Collaboration is an intervention that would be located where in the intervention wheel?

Recruit additional partners.
Recruit additional partners (local, regional, state, national) from systems that are key to impacting and/or who have an interest in the health issue/problem.
Recruit community organizations, services, and citizens who are part of the community intervention that have an interest in this health issue/problem.

Identify population of interest.
Identify those systems for which change is desired.
Identify the population of interest at risk for the problem.
Identify new and current clients in caseload who are at risk for the priority problem.

Establish relationship.
Begin/continue establishing relationship with system partners.
Begin/continue establishing relationship with community partners and population of interest.
Begin/continue establishing relationship with the family.

Assess priority.
Assess the impact and interrelationships of the various systems on the development and extent of the health issue/problem.

Identify the particular strengths, health risks, social supports, and other factors influencing the health of the family and each family member.

Elicit perceptions.
Develop a common consensus among system partners of the health issue/problem and the desired changes.
Elicit the population of interest’s perception of their strengths, problems, and health influences.
Elicit family’s perception of their strengths, problems, and other factors influencing their health.

Set goals.
In conjunction with system partners, develop system goals to be achieved.
In conjunction with the population of interest, negotiate and come to agreement on community-focused goals.
In conjunction with the family, negotiate and come to agreement on meaningful, achievable, measurable goals.

Select health status indicators.
Based on systems goals, select meaningful, measurable health status indicators that will be used to measure success.
Based on the refined community goal/problem, select meaningful, measurable health status indicators that will be used to measure success.
Select meaningful, measurable health status indicators that will be used to measure success.

Select interventions.
Select system-level interventions considering evidence of effectiveness, political support, acceptability to community, cost-effectiveness, legality, ethics, greatest potential for successful outcome, non-duplicative, levels of prevention.
Select community-level interventions considering evidence of effectiveness, acceptability to community, cost-effectiveness, legality, ethics, non-duplicative, greatest potential for successful outcome.
Select interventions considering evidence of effectiveness, acceptability to family, cost-effectiveness, legality, ethics, greatest potential for successful outcome.

Select intermediate outcome indicators.
Determine measurable, meaningful intermediate outcome indicators.
Determine measurable and meaningful intermediate outcome indicators.
Determine measurable, meaningful intermediate outcome indicators.

Determine strategy frequency and intensity.
Using best practices, determine intensity, sequencing, frequency of interventions considering urgency, political will, resources.
Using best practices, determine intensity, sequencing, frequency of interventions.
Using best practices, determine intensity, sequencing, frequency of interventions.

Determine evaluation methods.
Determine evaluation methods for measuring process, intermediate, and outcome indicators.
Determine evaluation methods for measuring process, intermediate, and outcome indicators.
Determine evaluation methods for measuring process, intermediate, and outcome indicators.

Implement the interventions.
Implement the interventions.
Implement the interventions.
Implement the interventions.

Regularly reassess interventions.
Regularly reassess the system’s response to the interventions and modify plan as indicated.
Reassess the population of interest’s response to the interventions on an ongoing basis and modify plan as indicated.
Reassess and modify plan at each contact as necessary.

Adjust interventions.
Adjust the frequency and intensity of the interventions according to the needs and resources of the community.
Adjust the frequency and intensity of the interventions accordingly.
Adjust the frequency and intensity of the interventions according to the needs and resources of the family.

Provide feedback.
Provide feedback to system’s representatives.
Provide feedback to the population of interest and informal and formal organizational representatives.
Provide regular feedback to family on progress (or lack thereof) of client goals.

Collect evaluation.
Regularly and systematically collect evaluation information.
Regularly and systematically collect evaluation information.
Regularly and systematically collect evaluation information.

Compare results to plan.
Compare actual results with planned indicators.
Compare actual results with planned indicators.
Compare actual results with planned indicators.

Identify differences.
Identify and analyze differences in those systems that achieved outcomes compared with those that did not.
Identify and analyze differences in those in the population of interest who achieved outcomes compared with those who did not.
Identify and analyze differences in services received by families who achieved outcomes compared with those who did not.

Apply results to practice.

What are the three components of the intervention wheel?

Abstract. The Intervention Wheel is a population-based practice model that encompasses three levels of practice (community, systems, and individual/family) and 17 public health interventions. Each intervention and practice level contributes to improving population health.

What is the nursing intervention wheel?

The Intervention Wheel describes the scope of practice by what is similar across settings and describes the practice of public health nursing at the individual/family, community, or systems level.

What are the three main focus areas on the Minnesota intervention wheel?

Three concentric circles inside the wheel name the levels of practice. They are identified, from the outer ring to the inner ring: Systems-focused, community-focused, and individual-focused.

What is the purpose of the intervention wheel?

Public health nurses use the Nursing Intervention Wheel to define the scope of public health nursing practice by the type of intervention and the level of practice. Regardless of the site or the population, this core set of interventions represents public health nursing as a specialty practice of nursing.


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