Gonadal shielding should not be used for any studies of the pelvis for bilateral hip evaluation.

Hip radiography revealed hypoplasia of the left femoral cephalic and greater trochanter nucleus.

From: World Neurosurgery, 2017

The Learning Curve for Hip Arthroscopy: A Systematic Review

Daniel J. Hoppe M.D., M.Ed., ... Olufemi R. Ayeni M.D., M.Sc., F.R.C.S.C., in Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery, 2014

EMBASE Search Strategy

(exp hip disease/ or exp hip osteoarthritis/ or exp hip injury/ or exp hip osteotomy/ or exp congenital hip dislocation/ or exp hip pain/ or exp hip distractor/ or exp hip radiography/ or exp hip arthroscopy/ or exp hip surgery/ or exp “Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score”/ or exp hip dislocation. Or exp hip fracture/ or exp hip dysplasia/ or exp hip contracture/ or exp hip/ or exp hip malformation/ or exp hip arthroplasty/ or exp femoroacetabular impingement/ or exp femur head/ or femur/ or exp femur malformation) AND (exp arthroscopy/ or exp hip arthroscopy/ or arthroscopy.mp.) AND (exp learning curve/ or exp learning/ or exp clinical competence/ or competence or exp experience or exp adverse outcome or exp treatment outcome/ or exp motor performance/ or exp complication/ or exp postoperative complication/)

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749806313012383

Treatment of Complex Fractures

George V RussellJr MD, ... Michael Zlowodzki MD, in Orthopedic Clinics of North America, 2002

As part of the Advanced Trauma Life Support protocol, all traumatized patients undergo AP pelvic radiography on presentation to the emergency department. Gill et al26 recommend, in addition to the initial AP pelvic radiography, specific hip radiography to better detect associated femoral neck fractures. Hughes et al36 recommend a femoral neck CT scanning in obtunded multitrauma patients with high-energy femoral shaft fractures but further state that pelvic CT scans taken for other purposes also can be useful to detect a neck fracture. Several investigators report that the femoral neck can fracture after the antegrade insertion of a nail for femoral shaft fracture treatment.17,31,66 Therefore, the authors recommend intraoperative radiography of the femoral neck in 15° internal rotation after insertion of the femoral nail. Ipsilateral femoral neck and femoral shaft fractures typically occur in multitrauma patients. Therefore, treatment options should highlight decreased operative time, decreased blood loss, and decreased technical difficulty. Also, fixation of either fracture potentially compromises fixation of the other fracture, but the ultimate goal of any treatment plan should be anatomic reduction of the neck fracture and stable fixation of the femoral neck and shaft fractures.6,14,68,69,79

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030589803000762

Systematic literature review on the benefit of patient protection shielding during medical X-ray imaging: Towards a discontinuation of the current practice

Eleni Theano Samara, ... Michael Ith, in Physica Medica, 2022

Radiography examinations

The effectiveness of patient shielding in radiography examinations is summarized in Table 4. In-plane and out-of-plane shielding was also found to be used for this modality. Many reports conclude that gonad shielding for head/neck/shoulder and extremities radiography can be safely abandoned as the X-ray field is far from the sensitive organs [6–11,15]. Regarding, abdomen/pelvis radiography, shielding depends on patient gender with in-plane shielding being applied for female patients and out-of-plane shielding for male patients. For pelvic and hip radiography of female patients the shielding happens to be in the X-ray field then AEC cannot be used as the shielding will increase the exposure parameters considering the density of the irradiated structure. Moreover, the positioning of the shielding for ovaries it’s not an easy task, indeed their position is generally unknown. If the shielding is placed, it is not is usually placed centrally above the pubic symphysis; however, according to more recent studies on the ovaries location, the shielding must be positioned laterally [49]. This information makes ovaries shielding use during pelvis and hip radiographies practically impossible, as the shielding will hide the anatomical region of interest. For the male patient there should be no particular problems, as the gonad shielding is positioned under the pubic symphysis and thus, the shielding should be out but rather close to the acquisition plane. According to a study by Lee et al., pelvic shields were misplaced in 49% of anteroposterior and 63% of frog lateral radiographs and shielding was misplaced for both girls and boys on frog lateral radiographs (misplacement for girls: 76% vs 51% for boys) [50]. Moreover, a review that focused on gonad shieling during pelvic radiography showed that shielding for male patients is controversial and stressed out that the current practice of gonad shielding during female pelvic radiography should be no longer considered as an effective method to reduce radiation exposure [16]. Larson et al. proposed posterior-anterior (PA) radiographs instead of anteroposterior (AP) that can significantly reduce exposure to the testes, thyroid, and breast for all routine screening radiographs [51].

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1120179721003707

Sports Medicine Imaging

Donna G. Blankenbaker MD, Arthur A. De Smet MD, in Radiologic Clinics of North America, 2010

Snapping iliopsoas tendon (internal snapping hip)

The normal iliopsoas tendon glides smoothly over the pelvic brim during hip rotation.15 Sonography has demonstrated a snapping or abnormal jerky movement of the iliopsoas tendon in the snapping hip.123 Sonography has emerged as the preferred technique for examining the iliopsoas tendon because it allows both static and dynamic evaluation of the soft tissues around the hip joint.116,119,123 Sonography also provides an accurate method for injection into the iliopsoas bursa. However, because sonography may not allow accurate evaluation of intra-articular pathologic conditions, some combination of radiography, hip arthrography, CT, or MR imaging is still recommended if an intra-articular cause for hip pain is suspected.123

Although iliopsoas tendinopathy and bursitis can be seen,120 sonographic signs of tendinopathy are not a common feature of a snapping iliopsoas tendon.72,116 When it does occur, iliopsoas bursitis and tendinitis are interrelated in the sense that inflammation of one will often result in inflammation of the other due to their close proximity.120

An accurate diagnosis of the cause of painful snapping hip is essential for deciding on the appropriate treatment. The cause for an individual’s hip pain may not be identified until after iliopsoas bursa injection confirms pain relief. Treatment options for the painful snapping iliopsoas tendon include nonoperative management (rest, analgesics, and physical therapy), injection of corticosteroids and anesthetic agents into the iliopsoas bursa (Fig. 21), and surgery.15,121,124–126

Fig. 21. An 18-year-old female athlete with snapping hip. Transverse sonogram image of the iliopsoas tendon at the level of the acetabular brim during injection of the iliopsoas bursa/tendon sheath show the needle entering from a lateral to medial approach (large arrow). The needle tip should be placed adjacent to or just beneath the iliopsoas tendon (thin arrow) at the level of the acetabular brim (notched arrow) Care should be taken not to inject too caudal, as the hip joint may be inadvertently injected.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003383891000117X

Moyamoya Vasculopathy in PHACE Syndrome: Six New Cases and Review of the Literature

Domenico Tortora, ... Marco Pavanello, in World Neurosurgery, 2017

Case 2

Patient 2 is the second child of healthy nonconsanguineous parents. She was born at 40 weeks by vaginal delivery after an uneventful pregnancy. No perinatal complications were reported. Left palpebral ptosis was noticed at birth. At 3 months of age, congenital hip dislocation was diagnosed and treated successfully with harness. At the age of 1 year, she was admitted to our department due to the acute onset of left faciobrachiocrural hemiparesis and seizure. On physical examination, additional mild left facial hypoplasia associated with congenital third cranial nerve palsy moderate global developmental delay were depicted. No other dysmorphic features or cutaneous hemangiomas were noted.

An urgent MRI of the brain revealed an acute ischemic infarct in the right middle cerebral artery territory. Asymmetric hypoplasia affecting the left side of the midbrain and pons also was noted (Figure 3A–C). MRA and digital subtraction angiography depicted several vascular anomalies involving both the anterior and posterior circulation, including multiple narrowing of the ICAs with bilateral extensive quasi-MMD and reduced flow in the left middle cerebral artery (Figure 4). Findings on cardiac and abdominal ultrasound scans were normal. Hip radiography revealed hypoplasia of the left femoral cephalic and greater trochanter nucleus. The array-CGH was normal.

Figure 3. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain at clinical onset and at 6-month follow-up in patient 2. (A, B) Axial T2-weighted images and (C) axial diffusion-weighted imaging demonstrate a frontotemporoparietal acute ischemic infarct in the middle cerebral artery territory. Note the hypoplasia of the left side of the pons, contralateral to the infarct (thick arrow, A). (D–F) Follow-up axial T2-weighted images show chronic evolution of the brain infarct and new ischemic lesions in the frontal white matter in watershed arterial territories (arrowheads, E, F). Note the dysplastic left posterior cerebral artery (arrow, D) and extensive moyamoya-like collaterals in the basal cisterns (arrowheads, D).

Figure 4. Extracranial and intracranial vascular anomalies in patient 2. (A) 3-Dimensional volume rendering from magnetic resonance angiography source data and (B) digital subtraction angiography, frontal view, right internal carotid artery (ICA) injection, reveal multiple focal stenoses of the right ICA, at the bulbar (arrow, A) and supraclinoid (arrowheads, A, B) levels, respectively. The left middle and anterior cerebral arteries are filled through the anterior commissural artery, with markedly reduced flow in the left middle cerebral artery (open arrows). Bilateral intracranial moyamoya-like collaterals are present. A right persistent trigeminal artery supplies the posterior circulation (arrow, B). Note the aneurysmal dilatation of the A2 segment of the left anterior cerebral artery (thin arrow, B). (C) Digital subtraction angiography, frontal view, left common carotid injection, shows aplasia of the ICA associated with several extracranial-intracranial anastomoses (carotid rete mirabile, arrows) supplied by the external carotid artery (arrowhead). (D) Skull base computed tomography scanning reveals agenesis of the left carotid canal confirming the ICA aplasia (arrow). (E) Frontal and (F) Lateral digital subtraction angiography views, left vertebral artery injection, demonstrate severe stenosis of the intermediate segment of the basilar artery (arrowheads) and P1-P2 segments of posterior cerebral arteries (thin arrows) with associated moyamoya-like collaterals (open arrows). The right vertebral artery originates from the thyrocervical trunk (not shown).

For the presence of 2 major criteria (arterial anomalies and brain structural abnormalities) but no hemangioma, the patient was diagnosed with possible PHACE syndrome and was treated conservatively with aspirin (5 mg/kg/day) and levetiracetam (15 mg/kg/day), with improvement of the left-sided hemiparesis and good seizure control. At that time, the parents refused the surgical treatments. Follow-up brain MRI and MRA studies performed at the age of 1.7 and 2.7 years revealed progressive occlusion of the right ICA and reduced arterial blood flow signal into the distal branches of the left middle cerebral artery with markedly increased moyamoya collateralization (Figure 5A and B). New focal white matter lesions were detected in the left frontal lobe, in watershed arterial territories (Figure 3D–F). Findings of a neurologic examination revealed worsening of neurologic symptoms due to the appearance of headaches and pyramidal signs in the right lower limb. The neuropsychological evaluation demonstrated severe developmental delay. The EEG showed bilateral spike and slow-wave complexes, emanating primarily from the right frontal cortex. Considered the neurologic worsening, the progression of intracranial arterial stenosis and the EEG pattern, we decided to perform a left unilateral indirect revascularization using EDAS to preserve the brain perfusion in the less-affected hemisphere, as previously described.18

Figure 5. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the brain before (upper row) and after (lower row) indirect revascularization in patient 2. (A) 3-Dimensional (3D) volume rendering and (B) axial-reformatted maximum intensity projection (MIP) images from MRA source data reveal increase of the quasi-moyamoya disease on the left side (arrowheads). (C) 3D volume rendering and (D) axial-reformatted MIP images from MRA source data, performed 12 months after encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis, demonstrated marked reduction of moyamoya-like collaterals (arrowheads) and excellent revascularization from both the donor superficial temporal artery and meningeal arteries (thick arrows).

She tolerated the procedures well and did not have any complications in the postoperative period. At last follow-up, performed at 3.10 years of age, complete resolution of headaches and right pyramidal signs was noted, whereas mild left hemiparesis persisted. Improvement in the cognitive performances also was depicted on Griffiths Mental Development Scales. MRI of the brain did not show new ischemic infarcts, whereas MRA of the brain and perfusion studies revealed development of abundant collateral vessels at the synangiosis sites (Figure 5C and D), with improved perfusion in the left cerebral hemisphere. The EEG showed an improvement of the anomalies in the left hemisphere.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878875017314869

Imaging in Arthritis

Walter P. MaksymowychConsultant Rheumatologist, Medical Scientist, Professor of Medicine, in Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 2012

What is the role of radiography in follow-up assessment and disease management?

Once radiographic sacroiliitis is evident on pelvic radiography, there is no purpose to further evaluation of the SIJ. But it has been proposed by ASAS that spinal radiography be considered a core outcome domain for the assessment of disease-controlling anti-rheumatic therapy in patients with SpA [41]. Hip radiography was also placed on the research agenda as a possible outcome domain for disease-modifying therapies. Plain radiography can show a variety of features in the spine. In spinal vertebrae the earliest feature is the loss of the cortex at the corner of the vertebral body giving the appearance of an erosion. Bone remodelling and new bone formation lead to the radiographic appearance of squaring and sclerosis at the vertebral corner. Further new bone formation from the vertebral corner across the disc space to the adjacent vertebral corner or syndesmophyte may ultimately lead to complete ankylosis. This occurs not only at the vertebral rim but also in the interior of the disc. Spondylodiscitis is radiographically evident as disruption and loss of the vertebral endplate. Facet joint abnormalities consist of erosions, loss of joint space, and ankylosis. They are not readily visible in the thoracic spine because of overlapping structures. They are visible on lateral radiographs of the cervical spine and it has been shown that structural changes of joints space narrowing and fusion can be reliably detected [42]. Assessment of facet joints in the lumbar spine requires oblique views. Systematic prospective radiographic studies are limited but clinical observations indicate that abnormalities typically originate in the lumbar spine and ascend cranially although the cervical spine may be preferentially affected in some patients. Typical features occur relatively late in the course of the disease and are in general not contributory to the diagnosis. In a cross-sectional cohort of patients with AS and a mean disease duration of almost 12 years, more than 60% of patients had features attributable to AS on their spinal radiographs, but only a minority had syndesmophytes extending over multiple vertebrae [43]. A ‘bamboo spine’, which reflects an end-stage of spinal AS, was observed in less than 5%. Radiographic abnormalities are associated with impaired spinal mobility [44]. The relationship is not linear and the association increases with increasing level of ankylosis.

The pace of radiographic progression in terms of new bone formation as detected by syndesmophytes and ankylosis is variable but only about 20% of patients show progression over 2 years [45–47]. Moreover, until recently there was minimal evidence that any therapeutic approach had disease-modifying potential. Consequently, there has been little interest in the radiographic assessment of the spine for follow-up and disease management. But there is now evidence from two recent studies that continuous use of NSAIDs may prevent the development of new bone in patients at risk of progression because of elevated acute phase reactants or the presence of baseline syndesmophytes [48,49]. This may particularly impact the approach to treatment of patients who may be symptomatically well controlled on minimal or discontinuous NSAID therapy but who show evidence of radiographic progression. Since NSAID therapy may be associated with gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and renal morbidity, appropriate patient selection for long-term continuous therapy is essential. Consequently, there may now be justifiable grounds to monitor progression with spinal radiography, particularly if the patient has elevated acute phase reactants and evidence of new bone formation on the spinal radiograph. But this should not be done within a time frame that is shorter than 2 years since this is the minimum period that must elapse before radiographic progression can be reliably detected [43].

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1521694212001192

Imaging and Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases

Alessandra Bruns, ... Carlo Martinoli, in Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 2020

Lower extremity


Accurate clinical diagnosis of painful soft-tissue lesions around the hip may be challenging. The greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is a common cause of lateral hip pain. This disorder is prevalent in the 4th to 6th decade and has a definite female predominance with male/female ratio as high as 4:1. GTPS may be variably associated with low back pain, knee pain, or knee osteoarthritis (OA), obesity, and iliotibial band (ITB) tenderness [48]. Several studies suggest that GTPS is secondary to overuse or injury of the gluteal muscles, tendons or surrounding structures (i.e. the ITB), rather than being the result of inflammation of the trochanteric bursa [23]. Although GTPS is a clinical diagnosis, diagnostic imaging may be indicated in refractory cases. Both MR imaging and US can be used to confirm the diagnosis of GTPS. Concerning US, this technique has proved to be very effective with a high PPV [40]. The main findings of GTPS include tendinopathy, tendon tears, and fluid-filled bursae [49]. Bursa fluid distension can be seen as a crescent-shaped hypoechoic or anechoic collection. It is located posterior to the greater trochanter between its posterior facet and the gluteus maximus muscle. This bursa can extend laterally to cover the anterior insertion of the gluteus medius tendon (Fig. 7). Isolated bursitis is rarely encountered. Bursal distention around the greater trochanter is typically associated with gluteal tendinopathies. Other bursae around the greater trochanter that are amenable to US examination are the subgluteus medius and subgluteus minimus bursae. Gluteal tendinopathy exhibits the usual signs of a degenerative tendinopathy with tendon thickening and hypoechoic appearance with loss of the fibrillar echotexture. The US examination has to be systematic because the gluteus minimus and the two tendon components of the gluteus medius (anterior and posterosuperior) may be involved in an isolated form. Gluteal tendon tears are uncommon and typically involve the deep portion of the anterior tendon of the gluteus medius [50]. Tears may occur at the tendon insertions into bone and within the tendon substance. The detection of a “naked” facet is usually suggestive of a full-thickness tendon tear. US is also used to guide local therapies [51]. Targeting the needle superficial to the gluteus medius tendon, rather than deep to it (i.e. in the subgluteus medius bursa), may achieve a better outcome [52].

Fig. 7. Trochanteric bursitis. Transverse 15–6 MHz US image over the posterolateral aspect of the greater trochanter shows the distended trochanteric bursa (asterisks). The bursa extends superficial to the anterior tendon of the gluteus medius (void arrows) and deep to the gluteus maximus muscle (Gmax). The attachment of the gluteus minimus (white arrows) is located in a more anterior position over the trochanter. Note that the trochanteric bursa expands at a higher extent posteriorly. Posterior scans around the back of the trochanter should be routinely obtained to avoid missing bursal distension.

It is important to point out that hip radiography remains the mainstay for initial assessment of hip pain, as this technique is able to provide a comprehensive examination of pelvic bones. Regarding GTPS, plain films may also help to exclude calcifications, signs of coexisting femoroacetabular impingement, or hip OA.


Patellar tendinopathy (jumper's knee) is an overuse injury, most commonly involving the proximal origin of the patellar tendon, associated with jumping, kicking, and running. Some sporting activities are predisposed to patellar tendinopathy, such as volleyball, basketball, and soccer. This condition is thought to be caused by excessive or repetitive forces applied to the patellar tendon [53,54]. At US, patellar tendinopathy typically presents with localized thickening and a fusiform hypoechoic area involving the deep central portion of the patellar tendon close to its proximal bone attachment (Fig. 8). The superficial part of the tendon may retain a normal fibrillar echotexture as well as the medial and lateral thirds of the tendon. Partial-thickness or interstitial tears may be assumed when more clearly defined hypoechoic or anechoic clefts are identified. It is important to emphasize that distinguishing partial tears from focal hypoechoic areas of degenerative tendinopathy is not always straightforward with US [55,56]. Doppler imaging may show focal intratendinous hyperemia that is more consistent in the focal hypoechoic areas. In partial tendon tears, Doppler signal typically spares the area of ruptured fibers, thus helping to distinguish tendinosis from tears. Detection of intratendinous hyperemia at Doppler imaging has been associated with higher levels of pain and lower functional scores [57].

Fig. 8. Jumper's knee. Proximal patellar tendinopathy. (A) Long-axis 12–5 MHz US image over the proximal patellar tendon (arrows) shows an ill-defined hypoechoic area (asterisk) of tendon degeneration affecting the deep fibers in proximity to the lower pole of the patella. The superficial tendon fibers (arrowhead) retain a normal fibrillar appearance. (B) Corresponding color Doppler imaging shows marked intratendinous hyperemia.

The ITB friction syndrome (ITBFS) or runner's knee is one of the most common overuse injuries in long-distance runners, and also affecting cyclists, soccer players, and weightlifters [58]. There are some theories regarding its etiology. The most accredited is that friction between the ITB and the lateral femoral condyle is greater at 20°–30° of knee flexion, as during the first half of the stance phase of running. Frictional microtraumas between the ITB and the lateral condyle may cause chronic tendinopathic changes and excess fluid of the lateral knee joint recess [59,60]. The ITBFS is typified by pain and swelling over the lateral aspect of the knee. Pain is reproduced as the knee extends from 90° to approximately 30° (Noble Compression Test), a degree at which the ITB is more compressed against the lateral femoral epicondyle [58]. At US examination, the normal ITB appears as a flat hyperechoic linear structure with a well-defined fibrillar pattern. In patients with ITBFS, the ITB exhibits thickening and hypoechoic changes at the point where it passes closest to the lateral femoral condyle. Attritional bursitis may also be seen intervening between the inflamed band and the superior aspect of the lateral condyle [61]. In addition, US may have a value to exclude ITBFS mimickers, including tendinopathies/tears of the biceps femoris or popliteal tendon injuries [62]. Finally, US is an accurate modality to guide injection procedures to treat this condition [63].

Ankle and foot

While Achilles tendinosis refers to a tendon disorder located in the third middle tendon, approximately 2–7 cm proximal to the calcaneal tuberosity, insertional Achilles tendinopathy may be situated either in proximity of the posterosuperior corner of the calcaneus or at the attachment site of the Achilles tendon into bone, in this latter instance associated with entheseal abnormalities, such as calcifications and bone spurs. Radiography may help to detect a coexisting Haglund's deformity associated with insertional tendon pain. Insertional Achilles tendinopathy is less common than midportion Achilles tendinopathy as it accounts for approximately 20%–25% vs. 66% of cases [64]. US is an ideal technique for imaging assessment of the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendinosis exhibits typical signs of degenerative tendinopathies with fusiform tendon thickening and hypoechoic appearance consisting of focal or diffuse areas of loss of the fibrillar echotexture. In a highly degenerated tendon, interstitial tendon tears may be identified as hypoechoic or anechoic intratendinous defects (Fig. 9). A recent systematic review recommends the use of US examination for the diagnosis of Achilles tendon disease in patients with posterior ankle and heel pain. US can determine the tear type and the site of tendon rupture (Fig. 10), measure the gap length during maximal ankle flexion and extension and identify the plantaris tendon, thus providing useful information for treatment options (surgery or conservative treatment) [65]. With regards to treatment, midportion Achilles tendinosis is characterized by a favorable response to conservative therapy, but this fails to resolve symptoms and to allow physical activities continuation in only 24.0%–45.5% of cases [66]. Surgical treatment has to be considered when conservative therapies fail. However, there is a risk of wound-healing complications and nerve and soft-tissue damage [67]. In this setting, US-guided injections of biological therapies, such as adipose-derived stem cells or platelet-rich plasma, within areas of tendinosis or interstitial tendon tears may be considered a treatment option in patients refractory to conservative strategies before considering surgery [68,69].

Fig. 9. Interstitial tear of the Achilles tendon. (A) Long- (B) and short-axes 17–5 MHz US image over the middle tendon third (arrowheads) reveals intermediate grade tendinosis and a central interstitial tear (open arrows) oriented in the long tendon axis and filled with serous effusion.

Fig. 10. Chronic complete tear of the Achilles tendon. Extended field-of-view 12–5 MHz US image over the posterior ankle demonstrates the retracted proximal (white arrows) and distal (void arrows) tendon ends of the Achilles tendon. At the gap level, the tendinous bed is filled with fat (asterisk) herniated from the pre-Achilles fat pad (PAFP) and some effusion (asterisk). FHL, flexor hallucis longus muscle.

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When should gonadal shielding be used?

Gonad shielding of not less than 0.5 mm lead equivalent shall be used for patients who have not passed the reproductive age1 defined as ages 45 and below, during radiographic procedures in which the gonads are in the useful beam, except for cases in which a properly placed shield would interfere with the diagnostic ...

Where is the gonadal shielding placed for a bilateral hip study on a female pediatric patient?

For boys, the gonad shield had to fully cover the testes, while all bony pelvic parts remained uncovered. For girls, the central section of the pelvis had to be covered, again without shielding parts of the pelvic bones, with the exception of the sacrum to just below the sacro-iliac joints.

Which modality is commonly used for evaluating congenital hip dislocation in newborns?

Ultrasonography (US) is the preferred modality for evaluating the hip in infants aged less than 6 months. US enables dynamic evaluation of the hip with stress maneuvering, as well as direct imaging of the cartilaginous portions of the hip that cannot be seen on plain radiographs [4].

Which modality is commonly used for evaluating for vesicoureteral reflux in infants?

Introduction: Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) with fluoroscopy remains the gold standard for detection and evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) among children. However, the ionizing radiation exposure remains a concern for this diagnostic modality.

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