any sexual orientation

The so-called "cohabitation effect" refers to the frequently observed association between premarital cohabitation and ___________.

higher divorce rates

Studies of sexual assault perpetrators indicate which of the following?

Men with nontraditional views of gender roles often become perpetrators.

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