Book of unwritten tales 2 komplettlösung

A walkthrough that guides you through The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 while also helping you get all missable trophies.

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Guides›The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 - Walkthrough

This is a very detailed walkthrough supplement that contains everything you need to know to acquire the platinum trophy for The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 in the most efficient manner possible. This guide will focus on using as few story spoilers as possible but this is a step-by-step playthrough and some of these steps will inherently contain various degrees of spoiler information. I strongly suggest using the Trophy Guide and RoadMap (LINK) if you would prefer to figure out these steps on your own!


This game walkthrough guide focuses solely on getting the platinum trophy so extraneous steps will be missing. Feel free to fully explore each area to expand on the story line. In almost all conversations you are free to choose whichever options you wish but the guide below will focus on the option that proceeds the game progress. Unless noted below, this extra exploration should not adversely affect your progress. With that said, I strongly suggest you make regular save file backups to USB or Cloud storage just in case you miss a trophy or the save file gets corrupted.



  • Press
    to quickly skip through dialog (if you wish).
  • Press
    to open and close the inventory.
  • Press
    to examine something.
  • Press
    to see everything on the screen that you can interact with. I recommend using this all of the time.
  • Press
    for virtually everything else to perform actions.
  • The different areas will be broken down into separate posts. Once you leave an area you cannot go back to it!
  • It was reported that some game progression options might not work the same in the PS4 version as the PS3 version, such as a jug that should be select-able but it is not. If this happens to you on the PS4 version of the game, trying exiting and re-entering the area.

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Opening Scene

  1. Hold onto the rock face.
  2. Climb the rock face.
  3. Look at the jetty.
  4. Walk along the jetty.
  5. Climb up the rope.
  6. Take the oil lamp.
  7. Conversation: HEEEELLLLP!
  8. Conversation: WORSE?!
  9. Take the carpet.
  10. Unlock Stop the drop
    during the loading screen.


  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to fix 3 different machines.
  2. Unlock Master Mechanic
    during the loading screen.
Edited June 28, 2017 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Elfburrow (Chapter 1)



  1. I'm really not feeling well, Cheep
  2. I'll sneak down into the library! And YOU won’t be able to stop me!
  3. Go to the balcony.
  4. Look at the sunflowers.
  5. Take a few sunflower seeds.
  6. Go back into Ivo's bedroom.
  7. Look at the bowl on the table.
  8. Put the fresh sunflower seeds into the bowl.
  9. Take the mirror.
  10. Move over to the figurine in the bottom right.
  11. Lean the mirror up against the figure.
  12. Open the musical box after Cheep has landed on it.
  13. [Note: You can now explore]


  1. Enter the balcony.
  2. Take a few sunflower seeds.
  3. Move to the bottom right to climb down into the garden.
  4. Look at the water plants in the small pond.
  5. Take the water plants to receive a cut reed and a reed head.
  6. Look at the bonsai ent to the left of the pond; his name is Arbor. Talk to him until he moves to another location.
  7. Look at the stone that he set down where he was previously sitting.
  8. Take the stone to receive a fist sized stone.


  1. The entrance to the library is underneath the balcony. Enter the library.
  2. Walk all the way towards the front of the screen.
  3. Look at the book shelf to retrieve the Almanac of Elf Medicine.
  4. You are tasked with creating a potion using the green fruit of a Metus bush, a spoonful of honey and a red herring.
  5. Look at the flower at the bottom right 2 times.
  6. Receive a trumpet-sounding flower in the inventory.


  1. Go back to the garden.
  2. Talk to Arbor at the lower left side of the area, near the sick flower.
  3. Listen Arbor, I need to fix up one of these potions.
  4. Do we have a Metus bush in the garden here?
  5. Do you have any idea how I could get my hands on some honey?
  6. Can you lend me a fishing rod?
  7. Exit the conversation with Arbor.
  8. Receive Arbor’s rod in the inventory.
  9. Look at the Metus bush next to Arbor (has red fruit on it).
  10. Use the trumpet flower to scare the bush.
  11. Pick a few green Metus fruit to receive Green Metus fruit.

Sweet Honey

  1. Go back to the library.
  2. Look at and read the plant book located on the bookshelf next to the library's garden entrance.
  3. Read the entry about Lovelilys (lower left of the book's pages).
  4. Move the cursor all the way to the right to close the book.
  5. Enter the doorway underneath the dragon head to enter Ivo's bedroom.
  6. Look at the red flower on the table.
  7. Receive a beautiful flower in the inventory.
  8. Go back to the garden.
  9. Look at the red flower that Arbor is looking at.
  10. Select the beautiful flower to show the Lovelily the flower stem.
  11. Select the cut reed within the inventory.
  12. Move to the beehive and use the cut reed to receive sweet honey in the inventory.
  13. Before leaving, grab Arbor's spade on the ground to put into the inventory.

Red Herring

  1. Head back over to the pond and look at it.
  2. Use Arbor's rod to fish in the pond.
  3. Your fishing skill will rise to 1.
  4. Go back to the library.
  5. Look at the book shelf right next to the large bluish stuffed animal.
  6. Read the book on fishing. If you are unable to read the book, go back and fish a few more times to increase your fishing skill to 5 or higher.
  7. Go back to the garden.
  8. The location where you originally found Arbor has a pot. Look at it.
  9. Take a few worms.
  10. Select the fat worms within the inventory and combine them with Arbor's rod. Even though you do not see a visual change, your fishing action will now be different.
  11. Select Arbor’s rod and continue fishing in the pond.
  12. Each fish attempt will raise her fishing skill.
  13. Eventually Ivo will catch a red herring and place it in her inventory. This should be somewhere around fishing skill level 25.
  14. Missable: Keep fishing until Ivo catches the master fisher’s hat and places it in her inventory. This should be somewhere around fishing skill level 45. You must complete this before leaving the area.
  15. Missable: Unlock Fisher Queen
    immediately upon catching the master fisher’s hat.

Create the potion

  1. Go back to Ivo’s bedroom.
  2. Walk to the table and place the green Metus fruit, sweet honey, and red herring into the bowl.
  3. Take the water jug next to the bowl.
  4. Pour water into the bowl.
  5. Use the fist sized stone to pound the ingredients.
  6. Receive medicine in the inventory.
  7. Take the jug from the table.
  8. Receive the jug in the inventory.
  9. Go back to the library.
  10. Talk to the medicine book once more.
  11. Select the conversation options that eventually get Ivo to drink the potion.
  12. Unlock Surprise!
    immediately after hearing the results of the potion.

Throne Room

  1. Go back to the garden.
  2. Proceed to the far right side of the garden and enter the throne room.
  3. An automatic conversion with the Queen occurs. Keep moving through the conversation options until you can move again.
  4. Look at the King on the right side of the throne room.
  5. Speak to the King.
  6. Missable: Enlighten me, Father!. You must perform this 5 times in total before you leave the area!
  7. Missable: Unlock Enlightened
    immediately after selecting the enlighten me conversation selection for the fifth time.

Magic Mirror

  1. Look at the moon well next to the Queen.
  2. Look at the stone symbols on the columns.
  3. Talk to the Queen.
  4. Ask about the stone symbols on the columns.
  5. Ask about the different types of water.
  6. Ask for some moon water.
  7. Why? Ivo is going to mix a potion with it.
  8. For what? It is meant for a beauty potion!
  9. The Queen will fill the jug in Ivo's inventory with moon water.
  10. Go back to the garden.
  11. Select the Moonwell water within the inventory and pour the water into the magic mirror bowl.
  12. Move to the right and stand next to the water that is spilling into the pond.
  13. Select the jug within the inventory and fill it with water from the waterfall.
  14. Return to the magic mirror and pour in the waterfall water.
  15. Talk to Arbor underneath the beehive.
  16. Inform Arbor that you need to leave.
  17. Afterwards, ask him about a certain kind of water.
  18. Arbor will fill the jug in Ivo’s inventory with ground water.
  19. Return to the magic mirror and pour in the ground water.
  20. Converse with the magic mirror until you can ask about the password for the shield guards.

Pot of Gold

  1. Go back to the library.
  2. Talk to Cheep (perched on the horn of the stuffed blue creature).
  3. Ask about a transport.
  4. Exit the conversation and take one of the books from the bookshelf next to Cheep.
  5. Receive a carpentry book in the inventory.
  6. Go back to the garden.
  7. Right next to the library entrance is a happy willow.
  8. Select the carpentry book and read it to the happy willow.
  9. Walk to the rainbow that appears. The end of the rainbow is near the Metus bush.
  10. Use the spade to dig at the end of the rainbow.
  11. Receive a pot of gold in the inventory.

Hippogriff Purchase

  1. Go back to the library.
  2. Inform Cheep that you have the pot of gold.
  3. Go back to the throne room.
  4. Speak to the King. Complete all current conversations options to unlock the Cheep option. The "Enlighten me" option never goes away.
  5. Ask him about Cheep.
  6. The King will ask for sunflower seeds. You should have some from the balcony from earlier.
  7. Here are the sunflower seeds!
  8. The sunflower seeds will have been converted into magic sunflower seeds in Ivo's inventory.
  9. Go back to the library.
  10. Talk to Cheep and tell him about the super-food that the King gave Ivo.
  11. Go back to the garden.
  12. Cheep has brought back a box and placed it on Ivo's balcony.

Warning: These are the last steps before leaving this area. Make sure to complete Fisher Queen and Enlightened trophies before proceeding!


Leave Elfburrow

  1. Climb up to the balcony from the garden.
  2. Look at the box.
  3. Open the box.
  4. Look at the Hippogriff.
  5. Ride the Hippogriff.
  6. Unlock The Great Escape
    during the loading screen.
Edited July 25, 2016 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Seastone (Chapter 1)


Professor Wilbur Weathervane

  1. After the initial conversation, Wilbur ends up in his room.
  2. Look at the shoes.
  3. Do this a second time to receive a loose page in Wilbur's inventory.
  4. Look at the package of pet food.
  5. Receive tasty pet food in the inventory.
  6. Look at the wand. Take the wand.
  7. Receive capricious wand in the inventory.
  8. Look at Fridolin, the rabbitsheep 3 times.
  9. Use the tasty pet food and sprinkle it on the bed.
  10. Afterwards the tasty pet food is now empty.
  11. Look at the water bowl.
  12. Take the water bowl.
  13. Give Fridolin something to drink.
  14. Roll Fridolin to the side.
  15. Receive nibbled notepad in the inventory.
  16. Open the inventory and read the nibbled notepad.
  17. Use the magic ball.
  18. My students are always asking me questions!
  19. I’d like to really inspire my students. But how do I do that?
  20. Enter the classroom.


  1. Automatically receive fairy spell in the inventory.
  2. Complete the conversation however you wish.
  3. Look at the brochures.
  4. Receive a colorful campaign brochure in the inventory.
  5. Head to the table that the little boy was sitting at. Look at the table and then search it.
  6. Receive an automation spell in the inventory.
  7. Look at the fish skeleton in the fish tank.
  8. Take the fish skeleton.
  9. Receive a sharp fishbone in the inventory.
  10. Right next to the fish bones is a treasure chest. Look at it, then open it.
  11. Receive some old coins in the inventory.
  12. Look at the oven (located in the middle of the classroom).
  13. Look in the oven.
  14. The loose page in the inventory turns into loose pages. In other words, Wilbur now has two.
  15. Take the wand that is sitting on the podium at the front of the classroom.
  16. The capricious wand is back in the inventory.
  17. Look at the apparatus on the far right side of the classroom twice.
  18. Look at the package on the podium.
  19. Receive a magic slate in the inventory.

Entrance Hall

  1. Leave the classroom at the far left, near the fish tank.
  2. Complete the next two automatic conversations however you please.
  3. There is a tapestry behind the suit of armor. Look at it twice.
  4. Receive some old thread in the inventory.
  5. At the far left is a sheet of paper. Look at it.
  6. Wilbur now has 3 loose pages.
  7. Head to the base of the stairs to look at the boards on one of the railings.
  8. Receive some dry boards in the inventory.

Staff Room

  1. Go to the staff room, located on the right side of the main hall.
  2. What tasks do you have for me?
  3. I’m supposed to clean?
  4. What is the second task?
  5. Lots to do
  6. Look at the bellows near the fireplace. Take them.
  7. Receive practical bellows in the inventory.
  8. Look at the paper swan near the door on the left, then take it.
  9. Wilbur now has 4 loose pages.
  10. Speak with the headmaster again. Ask about the notes with small holes in them.
  11. Inform the headmaster about Wilbur's loose-leaf binder.
  12. Receive a spell in the inventory. Read it and discover that it is an open spell.
  13. Search the file cabinet that is beside the headmaster’s desk.
  14. Receive a yellowed design drawing in the inventory (after reading Albert’s student file).
  15. Missable: You must read all 31 student files located within the file cabinet before leaving the area!
    Note: If you have not searched the apparatus in the classroom then Albert Allerdyce’s name will be missing. You can get the missable trophy both ways, but you will need Albert’s name to continue the story.
  16. Missable: Unlock File Muncher
    immediately after reading the last student file.

Kobold Removal

  1. There are 4 kobolds that you must remove but they can be removed in any order.
  2. Go back to the entrance hall.
  3. Look at the troll.
  4. Talk to the troll until the conversation ends.
  5. Talk to the troll again.
  6. We need to somehow get rid of the kobolds.
  7. Why are you always like that?
  8. The troll will accidentally take out one of the kobolds (#1 of 4).
  9. Look at the wall next to the classroom door on the right. See the levers there? Pull the right lever first.
  10. You must wait for the flying kobold to rest on the upper window. Use
    to easily see where it is currently located.
  11. Pull the left lever while the kobold is resting on the upper window.
  12. The result is the kobold hitting the open bottom window and being thrown outside.
  13. The final step is that you must now close both windows or the kobold will fly back inside after you leave the room.
  14. Kobold (#2 of 4) is now locked out.
  15. Go back to the classroom.
  16. Look at the kobold that is sitting on the girl’s desk.
  17. Receive a tacky book of fairy tales in the inventory.
  18. Select this book and use it to lure the kobold into the trap on top of this desk.
  19. Talk to the captive kobold (#3 of 4).
  20. Receive a bad-tempered kobold in the inventory.
  21. Look at the plants located on the column behind the fish tank.
  22. Keep interacting with this plant until it consumes the final kobold (#4 of 4).
  23. Unlock Exterminator
    immediately after ridding the school of the 4th (and final) kobold.

Sweep the floor

  1. Go back to the entrance hall.
  2. Select the old coins from the inventory.
  3. Walk to the far left section of the entrance hall. Jam a coin in the door.
  4. Talk to the troll.
  5. There's a coin stuck in the door!
  6. Look at the keyring on the troll’s belt.
  7. Select the open spell from the inventory and use it on the keyring before the troll turns back around.
  8. If successful, the keys will fall to the floor.
  9. If unsuccessful, you can repeat the process again.
  10. Take the keyring from the floor.
  11. Receive a heavy keyring in the inventory.
  12. Go back to the staff room.
  13. Select the heavy keyring to unlock the display case.
  14. Take the broom.
  15. Receive a glorious broom in the inventory.
  16. Go back to the entrance hall.
  17. Select the glorious broom and use it to sweep the floor.
  18. Select the automation spell and enchant the broom (that is now sitting on the floor).
  19. Look at the broom.
Edited July 25, 2016 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Seastone (Chapter 1) (continued)


Light the Fireplace

  1. Go back to the staff room.
  2. Inspect the fireplace map (to the right of the fireplace) 3 times.
  3. Talk to Headmaster Bloch.
  4. About those tasks…
  5. The dirt problem is as good as solved.
  6. I drove all of the kobolds out of the school.
  7. I saw the fireplace map over there…
  8. Exit the conversation.
  9. Select the bad-tempered kobold and sic it on Headmaster Bloch.
  10. Receive a pile of fireplace travel powder.
  11. Select the dry boards and put them in the fireplace.
  12. They're just a few old boards.
  13. Better to burn them than throw them away.
  14. Warning: There is a confirmed game-breaking bug in this location in that you can incorrectly use the loose page to throw into the fireplace, which is a required story line quest item. Do not do this as your game story progression will be permanently broken. Credit to ScrubbinBubbles for bringing this to our attention.
  15. Select the empty dry food package and put it into the fireplace.
  16. Look at the fireplace.
  17. Go back to the entrance hall.
  18. Disenchant the broom.
  19. Exit the conversation.
  20. Go back to the classroom.
  21. Approach the plant.
  22. Quickly select the practical bellows and use it to suck up the gas released by the plant.
  23. This turns the item into a gas-filled bellows.
  24. Read the yellowed design drawing in the inventory and then look at the apparatus.
  25. Select the gas-filled bellows and fill gas into the fire maker.
  26. Use the fire maker.
  27. Select the nibbled notepad and light some paper using the fire maker apparatus.
  28. Receive burning strip of paper and thin strips of paper in the inventory.
  29. Walk to the doorway exit but stay in the room.
  30. Select the burning strip of paper and use it on the thin strips of paper to relight a new strip of paper. You cannot make it to the fireplace with one strip. I recommend relighting here, in the entrance hall and right after you enter the staff room.
  31. Once you reach the fireplace, select the burning strip of paper once again and light the fireplace.


  1. Select the pile of fireplace travel powder and throw it into the flames.
  2. Look at the fireplace.
  3. Enter the (green) fire.
  4. Complete the automatic conversation that ensues however you wish.
  5. Look at the note (located at the tip of the bear rug's nose at the front of the screen).
  6. Receive a fire spell in the inventory.
  7. Look at the doily to the right of the bear rug.
  8. Take the doily.
  9. Receive a fine doily in the inventory.
  10. Look at the desk on the right side of the screen.
  11. Look on the desk.
  12. Look at the sheet of paper at the bottom right.
  13. Wilbur’s loose page count is now 5.
  14. Look at the broken book.
  15. Wilbur’s loose page count is now 6.
  16. Look at the broken book (again).
  17. Look at the drawer (on the desk) twice.
  18. Receive a wooden drawer in the inventory.
  19. Select the wooden drawer and throw it into the fireplace.
  20. Select the nibbled notepad to put paper in the fireplace.
  21. Select the fire spell and light the wood with it.
  22. Select the pile of fireplace travel powder and use it on the fireplace.
  23. Exit the library through the green flames.

Fix the book

  1. Go back to the entrance hall.
  2. Talk to the troll. Exhaust any conversation options that he has left.
  3. Select the fine doily and show it to the troll.
  4. This item will turn into sticky troll snot.
  5. Go back to the staff room.
  6. Talk to Headmaster Bloch.
  7. About those tasks…
  8. I have found the library!
  9. Go back to the previous conversation menu.
  10. Is that note a page from a book?
  11. Exit the conversation.
  12. Wilbur’s loose page count is now 7.
  13. Go back to the library through the green fire.
  14. Look on the desk.
  15. Select the sharp fishbone and combine it with the old thread.
  16. Use the newly acquired needle and thread on the loose pages to sew the leaves together.
  17. Select the newly acquired stitched-together book pages and glue the quire into the book on the desk.
  18. A scene unfolds and Bibliophile
    will unlock.
  19. Wilbur exits to the entrance hall.

Final Cleaning

  1. Go back to the library.
  2. Look at the book on the bookshelf.
  3. Read the law book.
  4. Receive the law book in the inventory.
  5. Look at the books in front of the fireplace resulting in Wilbur learning how to disenchant the broom.
  6. Talk to the books.
  7. Exit the conversation.
  8. Look at the book on top of the bear rug.
  9. Go back to the entrance hall.
  10. Go back to the staff room.
  11. Select the law book and show the Headmaster the Legal Code.
  12. Go back to the entrance hall.
  13. Disenchant the broom.
  14. Back now, broom, into the closet! Be thou as thou wert before!
  15. Achieve Dirt Devil

  16. Look at the broom and put it back in the inventory.
  17. Go back to the staff room.
  18. More story unfolds.

Time Travel

  1. This entire set of steps is missable.
  2. Go back to the library.
  3. Look at the rotten books in the lower left corner.
  4. Talk to the book on the desk.
  5. Proceed with the conversation to go back in time.
  6. Look at the desk twice to receive a handful of nails.
  7. Look at the books on the back bookshelf.
  8. Talk to the books.
  9. Follow all conversation options.
  10. Free the time travel book.
  11. Send me further back in time.
  12. Look at the books (that are rotten in the future).
  13. Use all conversation options.
  14. Talk to the time travel book.
  15. Talk to the (future rotten) books again.
  16. Ask them about time travel.
  17. Look at … the workman.
  18. Use … the flap opening spell with … the leather cord.
  19. Take … the key.
  20. Look at … the library.
  21. Take … the roofing paper.
  22. Talk to … the old books.
  23. I have to travel to the future.
  24. Open the toolbox.
  25. Climb up the ladder.
  26. Look at the books.
  27. Achieve the missable Time Traveler
    trophy as Wilbur is awarded a paper hat.

Complete Chapter 1


Warning #1: You can now leave this area to continue the story. Make sure to complete File Muncher and Time Traveler trophies before proceeding!


Warning #2: Save your game before leaving the school! The very beginning of Chapter 2 starts an automatic sequence that you can easily fail thereby missing a trophy!


When you are done with the area, leave the school through the left door in the entrance hall.


School's Out

will pop during the loading screen.

Edited January 8, 2017 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)



Red Pirate Palace


Drunken Brawl

  1. An automatic conversation begins.
  2. Complete the conversation however you wish or select the last option twice to move the story along.
  3. A fight sequence will begin.
  4. Missable: You must hit all 5 comic book balloons before they disappear. If at any point you miss, or it disappears, immediately press
    and Load the game to start over at the beginning of the conversation sequence. Alternatively you can reload a save file from USB or Cloud. You will not get another chance to get this trophy once the brawl is over. During the fight sequence you must move the fist towards the comic book text balloon and use the action button to hit it. I found it the most simple to move with
    (immediately after a new balloon shows) and press
  5. Missable: Unlock Drunken Master
    after hitting the 5th balloon successfully.
  6. You are not required to hit any of them to continue the story.

Hangover Healer

  1. Look at the statue closest to the palace door.
  2. Take the pan to receive an old pan.
  3. Go back inside of the palace and head all the way to the right where you will find a monkey behind a bartender counter.
  4. Look at the peanuts on the bartender's counter to receive some old peanuts.
  5. Look at the book on the same counter.
  6. Turn the pages until you arrive at Hangover Healer.
  7. Rip the recipe out of the book.
  8. Talk to the ape (bartender).
  9. Conversation: Glug Mo-chii-to.
  10. Drink the Mojito.
  11. Take the glass of peppermint leaves.
  12. Talk to the ape (bartender).
  13. Conversation: Glug brunsala-Maaary!
  14. Go back outside.
  15. Select the Hangover Healer recipe and show it to the bounty hunter.
  16. Take the intact coconut that just fell down.
  17. Go back inside of the palace.
  18. Select the intact coconut and split it with the sword by the door.
  19. Select the old pan and put water into it from the cornucopia at the bottom left of the screen.
  20. Go back outside.
  21. Go to the jetty.
  22. Select the pan full of salty water and put it on the bitt.
  23. Look at the mirror.
  24. Heat the pan with salty water in it.
  25. Take a pile of sea salt from the pan.
  26. Select shell with coconut milk in it and combine it with the peppermint.
  27. Select the pile of sea salt and combine it with the glass.
  28. Within the inventory, shake the Hangover Healer.
  29. Select the moves in this order (from left to right): 3, 1, 6, 5.
  30. Receive a Hangover Healer in the inventory.
  31. Go back to the courtyard.
  32. Pour the Hangover Healer down Nate's throat to unlock Sobered Up

Retrieve the lamp

  1. Select the last 2 options in the automatic conversation to end it quickly.
  2. Press
    to switch control to Critter.
  3. Go to the jetty.
  4. Give the old peanuts to the pirate parrot.
  5. Do this a second time.
  6. Go back to town. The parrot should follow Critter and leave the jetty's side.
  7. Switch to Nate.
  8. Go to the jetty.
  9. Take the blanket and receive a stained cloth.
  10. Take the lid.
  11. Put the stained cloth on the open barrel.
  12. The parrot will be incapacitated.
  13. Inspect the crate and find a cool fez.
  14. Go back to town.
  15. Go back to the palace.
  16. Walk over to the bar.
  17. Switch to Critter.
  18. Go back to the palace.
  19. Talk to the ape and order the Glug brunsala-Maaary! again.
  20. Switch to Nate.
  21. After the ape sets his hat down, exchange it for the cool fez.
  22. This will begin a sequence of story events that you cannot perform incorrectly.
  23. Unlock Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
    during the loading screen.
Edited July 25, 2016 by scharn73
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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Seastone (Chapter 2)


Entry Fee

  1. Walk to the far right and go down to enter the next location.
  2. Go back to the first area and talk to Bill the trader.
  3. Ask about going to the lower town.
  4. Complete the conversation however you wish but make sure to ask about his crane.
  5. Talk to the town guard.
  6. Ask about Bill’s crane.
  7. Ask about the bribe money.
  8. Ask him about the smuggling.
  9. Ask him for a pony as payment.
  10. Receive a piece of white chalk.
  11. Go back to the main square.
  12. Use the white chalk to mark the barrel.
  13. Go back to the town guard and talk to him.
  14. Report that you marked the barrel.
  15. Enter the lower town.

City Gate Key

  1. Talk to Bill.
  2. Claim to be the guard.
  3. Ask for a barrel of brandy.
  4. Admit that you do not know the password.
  5. Look at the tool box.
  6. Take something from the tool box to receive a normal hammer.
  7. Head to the left and go further down.
  8. Enter the pub.
  9. Talk to Remi (sitting on a table right by the door).
  10. Complete the conversation however you wish, but make sure to keep talking until the golem is discussed.
  11. Look at the glass that Remi left behind to get the small glass.
  12. Talk to the ogre.
  13. Exhaust all conversation options to receive a bag of silver.
  14. Look at the jacket that was just spoken about to receive a battered pin badge.
  15. Take the postcard near the fireplace.
  16. Select the postcard to use it.
  17. Select the bottom right picture to transition to that location.
  18. Talk to Bill.
  19. Knock on the gate.
  20. Go back to the pub.
  21. Talk to the Zloff head of the ogre.
  22. Talk to the reporter.
  23. Keep talking until Wilbur leaves the pub with the reporter.
  24. Unlock Keymaster
    when Wilbur receives the key to the upper town.

Golem Torso

  1. Use the magic slate.
  2. Continue the conversation about golems until Wilbur learns the list of ingredients.
  3. Enter the school.
  4. Look at the mop and bucket to receive the mop with troll spit.
  5. Look at the staff door.
  6. Examine the door.
  7. Learn about the door code through conversation.
  8. Use the postcard to go to the location outside of the pub.
  9. Talk to Timmy on the far left of the railing.
  10. I’m not sure
  11. About the staff room…
  12. Enter the pub.
  13. Talk to Zloff about golems.
  14. Talk to Blout about some sort of secret.
  15. Head outside of the pub.
  16. Talk to Timmy again to receive a torn-out note and adventurous Timmy.
  17. Go back to the town guard location.
  18. Look at the bakery on the far right side.
  19. Look at the drainage grate that is below it.
  20. Have Timmy climb down into the sewage system.
  21. Take a chocolate wrapped in red.
  22. Have Timmy fetch another chocolate to receive a chocolate wrapped in blue.
  23. Use the inventory to swap the red and blue chocolate wrappers.
  24. Go back to the pub.
  25. Give the blue-wrapped chocolate containing alcohol to Zloff.
  26. Speak with Blout until he shows you one of the golem parts.

Golem Legs

  1. Go back to Bill the trader.
  2. Open the hopping crate.
  3. Search the crate.
  4. Talk to Bill the trader.
  5. Can you tell me how much “twelveteen” is?
  6. Ask what it was that just ran away.
  7. Ask about the Better Works factory.
  8. Go down to the Upper Gate location, this is the area below Bill's crane.
  9. Look at the rubbish.
  10. Exit to the left.
  11. Talk to the helmet with legs to acquire it.

Golem Head

  1. Walk left from the helmet location and look at the hatch.
  2. Continue the conversation about clay.
  3. Eventually continue the conversation with: I could strengthen the barricade with the clay.
  4. I'm one of you and I can prove it!
  5. Go back to the location of the town guard.
  6. Look through the window twice whereby you find find Eks behind some jails bars.
  7. Talk to Eks.
  8. Ask about his jacket.
  9. Ask about a hand sign.
  10. You first.
  11. Go back to the barricade.
  12. Knock on the hatch.
  13. Select the 5th hand, then the 4th, and finally the 3rd.
  14. Receive some flaming protest posters and the clay in the inventory.
  15. Interact with the clay to sculpt a soft golem head.
  16. Use the moody wand to light the nearby fire.
  17. Place the soft golem head on the fire to receive a fired golem head.

Golem Arms

  1. Go back to the town guard location.
  2. Look at the statue.
  3. Select the normal hammer and then talk to Eks. You must have the hammer active.
  4. Speak with Eks about the hammer and chisel until he finally hands the special chisel over to Wilbur. You do not have to worry about choosing the incorrect conversation options.
  5. Use the mop with troll spit to paste up the poster wall to the left.
  6. Select the flaming protest posters and stick them to the poster wall.
  7. Talk to the town guard.
  8. Report the poster to him.
  9. Select the normal hammer and remove the statue’s arms to receive stone arms in the inventory.

Staff Room

  1. Go back to the pub.
  2. Use the magic pot, fired golem head, and stone arms on the torso to unlock King of DIY

  3. Go back to the school.
  4. Talk to the door.
  5. I know the code!
  6. Use the magic slate.
  7. Can you imitate voices?
  8. Enter the classroom.
  9. Search the shelves to receive an old class photo.
  10. Go back to the pub.
  11. Missable: The next part is very easy to miss because there is no indication of what you are to do for the trophy until the conversation is complete. When asking the maths problem, you must specifically select the options for 65 + 23 - 47 for the trophy to pop.
  12. Talk to Headmaster Bloch.
  13. Why were YOU chosen as treasurer?
  14. So you're a math champion? I've got a problem for you…
  15. Missable: 65 plus…
  16. Missable: 23 minus…
  17. Missable: …47?
  18. As soon as Bloch says 41 it will unlock the missable Math Magician

  19. I found this class photo…
  20. The magic slate will record 60 from his response.
  21. Can you say “nine”?
  22. I really fancy a dwarven ale.
  23. The magic slate will record 9 from his response.
  24. What are you drinking?
  25. The magic slate will record 4 from his response.
  26. Go back to the school.
  27. Use the magic slate to say the numbers to the magic door.
  28. Enter the staff room.

Magic Ink

  1. Look at the desk.
  2. Search the drawer.
  3. Look at the flask to receive a flask of dragon sweat.
  4. Take the worn out quill.
  5. Go to the location outside of the pub where Wilbur lit the fire.
  6. Use the small glass on the bucket by the fire.
  7. Go to the classroom.
  8. Examine the oven to receive a little pile of soot.
  9. Look at the alchemy corner.
  10. Use the flask of dragon sweat on the pot.
  11. Use the glass with 2 cl of water in it on the flask. Do not put it in the pot!
  12. Use the crocodile tears with…the pot.
  13. Look at the weights on the scale to the left pan.
  14. Use the 3 ounce weight on the scale.
  15. Use the chocolate without alcohol on the scale.
  16. Use the little pile of soot on the scale.
  17. Use the soot with…the pot.
  18. If everything is added you can now mix the ink to unlock Mix Master

Golem Animation

  1. Go back to the pub.
  2. Combine the worn out quill with the magic ink.
  3. Use the newly created golem spell on the golem.
  4. Unlock It's aliiive!
    during the loading screen.


  1. Look at the skeleton in the cage next to Wilbur.
  2. Swing over to the cage.
  3. Keep using Try again until you receive a heavy skull and hook shaped bone.
  4. Look at the desk.
  5. Try to take the key.
  6. Have Timmy pull out a thread from the bedroom curtain doorway.
  7. Throw the hook shaped bone down to Timmy.
  8. Have Timmy climb onto the desk.
  9. Look at the ruler.
  10. Have Timmy move the ruler.
  11. Let Timmy take the key.
  12. Throw the heavy skull onto the ruler.
  13. Take the powerful magic wand from the floor.

Chapter 2 Conclusion

  1. Leave the classroom.
  2. Talk to Anton Shieldhand and force your way into the staff room.
  3. More of the story unfolds.
  4. Unlock By a hair
    during the second loading screen.
Edited January 9, 2017 by scharn73
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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)





Scrap Yard

  1. Once you can control Wilbur, look into the rat's den.
  2. Take the water hose on the bed to receive a rubber hose.
  3. Leave the rat den.
  4. Take the cloth-thing at the bottom left of the screen to receive an empty little sack.
  5. Look at the rubbish heap to the far right.
  6. Take the fur collar to receive some fluffy fur.
  7. Climb the rubbish heap at the center of the screen.
  8. Look at the wooden figure.
  9. Take the small cloak that is left behind.
  10. Look at and use the bell.
  11. Complete the conversation with Bill however you wish.
  12. Go back down.
  13. Go into the cave at the far right.
  14. Complete the conversation with Remi however you wish.
  15. Take the fully-functional hamster wheel from the left side of the cave.
  16. Go back to the rubbish heap.
  17. A short sequence results in Wilbur receiving a short stick.
  18. Use the short stick to fetch the old rope with the stone closer.
  19. Throw the short stick at the robot then pick up the stone in front of Wilbur.
  20. Combine the stone with the old rope.
  21. Throw the rope with weight over the pipe above Wilbur.
  22. Pull yourself out of the hole.
  23. Put the rope with weight back into the inventory.
  24. Exit the cave.

Water Wheel

  1. Go into the lit area in the back.
  2. Meet Gulliver and complete the conversation with him.
  3. Take the double-sided tape off of the floor on the left side of the workshop.
  4. Go back to the scrap yard.
  5. Look into the rat's den.
  6. Talk to the cook (Ethel).
  7. So you work for the rats down here?
  8. So what’s on the menu today?
  9. Yes, why not?
  10. Receive a empty soup bowls afterwards.
  11. Leave the rat den.
  12. Combine the double-sided tape with the fully-functional hamster wheel.
  13. Combine the fluffy fur with the hamster wheel with double-sided tape.
    Note: I had to do this twice. Even though the conversation said it was successful, the item never changed in the inventory.
  14. Inflate the rubber hose.
  15. Combine the inflated rubber hose with the hamster wheel with fur.
  16. Combine the empty soup bowls with the hamster wheel.
  17. The end result is a homemade water wheel.
  18. Go back to the workshop.
  19. Put the homemade water wheel under the tap.
  20. Once the electricity starts flowing you will unlock Electrified

Gather Supplies

  1. Talk to Gulliver.
  2. We should have electricity again!
  3. Completing the conversation unlocks the zombie den.
  4. Enter the zombie’s home.
  5. Follow the conversation options dealing with alchemy and rats.
  6. Look at the model twice.
  7. Take the handy socket wrench.
  8. Look at the mounting on the left side of the room.
  9. Esther asks why you want it?
  10. The walkthrough says so. (I have to admit, this was quite humorous)
  11. Receive a metal stand.
  12. Take the broken scales near the door.
  13. Look at the bird cage.
  14. Use the empty little sack to take sand from the empty bird cage for a sack filled with sand.
  15. Look at the bottle on the far right.
  16. Take the small musketeer hat.
  17. Go back to the workshop.
  18. Take the long wooden board and short boards from the right side of Gulliver.
  19. Take a piece of the intelligent stone from the left of Gulliver.
  20. Look at the cuckoo clock twice.
  21. Use the handy socket wrench to wind up the cuckoo clock.
  22. Set the cuckoo’s clock time.
  23. Take the mechanical bird to receive a dropped feather.


  1. Go back to the rat's den.
  2. Talk with Ethel.
  3. There’s someone who would really appreciate your talent for alchemy…
  4. So… there’s a little problem…
  5. She is a… zombie.
  6. Are you sure you don’t want to help the zombies?
  7. I must get on, Ethel.
  8. Talk with Timmy.
  9. I could really do with your help…
  10. They need help. Bill is exploiting them!
  11. They are innocents!
  12. Use the small cloak on Timmy to create a disguise.
  13. Combine the small musketeer hat with the dropped feather.
  14. Combine the small musketeer hat with the disguise.
  15. Look into the rat's den.
  16. Use Timmy on Ethel.
  17. Please just quickly distract Ethel for a second.
  18. Take the clean tea towel while Ethel is distracted.
  19. Leave the rat's den.
  20. Look at the rubbish on the far left, right next to the rat den's door.
  21. Use the clean tea towel on the dirty dishes that you just found.
  22. Look into the rat's den.
  23. Put the dirty tea towel back where it was.
  24. Talk with Ethel.
  25. I would love a bit more stew…
  26. Could be hotter.
  27. Ethel's glasses are now dirty and she cannot see well.
  28. Put Timmy onto Ethel.
  29. Let’s see how well this disguise works!
  30. No time for travel reports. I need to ask you to do something!
  31. Helping them is the right thing to do.
  32. Ethel will be convinced which unlocks Master of Disguise


  1. Go back to the zombie's home.
  2. Introduce Ethel and Esther to each other.
  3. Talk to Esther and Ethel.
  4. Go back to the scrap yard.
  5. Put the long wooden board onto the sewage pipe in the middle of the area.
  6. Talk to N8.
  7. You fancy a quick seesaw?
  8. Put Timmy onto the seesaw.
  9. Talk to N8.
  10. I could do with you as extra weight, N8…
  11. The result of this sequence will unlock You've got a friend in me

  12. Take the strong v-belt from the floor.


  1. Look at the little something at the far left to receive some gunpowder.
  2. Take the firework to get a 2nd bit of gunpowder.
  3. Do this again to receive 3rd gunpowder.
  4. Go back to the cave.
  5. Take the firework for a 4th gunpowder.
  6. Go back to the zombie den.
  7. Take the firework for a 5th gunpowder.
  8. Take the firework for a 6th gunpowder.
  9. Go back to the workshop.
  10. Take the firework for a 7th gunpowder.
  11. Look at the machine in the right corner (Constructor). You will move to a new work area.
  12. Take the firework on the floor for an 8th gunpowder.
  13. Go back to the rubbish heap near the hole in the ceiling.
  14. Take the firework for a 9th gunpowder.
  15. Take the firework for a 10th gunpowder.
  16. Ring the bell to talk to Bill again.
  17. There are posters of me in the town?!
  18. Receive a defamatory poster.
  19. Combine the defamatory poster with the big heap of gunpowder to create a homemade stick of dynamite.
  20. Go back to the cave.
  21. Place the homemade stick of dynamite into the gap.
  22. Combine the metal stand with the broken scales to create mounting with scales.
  23. Place the mounting with scales onto the bongos.
  24. Throw the rope with weight over the mounting.
  25. Knot the sack filled with sand to the rope.
  26. Go back to the rat's den.
  27. Take the burning candle.
  28. Go back to the cave.
  29. Attach the burning candle to the scales.
  30. Use the handy socket wrench to stab into the little sack.
  31. No! NO!
  32. The following sequence will unlock Back to life

  33. Look at the coal.

Constructor Adjustments

  1. Use the strong v-belt on the flywheel to connect with the steam engine.
  2. Pack the short boards into the Constructor.
  3. Pack the intelligent stone into the Constructor.
  4. Open the oven door.
  5. Shovel coal into the oven.
  6. Shut the oven door.
  7. Make adjustments.
  8. Open the oven door.
  9. Shovel coal into the oven.
  10. Shut the oven door.
  11. Oil the engine.
  12. Perform the last 4 steps two more times.
  13. More story unfolds.
  14. That's so unfair!
  15. The story will progress and unlock Mass Production

Edited July 25, 2016 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Resistance (Chapter 3)



  1. Proceed through the automatic conversation with Bill.
  2. Look at the poster.
  3. Talk to the man.
  4. Complete the conversation however you wish.
  5. Talk to the reporter.
  6. What can you tell me about the murder of the Arch-Mage?
  7. I must go. Stay strong!
  8. Receive the key to the upper town.
  9. Go up to the gate.
  10. Go to the upper town.
  11. Answer however you wish until you switch from Princess Ivo to Timmy.

Free Ivo

  1. Take a poster.
  2. Look at the fireplace.
  3. Pick up a bit of charcoal.
  4. Use the charcoal to improve the poster.
  5. Wait until the guard stands up then have Timmy put the poster on the back of the chair that we was sitting on.
  6. Take the bunch of keys that fell on the ground.
  7. Talk to Ivo.
  8. The unfolding scene will unlock Savior of Princesses


  1. Go to the lower town through the left gate.
  2. After the conversation with Bill, open the privy door.
  3. After the conversation between Ivo and Wilbur, take the reliable rope on the ground.
  4. Tie the reliable rope to the rock.
  5. After completing the conversation, climb back up the rope.
  6. Go back to the scrap yard.
  7. Look at the fresh purple rubbish on the ground.
  8. Search the rubbish to find a strange pocket mirror.
  9. Climb onto rubbish heap.
  10. Talk to Ivo.
  11. I need light, can you help me with that?


  1. Press
    to switch to Ivo.
  2. Head to the left to go further down.
  3. Speak to the two-headed ogre.
  4. My name is Ivo. Who are you?
  5. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?
  6. You are a magician aren’t you Zloff?
  7. Would your mage knowledge extend to knowing how to light up a big dark cave?
  8. Receive a magic clicker.
  9. Head up to the main square where Bill's crane is located.
  10. Enter the school.
  11. After the conversation, the only thing you can do is leave the school.
  12. Use the magic clicker to capture the starlight.
  13. Go back to the privy.
  14. Talk to Wilbur to send down the magic clicker.
  15. Have Ivo ask Wilbur about the school.

Good Stories

  1. Switch to Wilbur.
  2. Go back to the cave.
  3. Climb down into the hole.
  4. Grab the magic clicker to release the starlight which will unlock Let there be light

  5. Look at the little object on the right side of the floor to find the shrinking ring.
  6. Look at the lake.
  7. Talk to the god statue that is at the front of the screen.
  8. Talk to the Good Stories statue.
  9. Could you help me?
  10. It is explained that you must perform 3 (out of 4) favors to continue the story.
  11. Talk to the Good Stories statue again.
  12. I love stories!
  13. Must I do something?
  14. You simply must tell a story. Chose any combination of conversation options.
  15. Favor #1 is complete.


  1. Talk to the Riddles statue.
  2. So you do riddles?
  3. I have to solve some kind of weird task?
  4. What has roots that nobody can see…
  5. [spoiler=6]A mountain
Thirty white horses…
Voiceless it cries...
Something that consumes us all...
Can you think up a question that’s so difficult that you are not able to answer it?
Favor #2 is complete.

Humor & Arts

  1. Talk to the Humor statue.
  2. Sounds like a great job!
  3. I won't need to do anything, right?
  4. See you later!
  5. Talk to the Arts statue.
  6. You do arts?
  7. What can I do for you?
  8. See you later.
  9. Go back up to the cave.
  10. Talk to Timmy.
  11. Ask him if he knows any good jokes.
  12. Go back to the rat's den.
  13. Talk to Ethel.
  14. Ask her if she knows any good jokes.
  15. Use the shrinking ring.
  16. Look at the doll twice.
  17. Complete the conversation with Bloch however you wish.
  18. Take the cheap glockenspiel, magic slate and the speaking doll.
  19. Take the little box with fireplace travel powder on the desk.
  20. Enter the underground.
  21. Go back up the rubbish heap and talk to Ivo.
  22. Do you know any good jokes, Ivo?
  23. Have Wilbur give Ivo the magic slate, little box with fireplace travel powder and speaking doll.
  24. Switch to Ivo.
  25. Talk with the zombies.
  26. Ask if they know any good jokes.
  27. Head back to the ogre and talk to them.
  28. I, errr…need a joke.
  29. Go back and tell the 2 jokes to Wilbur.
  30. Have Ivo ask Wilbur how to use the fireplace travel powder.
  31. I think I can remember…
  32. Owl, worm, rat… I think
  33. Switch to Wilbur.
  34. Go back down to the statues.
  35. Talk to the humor statue.
  36. Tell all 4 of your friends’ jokes to it.
  37. I thought my jokes were good and the others laughed!
  38. Repeat any of the jokes you’ve already heard from the statue itself.
  39. Favor #3 is complete.
  40. Missable: At this point the game will nudge you through an automatic moving of Wilbur towards the next area to go. You still need to complete the last favor to get the missable trophy so go back! You must do all 4 before completing the area!
  41. Talk to the art statue.
  42. Give it the glockenspiel.
  43. Favor #4 is complete.
  44. Missable: After receiving the Laurel Wreath you will unlock Servant of the Gods

Lake Island

  1. Go to the island.
  2. Complete the conversation.
  3. Go back to the rat’s den.
  4. Talk to Ethel.
  5. I've found Remi. He's… not very well.
  6. Go back and speak with Ivo.
  7. I've found Remi, Ivo. He's not very well at all!

Mage School

  1. Switch to Ivo.
  2. Go back to the school.
  3. I have a delivery for Chantal van Buren.
  4. After the conversation is over, use the speaking doll (given to Ivo by Wilbur) on the Troll. As a result the troll should plug his ears.
  5. Go back to the two-headed ogre’s location.
  6. Walk all the way to the left and use the fireplace travel powder on the fire.
  7. Owl, worm, and rat.
  8. Look at the books.
  9. Talk to the books.
  10. Ask about ghosts.
  11. Go in to the entrance hall.
  12. Use the magic slate on the staff room door.
  13. Look at the jar containing the frog to get Arch-Mage Alastair.
  14. Leaving the staff room will result in unlocking Liberator

  15. Go back to the two-headed ogre and speak to them.
  16. Could I have the amulet, Blout?
  17. Use the green flames to travel back to the library.
  18. Go back to the staff room.
  19. Look at the desk twice.
  20. Pass all 4 laws.
  21. Missable: The story only requires the amulet law to be passed. You must pass all 4 to unlock I am the law!

  22. Go back to the two-headed ogre and speak to them.
  23. I fear that you are currently committing a crime, Blout.
  24. Receive the amulet with the magic symbols.
  25. Go back to the privy and talk with Wilbur.
  26. Inform him about the amulet and the Arch-Mage.


  1. Switch back to Wilbur.
  2. Go back to the statues.
  3. Sneak to the island.
  4. Look at the arrangement in front of Wilbur.
  5. Put the strange pocket mirror onto the stand.
  6. Turn the mirror.
  7. Put the amulet with the magic symbols onto the mirror.
  8. Complete the conversation however you wish.
  9. A sequence of scenes will occur and Parting ways
    will unlock during the final loading screen.
Edited July 25, 2016 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)





Flying Island

  1. Look at the frying pan.
  2. Take the pan to receive a battered frying pan and a little heap of salt.
  3. Go into town.
  4. Complete the conversation however you wish.
  5. Look at the observatory on the right side of the screen.
  6. Look at the hatch.
  7. Look at the symbols and receive an empty energy drink bottle.
  8. Go back to the town square.
  9. Look at the rope to the left of the area.
  10. Take the thick rope.
  11. Look at the shop at the far left of the area twice to receive a pirate's replacement hand.
  12. Use the empty energy drink bottle to fill with water from the trough. It becomes a bottle with water.
  13. Look at the plants to the right of the trough and harvest them to receive shrivelled potatoes.
  14. Go back to the harbor.
  15. Look at the snails twice to alter the inventory to a bottle with colored water.
  16. Combine the thick rope with the pirate's replacement hand to make a rope with pirate's hook.
  17. Use your new item and throw it to the Mary.
  18. Go on board of the Mary.
  19. Look at the cloth to the far left.
  20. Take Nate's lucky headscarf.
  21. Look at the knife.
  22. Take the blunt kitchen knife.
  23. Look at the pot twice.
  24. Take the pot with fat.
  25. Enter the Captain’s cabin.
  26. Complete the conversation however you wish.


  1. Look at the sack of sugar.
  2. Take a handful of sugar.
  3. Combine the handful of sugar with the bottle with colored water to make an energy drink of dubious origin.
  4. Use the blunt kitchen knife on the shrivelled potatoes to make thin potato slices.
  5. Place the thin potato slices into the battered frying pan.
  6. Use the pot with fat on the pan with potato slices.
  7. Look at the oven.
  8. Fry the pan with greasy potato slices in the oven.
  9. Sprinkle salt over the potato crisps to make salted crisps.


  1. Go back to the observatory.
  2. Place the salted crisps, energy drink of dubious origin, and Nate's lucky headscarf into the hatch.
  3. The following dialogue will unlock Seeker of the Truth

  4. Exhaust all conversation options and then leave the observatory.

Pirate Poker

  1. Missable: This entire section is missable because it occurs during a conversation option with the Red Pirate, it is not required for story completion and you must complete it before leaving the area.
  2. Talk to the Red Pirate.
  3. You're a judge and you cheated in a card game?
  4. What are the stakes in pirate poker?
  5. Alright then… explain the rules of pirate poker.
  6. Complete the practice round.
  7. At this point you can start a round of dice poker through conversation choices with Red Pirate.
  8. The game goes until the first person has 3 wins.
  9. The good news is that you can try as many times as you want.
  10. Once you receive the pirate outfit as a reward you will unlock the missable Pokerface


  1. I would like to take over the accused's defense!
  2. Claim that he is being controlled by a higher power.
  3. Move the jar.
  4. Detach the coconut.
  5. Three fingers.
  6. Once the scene is over, take the key from the table and use it to free Nate.
  7. Several scenes will pass. The loading screen after reaching Elfburrow will unlock Sulking Companions

Edited October 16, 2015 by Terminator
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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Elfburrow (Chapter 4)


Elven Backstory

  1. Use Nate to look at the wooden plank to the left.
  2. Take the heavy wooden plank.
  3. Leave the ship to the right side.
  4. Look at the ball of string to the left.
  5. Take the strong string.
  6. Look at the reeds in the pond.
  7. Take a thin reed.
  8. Enter the library.
  9. Go into Ivo's room.
  10. Go back to the garden.
  11. Go up to the throne room.
  12. Look at the king.
  13. Talk to Bob.
  14. Exhaust all of the conversation options.
  15. Go back to Critter.
  16. Release Critter.
  17. Go on board of the Mary.

Find Lorem Ipsum

  1. Enter the captain's cabin.
  2. Look at the writing desk.
  3. Look at the maps.
  4. Set a course.
  5. Look at the Umzu desert.
  6. Bhrem'Enn
  7. Back (action at the bottom of the screen).
  8. Look at the chest on the floor to the right.
  9. Search the chest and then open the note book.
  10. Look at the text.
  11. Read the text.
  12. Look at the drawing twice.
  13. Look at the script twice.
  14. Go back to the library in Elfburrow.
  15. Look at the books on the bookshelf.
  16. The game has all 5 symbols marked with a Select action in the book.
  17. Select the symbols in this order: gem, desert, foot, three and mountain.
  18. Go back to the captain’s cabin on the Mary (airship).
  19. Set a course.
  20. Look at the mountains.
  21. Fly to Lorem Ipsum.

Find the pyramid’s secret entrance

  1. Look at the mummy.
  2. Complete all conversation options.
  3. Examine the half-buried flagstone with script.
  4. Talk to the mummy again.
  5. Ask about the flagstone.
  6. Look at the stone pedestal.
  7. Look at the obelisks.
  8. Look at the depression.
  9. Talk to the mummy.
  10. Complete all conversation options.
  11. Use the solid metal tube into the opening.
  12. Put the thin reed into the clock.
  13. Switch to Critter.
  14. Climb up to the Mary.
  15. Look at the rope.
  16. Use the rope with… throw the rope overboard.
  17. Switch to Nate.
  18. Use the rope with… tie the rope to the obelisks.
  19. Read the time.
  20. Push the stone at the tip of the obelisk’s shadow.


  1. Try to enter the pyramid.
  2. Complete all conversation options.
  3. Look at the grave goods on the statue on the floor.
  4. Take a few of the grave goods to receive an ancient mirror.
  5. Look at the grave goods in the canoe at bottom right to receive shrivelled seeds.
  6. Leave the pyramid.

Tugator Has Changed

  1. Travel to… Tugator.
  2. Leave the ship.
  3. Talk to Lady van Buren.
  4. Complete all conversation options.
  5. Enter the palace.
  6. Complete all conversation options with the Red Pirate.
  7. Go back outside.
  8. Look at the flower.
  9. Take the huge bloom.
  10. Look at the hammer.
  11. Take the studded wooden hammer.
  12. Look at the brightly colored cloths and take one to receive a bright neckerchief.
  13. Talk to the little girl.
  14. Complete all conversation options.

Mad Hatter

  1. Travel to… Elfburrow.
  2. Go to the library.
  3. Look at the top hat then take it.
  4. Go back to captain’s cabin on the Mary.
  5. Look at the dressing table and then 2 items to receive white powder and an empty atomizer.
  6. Look at the mealbox then take something to receive empty tin cans.
  7. Look at the wardrobe then search it to receive a small bunny costume.
  8. Travel to… Tugator.
  9. Put the top hat on and Put the neckerchief on.
  10. Combine the empty tin cans with the strong string to make a home-made telephone.
  11. Talk to the little girl.
  12. Claim to be the Mad Hatter.
  13. I have got a speaking telegraph here!
  14. Receive a transformed telephone.
  15. Enter the palace.
  16. Use the transformed telephone with the statue on the left.
  17. Go back outside.
  18. Use the shrivelled seeds to lure the parrot closer to receive an imprisoned pirate’s parrot.
  19. Travel to… Lorem Ipsum.
  20. Go back inside of the pyramid.
  21. Press out the huge bloom on the oil press to receive scented oil.
  22. Combine the scented oil with empty atomizer to create atomizer filled with fragrance.
  23. Travel to… Elfburrow.
  24. Go to the pond.
  25. Use the atomizer filled with fragrance on the pond to fill it with water and make sweet perfume.
  26. Travel to… Tugator.
  27. Go back and talk to the little girl (wearing the top hat and neckerchief).
  28. I’ve got a really great perfume for you!
  29. Go back to the Mary.
  30. Give Critter the small bunny costume.
  31. Enter the palace.
  32. Talk to the Red Pirate.

Wake up Ivo

  1. Enter the observatory.
  2. Talk to the oracle.
  3. I found this little mirror in a burial tomb…
  4. Receive a magical receiver mirror.
  5. Go back to the main square.
  6. Look at the treats and take some for a handful of treats.
  7. Go to the Mary.
  8. Use those treats and give them to the hippo.
  9. Talk to the hippo.
  10. Leave the ship.
  11. Look at the hippogriff.
  12. Look at the dung heap.
  13. Take two handfuls of hippo dung.
  14. Travel to… Elfburrow.
  15. Go to Ivo’s room.
  16. Look at the mirror.
  17. Take Ivo's mirror.
  18. Travel to… Tugator.
  19. Go back to the observatory.
  20. Put Ivo's mirror in front of the mirror with the children.
  21. Travel to… Elfburrow.
  22. Go to Ivo's room.
  23. Use the magical receiver mirrors to show Ivo's mother the future.
  24. Complete the conversation however you wish.
  25. As soon as the Mary sets off for its next location you will unlock Awoken

Edited October 16, 2015 by Terminator
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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Elfburrow (Chapter 4) (continued)


Start searching the pyramid.

  1. Fly to Lorem Ipsum.
  2. Notice that Ivo does have the mighty spark of life.
  3. Go back to the pyramid.
  4. Look at the hole in the wall that is closest to the entrance.
  5. Put an arm into the hole.
  6. Switch to Critter who is able to slip underneath the door.
  7. Look at the chisel.
  8. Take the sharp chisel.
  9. Leave the machine room.
  10. Switch to Nate and let the lever go.
  11. Switch to Critter and give Nate the sharp chisel.
  12. Switch to Nate.
  13. Push yourself along the wall in the center. A trap almost hits Nate.
  14. Use the sharp chisel to jam in the piece of wall.
  15. Look at the stone ball and pitfall.

Pitch black room

  1. Head back to the doorway and use Nate to throw the lever again in the hole.
  2. Switch to Critter and enter the machine room again.
  3. Look at the big wheel.
  4. Run in the large wheel.
  5. Switch to Nate and let the lever go.
  6. The pitch black room is now lit.
  7. Use the two handfuls of hippo dung and throw it to the dung beetles.
  8. Use it again but this time smear it onto the ball at the end of the center hallway (past the pitfall).
  9. Put the heavy wooden plank into the pit at an angle.

Open sesame

  1. Enter the room where the dung beetles used to be.
  2. Look at the wheel.
  3. Take the ancient hand wheel.
  4. Push the lever to the side (to the left of where the hand wheel was located).
  5. Missable: Before you leave this room, you must inspect the loose wooden panel on the left wall with Nate while the mummy is still on his back. The mummy will explain how the panel works. Keep inspecting it until the result text stays the same. This step is a missable prerequisite step required for the missable Eyecatcher trophy. Eventually the mummy will permanently get off of Nate's back as part of the storyline and if you have not inspected this panel by the time that happens then it will be too late. The Pyramid Safe steps below will eventually complete this trophy.
  6. Return to the machine room door.
  7. By now you understand how the broken machine door works. Have Nate give the ancient hand wheel to Critter.
  8. Back inside of the machine room, have Critter use the ancient hand wheel with the hole.
  9. Switch to Nate and enter the machine room.
  10. Look at the stone chest on the far left side.
  11. Open the stone chest to receive a practical time-turner.
  12. Look at the lever.
  13. Push the lever to the side.
  14. Use the practical time-turner and freeze time for the marbles.
  15. Switch to Critter.
  16. Look at the lever.
  17. Push the lever to the side.
  18. Switch to Nate.
  19. Hand the practical time-turner over to Critter. Both Nate and Critter have to confirm that they cannot get through before this action is available.
  20. Switch to Critter.
  21. Use the practical time-turner and freeze time for the marbles.
  22. Push the lever to the side.
  23. Switch to Ivo.
  24. Head back to the far right room and push that lever to the side as well.
  25. Switch to Nate.
  26. Leave the machine room and head to where the giant stone ball used to be.
  27. Look at the stone gate.
  28. Turn the stone disk.


  1. Enter the tomb.
  2. Look at the wall paintings.
  3. Look at the board with marbles.
  4. Talk to Pharaoh Tut-Tut.
  5. What sort of board is that over there? The one with the balls?
  6. Missable: There are two ways to complete this game: fair-play or cheating. The missable trophy requires you to win without cheating.
  7. Yes, you start.
  8. Tut-Tut removes the far left ball in the 4th row.
  9. Picture: Step 1
  10. Select the very top ball to turn it yellow, then select the checkmark to the left.
  11. Tut-Tut removes the far left ball in the 4th row.
  12. Picture: Step 2
  13. Remove all 3 balls in the 2nd row.
  14. Tut-Tut removes the far left ball in the 3rd row.
  15. Picture: Step 3
  16. Remove the far left ball in the 4th row.
  17. Tut-Tut removes the far left ball in the 3rd row.
  18. Picture: Step 4
  19. Remove the far left ball in the 4th row.
  20. Tut-Tut removes the far left ball in the 3rd row.
  21. Picture: Step 5
  22. Remove the far left ball in the 4th row.
  23. Tut-Tut removes the far left ball in the 3rd row.
  24. Picture: Step 6
  25. Remove the last 2 balls in the 4th row.
  26. This will unlock the missable King of Games


  27. Take the Book of the Dead which unlocks Klaatu verata... erm!

  28. Have Critter give Nate the practical time-turner (time manipulator) back.

Pyramid Safe

  1. Missable: This entire set of steps is highly missable as the side quest can only be started while the mummy is still on Nate's back but can only be completed after the mummy permanently leaves Nate's back when you find and talk to Tut-Tut. Both the prerequisite step and the steps below can easily be missed.
  2. Look at the tunnel.
  3. Climb into the tunnel.
  4. Enter the pyramid.
  5. Go back into the far right room.
  6. Look at the board on the left wall.
  7. Try opening the board.
  8. Reach the prize without the golem catching you.

  9. As soon as Nate successfully opens the safe you will unlock the missable Eyecatcher

Magic Compass

  1. Travel to… Tugator.
  2. Have Nate use the practical time-turner to stop time on the monkey flipping the keys. If the monkey is not there, go into the palace and demand the compass from the Red Pirate. He will kick you out causing the monkey to follow and stand outside the door with the key.
  3. While time is stopped take the shiny door key.
  4. Enter the palace.
  5. Use the practical time-turner to stop time on the Red Pirate.
  6. While time is stopped, keep moving the statues bit by bit. This will take 3 repetitions before the scene completes by itself.
  7. They demand that you give me the compass that you promised to me!
  8. Take the spirit compass which will unlock Don't blink!

Warning: These are the last steps before leaving this area. Make sure to complete the King of Games trophy before proceeding!


Arch-Mage Alastair

  1. Use the glowing spark of life on the frog.
  2. Kiss the Arch-Mage frog.
  3. Complete the conversation in the oracle's chamber however you wish.
  4. Complete the conversation with the van Burens however you wish.
  5. A final scene unfolds on the Mary after which you will unlock Found and Lost
    during the loading screen.
Edited June 28, 2017 by scharn73
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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)



Dark Woods



  1. Look at the illuminated building.
  2. Knock on the door.
  3. Continue the conversation however you wish until Wilbur eventually says Good night!
  4. Look at the door frame.
  5. Take the iron crossbow bolt.
  6. Try to leave the shop.
  7. Answer the shop keeper however you wish.
  8. Speak with N8.
  9. There was a… knight? With a sword?
  10. A… monster? There was a monster too?
  11. Gulliver lost his head?
  12. Esther? Your mother?
  13. Complete the conversation with the bounty hunter however you wish.
  14. Complete the conversation with Gulliver however you wish.
  15. Look at the luggage twice.
  16. Take the warm woolen blanket.
  17. Look at the depository.
  18. Look at the mug in the sand.
  19. Take the Dwarven stone mug and also receive some rough sand.
  20. Go back to the village.
  21. Look at the bed sheet on the general store.
  22. Take the white bed sheet.

The Woods

  1. Enter the woods.
  2. Look at the axe.
  3. Take the old axe.
  4. Proceed through the left exit.
  5. Look at the piece of fabric to discover Timmy’s scarf.
  6. Proceed through the bottom left exit.
  7. Lunge at the shaking bush with the old axe.
  8. Speak with the person you find until Wilbur automatically takes the person back to town.
  9. Go back and enter the woods again.
  10. Proceed through the top right exit.
  11. Look at the bloody scraps of cloth to receive a thin wooden stuck and a blood-soaked cloth.
  12. Complete the conversation.
  13. Proceed through the top left exit.
  14. There is a stone head (for a reference point).
  15. Proceed through the top left exit.
  16. Try to go deeper into the woods.
  17. Proceed through the top right exit.
  18. Look at the press twice.
  19. Take the broken press.
  20. Proceed through the only exit to the right.
  21. The tunnel is in front of Wilbur. Proceed through the top left exit.
  22. Proceed through the bottom right exit.
  23. Proceed through the bottom right exit (again) to exit the woods.


  1. Enter the shop.
  2. Talk to the mayor.
  3. What kind of shop is this exactly?
  4. Do you sell weapons for hunting werewolves?
  5. What does a crossbow cost?
  6. See you later!
  7. Talk to the young woman.
  8. I need silver to protect myself from the werewolf.
  9. If you give me some silver I can use it to send a signal to the Count.
  10. Receive a handful of silver jewellery.
  11. I need the wolfskin…
  12. Offer her the warm woollen blanket.
  13. I don’t know if the fur suits you…
  14. Receive a warm wolfskin.
  15. Talk to the mayor.
  16. Give him the wolfskin.
  17. Leave the shop.
  18. Use the old axe to loosen the boards.
  19. Look through the hole in the shop.
  20. Take the warm wolfskin.
  21. Enter the shop.
  22. Talk to the mayor.
  23. Give him the (same) warm wolfskin.
  24. Automatically complete the quest at this point.
  25. Say Yes. to receive the light crossbow.

Silver Bolt

  1. Go back to the camp.
  2. Talk to Gulliver.
  3. I found a broken loam press in the woods. Can you repair it?
  4. Press the rough sand.
  5. Use the iron crossbow bolt to make a cast.
  6. Combine the handful of silver jewellery with the Dwarven stone mug.
  7. Put the stone mug full of silver jewellery in the fire.
  8. Use the molten silver with… the sand mold.
  9. Receive a self-cast silver bolt.


  1. Go back to the village.
  2. Use the old axe to break the knot to receive tear-proof washing line.
  3. Combine the thin wooden stick with the tear-proof washing line to create a homemade fishing rod.
  4. Enter the general store and speak to the mayor.
  5. Speak with him until you can ask him for his PKE.
  6. Go back to the camp.
  7. Talk to Gulliver.
  8. Speak with him until you can discuss the PKE and a plan to get it.
  9. Go into the village.
  10. Look at the white bed sheet twice.
  11. It does not scare the mayor.
  12. Go back and speak with Gulliver.
  13. The mayor recognized me.
  14. Use the white bed sheet on Gulliver.
  15. Use the homemade fishing rod on Gulliver.
  16. Do not select the Let’s go! conversation option (just saves you some time it won't hurt anything if you do)
  17. Use the glowing coal on Gulliver.
  18. Talk to Gulliver.
  19. Let’s go!
  20. Talk to Gulliver after the scene is over and he will hand you the PKE which unlocks Ghostbuster

  21. Give Gulliver his eyes back; they are in the inventory.

Rescue Esther

  1. From the camp, use the very top exit which is the path (tunnel) that leads deeper into the woods. This shortcut appears after you find the tunnel the first time.
  2. Enter the tunnel to go deeper into the woods.
  3. This begins an automatic scene that will unlock Bug Hunter

  4. Complete the conversation that follows.
  5. Look at the cave entrance.
  6. Enter the cave.
  7. You are… fear
  8. You’re not real.
  9. Speak with Esther and complete all of her conversation options.
  10. Talk with Lizzy.
  11. Leave the cave.

Head to the castle

  1. Complete all conversation options with the mayor.
  2. The following loading screen will unlock Fearless

  3. Enter the castle.
  4. Go to the chest.
  5. Look at the chest twice.
  6. Climb off the pedestal.
  7. Enter the hall to the left.
  8. Missable: My name isn’t Igor. It’s Wilbur! This begin a missable trophy quest.
  9. Missable: What was the deal with Igor and his suit?
  10. Complete all of the other conversation options as well.
  11. Receive the sorcerer’s diary.
  12. Read the diary in the inventory to learn about the seals.
  13. Read everything on the pages.
  14. Investigate the balcony area in the left corner which should result in Wilbur hearing a ghostly voice.

Igor's Room

  1. This entire set of steps is missable.
  2. In the entrance hall, look at the stairs leading down.
  3. Go down into the cellar.
  4. Look at the note. They are directions that you can repeat at any time from the inventory.
  5. This section requires you to operate almost fully on sound. You can see very faintly around Wilbur but that is it.
  6. I advise that you temporarily turn up your volume for this part.
  7. themindisacity suggested turning off the game music.
  8. RPGriffin also suggested turning up the brightness setting as far as it can go to see slightly better.
  9. Start by heading east.
  10. You will shortly reach a crossroad that has a blowing wind sound coming from it. Keep heading east.
  11. The next crossroad you reach will sound like crunching snow underneath your feet. Keep heading east.
  12. The 3rd crossroad will sound like crunching beetles. Head north.
  13. Proceed until you start hearing footstep echoes. Head west.
  14. Proceed until you start hearing flowing water. Head north.
  15. While heading north, press towards the east so that you can take the first crossroads to the east.
  16. Proceed until you hear wooden boards being walked upon. Head north.
  17. While heading north, press towards the east so that you can take the first crossroads to the east.
  18. Proceed east all the way to Igor’s room.
  19. Look at Igor's cupboard.
  20. Open Igor's cupboard to receive an Igor uniform and unlock the missable Yes, master?

Set the table

  1. Travel quickly to… the camp (it is the only place you can go to)
  2. Go back to the castle via the exit at the very top left.
  3. Enter the castle.
  4. Enter the hall.
  5. Open the drawer to the left to find polished cutlery.
  6. Look at the plates.
  7. Take the clean plate
  8. Go into the entrance hall.
  9. Walk all the way to the bottom right and look at the cloth.
  10. Pull the cloth down.
  11. Take the heavy cloth.
  12. Enter the hall on the far left again
  13. Use the last 3 items you gathered on the table behind the Count.
  14. Look at the candlestick.
  15. Put the candlestick onto the table.
Edited November 24, 2015 by scharn73
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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

Dark Woods (Chapter 5) (continued)


Make dinner

  1. Go back to the entrance hall.
  2. Go back to the courtyard.
  3. Look at the letter box.
  4. Look for post to find a sealed letter.
  5. Look at the stone.
  6. Lift the stone up.
  7. Take a few fat maggots.
  8. Look at the weeds.
  9. Pull the weeds up to receive pulled weeds.
  10. Look at the water bowl.
  11. Take the empty water bowl.
  12. Travel quickly to…
  13. Talk to Esther.
  14. I’ve got a few maggots here… Wonder if one could grill them?
  15. Ask about Gulliver and N8.
  16. Ask for something to eat right now.
  17. Receive a tasty sausage.
  18. Go to the cave (top right exit).
  19. Look at the flute.
  20. Take the flute.
  21. Look at the bottle of wine.
  22. Take the sour wine bottle.
  23. Leave the cave.
  24. Go into the village.
  25. Look at the workshop to the right.
  26. Enter the shop.
  27. Talk to Mayor Whale.
  28. Ask about not living in fear.
  29. How about selling one of your houses to a friend of mine?
  30. Ask about the things that he sells to receive old oil.
  31. Leave the shop to hear a voice talk to Wilbur. Do NOT use Fast Travel to leave or the voice will not happen.
  32. Go back to the castle entrance hall.
  33. Select whichever conversation option that you wish.
  34. Look at the symbol in the mirror.
  35. Go back to the set table.
  36. Put the pulled weeds, fried maggots, sour wine and old oil onto the plate on the table.
  37. Talk to Count Orlov.
  38. I laid the table. Do you like it?
  39. The food for her ladyship is ready, Count Orlov.
  40. Give the Count the sealed letter.
  41. Look at the cord to the right of the Count.

Open some seals

  1. Go into the entrance hall.
  2. Perhaps we could open the chest together?
  3. Gold?
  4. Kiki opens the 7th seal.
  5. Look at the painting of the sorcerer.
  6. Look at the key.
  7. Take the golden key.
  8. Use it to unlock the 6th seal.
  9. There are 3 seals left to go.


  1. Return to the general store and talk to Mayor Whale.
  2. Ask about ghosts.
  3. Make sure to ask about the symbol and continue speaking with him until he specifically mentions Alistair's family crest.
  4. Go back to the starting camp.
  5. Take a black piece of coal.
  6. Go back to where the Count and Kiki are dining.
  7. Listen to the lovebirds’ conversation.
  8. Look at the atmospheric incense sticks.
  9. Pinch a little red wine to put red wine in the water bowl.
  10. Read the letter.
  11. Look at the glass.
  12. Take the heavy glass.
  13. Examine the letter again.
  14. Put the heavy glass onto the letter.
  15. The discovery must speak about Alistair’s family crest. If it does not (and instead talks about how to clean a black robe), go back and speak with the mayor again to learn about the family crest.
  16. Go back to the entrance hall.
  17. Go back to the chest at the front of the entrance hall.
  18. Use the black piece of coal to draw a circle and a triangle onto the ground.
  19. Use the red wine in the water bowl on the triangle.
  20. Use the atmospheric incense sticks on the floor.
  21. Use the black piece of coal to draw Arch-Mage's symbol onto the ground.
  22. Alistair will appear which will unlock Ghost Whisperer

  23. Complete all conversation options.


  1. Go back to the camp and talk to Esther.
  2. Can you remember the tune that Timmy likes to whistle?
  3. Use the Go into the wood exit in the background.
  4. Combine the tasty sausage and the thin wooden stick.
  5. Use the sausage on a stick as bait.
  6. Use the flute on Timmy.
  7. From left to right, play the flute holes in this order: 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  8. The following scene will unlock Team Timmy

  9. Complete all conversation options.
  10. Go back to the camp.
  11. Give Timmy to Esther.
  12. Go back to the chest in the castle.
  13. Say "Open" in the language of the Rats (the previous conversation with Timmy has unlocked this action).

One seal left

  1. Investigate the unlocked 1st seal on the chest until the result text remains the same. This step is necessary to unlock the graveyard conversation options with the mayor.
  2. Go back to the village.
  3. Look at the graveyard. If you have talked with the mayor enough this action will cause 4 more actions to appear in the graveyard.
  4. Look at all 4 grave stones.
  5. Go back and speak with the mayor again.
  6. About the graves…
  7. ”Lee”... is that one of the long established families in the village?
  8. Go back outside and look at the grave stone of the Lee family.
  9. This is van Buren's grave.
  10. Go back to the camp and talk to Esther.
  11. About the chest’s seals…
  12. Could you get hold of a hand for me?
  13. Go to any other area and then come right back.
  14. Esther will automatically give Van Buren's hand to Wilbur.
  15. Go back to the chest in the castle.
  16. Use Van Buren's hand for the final seal.
  17. Complete the conversation.
  18. A story twist will occur and Last gnome standing
    will unlock during the loading screen.

Final battle

  1. Just follow the story along to begin.
  2. Throw Timmy into the moonlight.
  3. The middle part of the machine rotates when Munkus walks. Keep inspecting it until you can find and grab an old camp.
  4. Loosen the cuff (on the right side) using the old clamp.
  5. Use the now loose hose to connect with the tube below it.
  6. To the left of Wilbur is a lever.
  7. On the rotating middle portion is a grate. This grate must be underneath Munkus when you have Wilbur pull the lever.
  8. You have plenty of time to accomplish this task.
  9. Finish out the game.
  10. Missable: Do not do anything during the end credits. Let them roll! There is one final video at the end of the credits at which point you will unlock To the bitter end

    Note: While missable, this one is not a big deal if you miss it. Just hit continue at the main menu which starts you on top of the falling machine. Complete once again and go through the credits.
  11. With the return to the main menu, the game will unlock Rescued

With everything else completed you will now unlock Master of Unwritten Tales

Edited July 25, 2016 by scharn73
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015 (edited)

*Reserved for future use*

Edited October 16, 2015 by Terminator
Editorial Sweep.

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Posted September 28, 2015


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Posted September 28, 2015

Thank you SO much! Absolute hero!

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Posted September 29, 2015


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Posted September 29, 2015

Thank you SO much! Absolute hero!


I hope it proves to be helpful. Please let me know if you find anything confusing, missing, or in error. I wrote it while playing the game so it should be identical to how I got the platinum.

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Posted September 29, 2015


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Posted September 29, 2015

Ive been waiting for something like this... THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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Posted September 29, 2015


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Posted September 29, 2015

Looks so much better than the one I wrote for another website xD Good job, this should help a lot of people


Since you also wanted to have as little unnecessary steps as possible in this guide, I offer you this information:


  • Returning the mechanical bird to the bird cage is optional
  • You can also skip steps 9-11 for the seesaw part
  • All steps involving squidgy lump of loam can be skipped - they are not necessary as the item is completely pointless plot-wise
  • You can skip the failed Gulliver head attempt and immediately use the glowing coals to save some time


There may be others, but these are the ones I checked for in your walkthrough since I specifically tried to eliminate them on my PS3 playthrough testing for mine

I may read yours later to find more, but overall it doesn't matter as yours is already well made and helpful.


Also, a small bbcode error I noticed:

Take the clean tea towel[/i] while Ethel is distracted.

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Posted September 29, 2015


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Posted September 29, 2015

Looks so much better than the one I wrote for another website xD Good job, this should help a lot of people


Since you also wanted to have as little unnecessary steps as possible in this guide, I offer you this information:


  • Returning the mechanical bird to the bird cage is optional
  • You can also skip steps 9-11 for the seesaw part
  • All steps involving squidgy lump of loam can be skipped - they are not necessary as the item is completely pointless plot-wise
  • You can skip the failed Gulliver head attempt and immediately use the glowing coals to save some time


There may be others, but these are the ones I checked for in your walkthrough since I specifically tried to eliminate them on my PS3 playthrough testing for mine

I may read yours later to find more, but overall it doesn't matter as yours is already well made and helpful.


Also, a small bbcode error I noticed:

Take the clean tea towel[/i] while Ethel is distracted.


All great suggestions, especially the part about the loam. I had made a small note to double-check that and then clearly forgot about it. Yeah, I was trying to get the guide as short and minimal spoilers so that is very helpful. Thank you for reporting them!

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Posted October 3, 2015


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Posted October 3, 2015 (edited)

I did my first playthrough on an alt account without referring to any guide (except for that stupid Constructor part where you have to blindly guess the long sequence of shoveling coal etc... turns out the game might have glitched on me anyway since I had an invisible N8 during that scene). Did a speed run on my main account after that by following your walkthrough. A big thank you as it helped in efficiently cutting down the time taken. I did notice a few possible discrepancies:


● In Chapter 3, at the end of Lake Island, Wilbur needs to pass the speaking doll to Ivo. Then in Mage School, step 3, Ivo uses the doll on the troll so that he will plug his ears. Only then in step 11 can you use the magic slate (otherwise Ivo will say something about the troll hearing the slate speaking the pass code).


● Btw, not sure what you mean by don't ask about the disguise when talking to the orges. What will happen if you do, and more importantly, how should we recover from it if we did? (Could I have accidentally asked about the disguise when I quickly/blindly clicked through the conversation and it resulted in the above situation?)


● In Chapter 4, Magic Compass, before step 2, Critter needs to pass the practical time-turner to Nate.


● In Chapter 5, PKE, after step 15 (use homemade fishing rod on Gulliver), should mention not to select "Let's go" when ending the conversation, otherwise you will have to sit through another scene before you can do step 16.


● In Chapter 5, Head to the castle, step 8 and some subsequent steps are Missable but you did not highlight them in red color.


● In Chapter 5, Make dinner, step 31, the ghost scene did not trigger for me. I did a lot of other things and it's still not triggering. Eventually I went to the town, looked at the graveyard, went in the shop, looked at the goods behind the mayor and on the left of the door, then when I exited the shop, there's a voice calling "Wilbur". The ghost and mirror scene then triggered when I returned to the castle. Those actions I mentioned probably didn't lead to the ghostly voice. Actually I think there was another part earlier where Wilbur head a similar voice calling him, but I don't remember where or how... these 2 voices calling "Wilbur" are probably needed to trigger the mirror scene.

Edited October 3, 2015 by Pierce

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Posted October 3, 2015


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Posted October 3, 2015

● Btw, not sure what you mean by don't ask about the disguise when talking to the orges. What will happen if you do, and more importantly, how should we recover from it if we did? (Could I have accidentally asked about the disguise when I quickly/blindly clicked through the conversation and it resulted in the above situation?)


● In Chapter 5, Make dinner, step 31, the ghost scene did not trigger for me. I did a lot of other things and it's still not triggering. Eventually I went to the town, looked at the graveyard, went in the shop, looked at the goods behind the mayor and on the left of the door, then when I exited the shop, there's a voice calling "Wilbur". The ghost and mirror scene then triggered when I returned to the castle. Those actions I mentioned probably didn't lead to the ghostly voice. Actually I think there was another part earlier where Wilbur head a similar voice calling him, but I don't remember where or how... these 2 voices calling "Wilbur" are probably needed to trigger the mirror scene.


He probably had a look at the Gameboomers walkthrough at some point since that one continuously mentions the "not talking about the disguise" part whenever the ogres are involved. I don't personally know how it would matter as I went about three dialogues down that path without any negative effect but I also didn't go further than that in it.


Yeah, all the ghost scenes have to be triggered. The first one happens when you pick up plates in the hall, the second happens later on when you exit the store after a specific plot part, then the last one occurs when you return to the castle.

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Posted October 3, 2015


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Posted October 3, 2015

● btw, not sure what you mean by don't ask about the disguise when talking to the orges. What will happen if you do, and more importantly, how should we recover from it if we did? (could i have accidentally asked about the disguise when i quickly/blindly clicked through the conversation and it resulted in the above situation?)

he probably had a look at the gameboomers walkthrough at some point since that one continuously mentions the "not talking about the disguise" part whenever the ogres are involved.


That is correct as I did refer to that guide a few times while playing the game and writing this guide for this site. In most areas I tested what would happen if you did a certain thing but in this case I did not. It certainly is not required for the storyline.


i did my first playthrough on an alt account without referring to any guide (except for that stupid constructor part where you have to blindly guess the long sequence of shoveling coal etc... Turns out the game might have glitched on me anyway since i had an invisible n8 during that scene). Did a speed run on my main account after that by following your walkthrough. A big thank you as it helped in efficiently cutting down the time taken.


Thank you; I'm pleased to get the feedback and for pointing out the discrepancies. My goal was efficiency so I definitely appreciate the helped in efficiently cutting down the time taken bit.


● in chapter 3, at the end of lake island, wilbur needs to pass the speaking doll to ivo. Then in mage school, step 3, ivo uses the doll on the troll so that he will plug his ears. Only then in step 11 can you use the magic slate (otherwise ivo will say something about the troll hearing the slate speaking the pass code).


I was positive I had this in the guide but upon review it clearly is missing. I did find the Wilbur-gives-doll-to-Ivo listed as step #23 underneath Humor & Arts. I did add the following as step #4:


4. After the conversation is over, use the speaking doll (given to Ivo by Wilbur) on the Troll. As a result the troll should plug his ears.


● in chapter 4, magic compass, before step 2, critter needs to pass the practical time-turner to nate.


This is currently listed as step #28 underneath Nim-Game, but I will bold face it to make it more clear:


28. Have Critter give Nate the practical time-turner (time manipulator) back.


● in chapter 5, pke, after step 15 (use homemade fishing rod on gulliver), should mention not to select "let's go" when ending the conversation, otherwise you will have to sit through another scene before you can do step 16.


I have added:


16. Do not select the Let’s go! conversation option (just saves you some time it won't hurt anything if you do)


● in chapter 5, head to the castle, step 8 and some subsequent steps are missable but you did not highlight them in red color.


I clearly missed this section when I was proof-reading as it had a few syntax errors. I've touched up the Head to the castle steps and separated all the sequential missable steps underneath their own heading of Igor's Room.


● in chapter 5, make dinner, step 31, the ghost scene did not trigger for me. I did a lot of other things and it's still not triggering. Eventually i went to the town, looked at the graveyard, went in the shop, looked at the goods behind the mayor and on the left of the door, then when i exited the shop, there's a voice calling "wilbur". The ghost and mirror scene then triggered when i returned to the castle. Those actions i mentioned probably didn't lead to the ghostly voice. Actually i think there was another part earlier where wilbur head a similar voice calling him, but i don't remember where or how... These 2 voices calling "wilbur" are probably needed to trigger the mirror scene.


I have added the following underneath Head to the castle:


14. Investigate the balcony area in the left corner which should result in Wilbur hearing a ghostly voice.


This is what I remember happening (off the top of my head). At the time I did not think it was necessary to activate the mirror in the entrance hall.


Thanks for the easy-to-follow list of issues that you found!

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Posted October 4, 2015


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Posted October 4, 2015

Couple thing I've noticed so far:


In Chapter 1, subsection Light the Fire - you never indicate that they need to go look at the chart on the wall to the right of the fireplace several times. Otherwise, the "I saw the fireplace map over there…" option won't appear when talking to the Headmaster. It's easy to figure out what you need to do based on the text of the option being provided, but you assume they already did it before they get to the conversation.


Also at the beginning of Chapter 2 in Hangover Healer, the first two steps are easy and then you start talking about a bartender's counter which isn't even on that screen. You need to Enter the Palace and it's all the way at the right.

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Posted October 5, 2015


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Posted October 5, 2015

In Chapter 1, subsection Light the Fire - you never indicate that they need to go look at the chart on the wall to the right of the fireplace several times. Otherwise, the "I saw the fireplace map over there…" option won't appear when talking to the Headmaster. It's easy to figure out what you need to do based on the text of the option being provided, but you assume they already did it before they get to the conversation.




2. Inspect the fireplace map (to the right of the fireplace) 3 times.


Also at the beginning of Chapter 2 in Hangover Healer, the first two steps are easy and then you start talking about a bartender's counter which isn't even on that screen. You need to Enter the Palace and it's all the way at the right.


3. Go back inside of the palace and head all the way to the right where you will find a monkey behind a bartender counter.


Thanks for reporting!

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Posted October 6, 2015


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Posted October 6, 2015

I seem to have hit a dead end trying to get Eyecatcher.


I followed all the steps, completed the game with Tut-Tut without cheating, climbed through the tunnel, and went back into the Pyramid. I looked at the board on the wall in the right room, and it never presented me with any additional options to try and open it.


I tried looking at other stuff in the area, tried going back to the tomb and talking to Tut-Tut again (there's no further conversations to be had with him), tried picking up the chisel again. I even tried looking at again with the other two characters - they look at it and then another option never appears. Nothing seems to be popping up further actions for the board. Am I missing something?


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