Explain how employers might use delay tactics to their advantage in a union organizing campaign

Most U.S. unions are formed through: Secret ballot elections. Voluntary agreements by management to recognize the union. Strikes. Court orders.

After 3 years of union representation, employees at Stellar Snowboard Manufacturing company decide that they wish to end their relationship with the union. The employees must: Stop paying all union dues. File a petition for decertification election. Petition the employer to stop negotiating with the union.

file a petition for decertification election

In a union organizing campaign and election, the appropriate bargaining unit is defined by: The Union. Management. The NLRB. The Department of Labor.

The appropriate bargaining unit defines:Which occupations and locations of a particular employer will be included in the representation election. Which employees will conduct the negotiations with the employer. Which bargaining unit gets to vote first in a representation election. The terms and conditions of employment.

Which occupations and locations of a particular employer will be included in the representation election.

Which of the following is the least important factor in determining whether an employee votes "yes" in a union election: Frustration or dissatisfaction with current working conditions. The belief that the union can help improve working conditions.  Demographics of the employee (i.e., age, gender.) Attitude of the employee to unions in general.

Demographics of the employee (i.e., age, gender.)

A person's broad image of unions as either "good" or "bad" institutions in society are called: Union instrumentality. General beliefs about unions. Workplace social identity. Utility maximization.

General beliefs about unions

When an employer prohibits outside organizations from entering the workplace and interacting with workers, it is called ____________________. A private injunction A no solicitation rule Salting The Monarch Rubber rule

Approximately what percentage of newly organized bargaining units secure a first contract following a successful union election? 25-30% 90% 70%-75% 10%

Election delays usually work in favor of employers for all of the following reasons except: The union looks weak and unable to make progress against the employer. Union supporters may quit or be discharged. The employer gains more time to campaign against the union. The NLRB may decide that a union election is not feasible.

the NLRB may decide that a union election is not feasible

When the Teamsters Union, which had traditionally represented truck drivers, and other employees in the transportation industry, began to organize police and firefighters, it could be considered a: A strategic campaign. An illegal campaign. An opportunistic campaign. A decertification campaign

an opportunistic campaign

If a union gathers signed authorization cards from more than ____________________ percent of the employees, it can ask the employer to recognize the union as the bargaining agent of the employees. 15 30 50 65

contract bar doctrine: Prohibits an employer from entering into a collective bargaining agreement with a union. Prohibits a union from entering into any collective bargaining agreement with any employer. Prohibits a decertification election from being held during the life of an existing contract.

Prohibits a decertification election from being held during the life of an existing contract.

Arguably, the most important determinant of a bargaining unit is: Geographical location. Functional integration. Community of interests Size of the bargaining unit.

Which of the following is likely to be considered a "supervisor" by definition of the NLRA and subsequent interpretations by the NLRB and Supreme Court? Lead employees who direct other employees but where this direction is largely routine in nature. Employees who are accountable for the performance of other employees

Employees who are accountable for the performance of other employees.

A union organizing tactic in which paid union organizers attempt to get hired by a company is known as: Featherbedding. Salting. Gissel bargaining order. Hiring fraud.

not a reason that delay tactics work to an employer's advantage in a union organizing attempt? Employee turnover may result in a loss of union supporters. The employer gains more time to campaign against the union There is a time limit in the NLRA= elections occur w/I one yr of petition

There is a time limit in the NLRA= elections occur w/I one yr of petition

considered a reason that employers should be allowed to participate in employer campaigning during a union election? The NLRA explicitly allows for employer participation in the campaign. Employer property rights grant them the right to participate. Employees request employer participation.

Employer property rights grant them the right to participate.

The research shows that employer anti-union campaigning during an employee attempt to unionize: Reduces the likelihood that employees will vote for unions in an NLRB representation election. Increases the probability that employees will vote "yes" in the election. Has no effect on the outcome of the election.

Reduces the likelihood that employees will vote for unions in an NLRB representation election

Which of the following is not a legal tactic that unions can use to attempt to organize workers: Hold one-on-one meetings with employees to encourage them to join the union. Distribute flyers and letters to potential members. Visiting employees in their homes in an attempt to get them to join the union.  All of the above are legal.

The organizing model of union representation is consistent with which of the following union organizing campaign tactics? Sending mass mailings to workers. Union literature portraying management as "the enemy." Extensive one-on-one personal contact

Extensive one-on-one personal contact

false about the union representation process in the first years after the NLRA was passed in 1935? Employers were not allowed to participate in representation campaigns. Elections were always conducted by secret ballot. Strike participation was viewed as legitimate evidence of employees' support for a union.

Employers were not allowed to participate in representation campaigns

Which of the following is not a frequently expressed criticism of the NLRA certification process? Employers have more access to employees than unions. The lack of penalties for employer violators of the NLRA. The length of the election process. The lack of penalties for union violators of the NLRA.

the lack of penalties for union violators of the NLRA

The Employee Free Choice Act would address all of the following except: Insufficient penalties for employers who violate the NLRA. Attempts to delay first contract settlements.  Employee dissatisfaction with union representation. Attempts to delay representation elections.

Employee dissatisfaction with union representation.

What techniques did companies use to prevent unions from forming?

Davis said employers can help avoid unionization by:.
Reviewing policies..
Benchmarking wages and benefits..
Conducting employee management surveys..
Training management on positive employee labor relations..
Analyzing an organization's weaknesses..
Implementing a risk/response protocol..

What were tactics used by unions?

Union Tactics The tactics available to the union include striking, picketing, and boycotting. When they go on strike, workers walk away from their jobs and refuse to return until the issue at hand has been resolved.

How should management respond to a union organizing campaign?

Responding to a Union Organizing Campaign.
Correct any untrue statements or misstatements from the union. ... .
Employers/Supervisors can discuss their own experience with unions..
Employers can tell employees that the company is opposed to union representation..

What is a union organizing campaign?

A union organizing campaign is essentially a drive or movement to form a union within an organization. Workers can petition for organizing with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) or consult with an organizer to petition. The organizer can rally an organizing committee and can hold a union card signing event.


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