Casus belli bedeutung

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  • casus belli

"casus belli" Deutsch Übersetzung

„casus belli“: noun

casus belli

[keisəsˈbelai]noun | Substantiv s <casus belli>

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  • Casusmasculine | Maskulinum m Belli

    casus belli

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    Définition Casus Belli

Dictionnaire français

nom masculin
  • Définition

casus belli , nom masculin
  • Sens 1


    Acte susceptible de déclencher une guerre entre deux états souverains, que ce soit un franchissement non autorisé des frontières, une attaque militaire, un acte terroriste ou le non-respect de traités.

    Traduction en anglais : casus belli

Mise à jour le 01/01/21

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This shows grade level based on the word's complexity.

[ key-suhs bel-ahy, bel-ee; Latin kah-soos bel-lee ]

/ ˈkeɪ səs ˈbɛl aɪ, ˈbɛl i; Latin ˈkɑ sʊs ˈbɛl li /

This shows grade level based on the word's complexity.

noun, plural ca·sus bel·li [key-suhs bel-ahy, bel-ee; Latin kah-soos bel-lee]. /ˈkeɪ səs ˈbɛl aɪ, ˈbɛl i; Latin ˈkɑ sus ˈbɛl li/.

an event or political occurrence that brings about a declaration of war.



Should you take this quiz on “shall” versus “should”? It should prove to be a quick challenge!

Question 1 of 6

Which form is used to state an obligation or duty someone has?

Origin of casus belli

1840–50; <New Latin: literally, occurrence of war

Words nearby casus belli

casualwear, casuarina, casuist, casuistic, casuistry, casus belli, cat, cata-, catabaptist, catabasis, catabiotic Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Words related to casus belli

affront, harassment, indignity, insult, annoyance, brickbat, cause, challenge, dare, grabber, grievance, grounds, incentive, inducement, injury, instigation, justification, motivation, offense, reason

How to use casus belli in a sentence

  • “I saw the movie; I thought she was great,” says Belli, who won a student Emmy for his musical about zombies, Zombo.

  • Belli culled numerous interviews Hathaway gave about preparing for Les Miz.

  • Penis rudimentarius causa impotentiae est, sed casus amplificationis post matrimonium habentur.

  • Kraft-Ebing enumerat decem casus congenitos in maribus, et duos in feminis.

  • Unfortunately we had no casus belli against Spain, and could not found one on secret information.

  • Here, as I have said, was the real casus belli,—a constant irritation that had at length got past bearing.

  • The Porte was persuaded not to regard the invasion of the Danube principalities as a casus belli.

British Dictionary definitions for casus belli

casus belli

/ Latin (ˈkɑːsʊs ˈbɛliː) /

noun plural casus belli (ˈkɑːsʊs ˈbɛliː)

an event or act used to justify a war

the immediate cause of a quarrel

Word Origin for casus belli

literally: occasion of war

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


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