Certain sum of money at si doubles itself in 5 years in how many years it will become 5 times

Correct Answer - Option 3 : 20 yr


A certain sum of money doubles itself in 10 yr. In how many years will it become 3 times at the same rate of simple interest 

Concept used

Simple interest


Let sum = Rs.x

Si = x 

Time = 10 years

Rate = (interest × 100) / Principal × time

Rate = (100x) / 10x

Rate = 10%

Now sum = x, Si = 2x, Rate = 10%

Time = (interest × 100) / Principal × rate

Time = (2x × 100) / 10x

Time = 20 years.

hello this question is given that a sum of money Doubles itself in 4 years ok at a certain rate of interest in how many year it with triple itself at same rate of interest ok so let's do a part first ok calling to this question here it is here that sum of money Doubles itself in 4 years ok so let principal ok let principal value it is equal to ok this is the principal amount ok so after 5 ok so after 4 years it will double itself so amount after 4 years it will be equal to rupees 882 X ok so from where we can find the interest ok we know that total amount it is equals to ok because after 4 years will get to 2x ok so total amount is 12 and what is total amount total amount is interest + principal

which is equals to X ok so here interest will be equal to 2 x minus principal value ok and 2 x minus principal means X we are considered principal value as X ok Shubham hi interest value it will be equal to rupees X so now we're having interest so we can find it here we know that simple interest formula it is in 2 hour into ta100 ok so for first case what was given it was that simple interest calculator tax principal amount was X we need to find that time was four years locate it is 4 years divided by 100 from here XNX cancel this will be 25th factor so from here rate value it will be 25% ok now compared to other half of this version now I have to find time in how many years it will

triple Triple IT cell means now amount will be total amount will be 3x ok let's write a total amount now it will be 3x now because it is saying hear look triple itself it is also 2222 tomorrow will be 3x total amount is Principal plus interest it is 3x no interest for this time it will be different from previous one ok so interest value it will be calculated as 3 x minus principle was X ok so from here interest value it will be 2x now we need to find time ok we know that simple interest it is equal to p into our into t100a now we need to first time here simple interest we got to accept we are considering other half of the question now it will be equal to principal is x rate was 25 years calculator previously

ok at a time we need to find 325 X 400 ok X with cancel ok Shubham t value it will be equal to 8 ok so 8 years Sofia completed first part here it is asking how many years it will triple itself so we can conclude that in itself now come to part B a sum of money triples itself in 6 years ok now let's write it here let principle is equal to X ok consider this is rupees X ok now what we have to do I go into question this money will triple itself and 6 years ok so after 6 years this money will triple means we'll have 3x ok so what is total amount total amount just the way I like we do for previous question total amount here it will be 36 because many

triple and what is total want total amount is interest + principal value this is total amount that is equal to 3 X ok principle we are considered X simple interest its value will be 3 x minus x interest in this case it will be 2x ok no again like the previous question we will find here rate so simple interest rate is calculated as p into our into t100 ok simple interest calculator it will be 2x 2x it is equal to principal was X into rate where to find time was six years divide 100x with cancel here and rates value it will be 200/6 ok now what we have to do just come back a what was the other half of the part B it is saying

how many years it will become 4 times OK 4 times means now total amount will be here total amount will be 4 times MI 4x total modular Forex show total collection of principal plus interest rate will be equal to 4 x 4 from here when will the interest value here interest value will be 4 x minus principle that deliver equal to 3 x now ok now principle is 3x sunao again use simple interest is equal to p into our entity device 104 ke put the value of simple interest 3x ok principle was X into rate were calculated 200 upon 6 ok into time is we have to wait I'm X 800 ok divide 100 sorry so from here we can calculate time value should time will be equals to look X will cancel

sex ok this 200 cancer with this 202 it will be three here so that I will be 9 years for second case so we can write hi in nine years ok in in here cancel how in 9 years it will become 4 times of itself at same rate of interest thank you

What is the rate of Si at which an amount doubles in 5 years?

Detailed Solution If a sum doubles itself in 5 years by simple interest. Calculations: Let P be the principal amount and R be the rate of interest. ∴ The rate of simple interest p.a. is 20%.

In what time would a sum double itself at 5 simple interest?

In a time span of 5 years, the sum amounts to double itself.

In what time will a sum of money double itself at 5 pa compound interest?

Answer: It takes 14.2 years for the amount to double itself.

How many years will a sum of money double itself?

Given: the sum of money doubles itself. ∴ Time taken is 10 years.


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