At what rate of simple interest per annum a sum of money will become 5 times in 20 years?

Directions: Study the following questions carefully and choose the right answer:


A certain amount earns simple interest of Rs. 1750 after 7 years. Had the interest been 2% more, how much more interest would it have earned ?

A. ₹ 35

B. ₹ 350

C. ₹ 245

D. Can't be determined

E. None of these


The Interest received at 15% per annum simple interest after 3 yrs is Rs.  630. What was the principal (in Rs)?

A. ₹ 1200

B. ₹ 1750

C. ₹ 1400

D. ₹ 2000


None of these


A sum of money becomes 9 times in 20 years. Find the 10 times of rate of interest.

A. 350%

B. 45%

C. 400%

D. 250%

E. None of these


A sum becomes 6 fold at 5% per annum. At what rate, the sum becomes 12 fold?

A. 10%

B. 12%

C. 9%

D. 11%

E. None of these


The rates of simple interest in two banks x and y are in the ratio of 10 : 8. Rajini wants to deposit her total savings in two banks in such a way that she receives equal half-yearly interest from both. She should deposit the savings in banks x and y in the ratio of

A. 4 : 5

B. 3 : 5

C. 5 : 4

D. 2 : 1

E. None of these


The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 12450 at the end of 6 years is Rs. 8964. What is the rate of interest per year?

A. 8%

B. 14%

C. 10%

D. 12%

E. None of these


The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs. 600 after 10 years. If the principal is trebled after 5 years, what will be the total interest at the end of the tenth year?

A. ₹ 600

B. ₹ 900

C. ₹ 1200

D. ₹ 1500

E. None of these


According to a new plan rolled out by HISP Bank, the rate of simple interest on the sum of money is 8% pa for the first two years, 10% pa for the next three years and 6% pa for the period beyond the first five years. The simple interest accrued on a sum for a period of eight years is Rs. 12,800. Find the sum

A. ₹ 24000

B. ₹ 16000

C. ₹ 15000

D. ₹ 13500

E. None of these


A certain sum of money amounts to ₹ 720 in 2 years and ₹ 870 in 4.5 years. Find the sum and the rate of interest.

A. ₹ 600, 10%

B. ₹ 600, 12%

C. ₹ 620, 12%

D. ₹ 660, 12%

E. ₹ 620, 10%


₹ 16000 was invested for three years, partly in scheme A at the rate of 5% simple interest per annum and partly in scheme B at the rate of 8% simple interest per annum. The total interest received at the end was ₹ 3480. What amount of money was invested in scheme A ?

A. ₹ 6000

B. ₹ 6500

C. ₹ 4500

D. ₹ 4000

E. ₹ 8000

Question No. 1

Correct Option: D


When we solve this question, we find that we have two variables P (Principal) and R (Initial assumed rate of interest) in the R.H.S. of the SI equation. Therefore, the correct answer can't be determined.

Question No. 2

Correct Option: C


P = Rs. 1,400

Hence, Option C is correct.

Question No. 3

Correct Option: C


According to the formula,

=   100(9 – 1)  =  800  = 40%
20 20

∴    10 times of 40% = 400%

Hence, option C is correct.

Question No. 4

Correct Option: D


Method I:Given, R1 = 5%, n = 6, m = 12

According to the formula,

=   12 – 1  × 5 =  11  × 5 = 11%
6 – 1 5

Method II:

SI at 5% = 6P – P = 5P

⇒  T = 100 yr

Now, for new rate (R),

∴    R = 11%

Hence, option D is correct.

Question No. 5

Correct Option: A


Let the savings be P and Q and rates of SI be 10x and 8x, respectively.

Then, P × 10x ×  1  ×  1  = Q × 8x ×  1  ×  1
2 100 2 100

⇒  10P = 80

∴     P  =  8  =  4
Q 10 5

∴    P : Q = 4 : 5.

Hence, opiton A is correct.

Question No. 6

Correct Option: D


SI = 8964  and  T = 6 yrs,  P = 12450

Then, rate =  8964 × 100  = 12%
12450 × 6

Hence, option D is correct.

Question No. 7

Correct Option: C


Given that

Simple interest for 10 years = ₹ 600

Therefore, SI for 1 year = ₹ 60

Therefore, SI for 5 years = ₹ 300

Now, if the principal is trebled, the interest will also be trebled.

Therefore, SI for next 5 years = ₹ 300 x 3 = ₹ 900

Hence, total interest after 10 years = 300 + 900 = ₹ 1200

Hence, option C is correct.

Question No. 8

Correct Option: E


Total rate of interest = (2 × 8 + 3 × 10 + 3 × 6)%

= (16 + 30 + 18)% = 64%

Let the sum be x, then

∴   64% of x = 12800

x =  12800 × 100  = 20000/-

Hence, option E is correct.

Question No. 9

Correct Option: A


Let the sum be P;  the rate of interest be R.

Then, Amount = P + SI

720 = P +  P × R × 2      ... (i)

870 = P +  P × R × 4.5      ...(ii)

Eq. (ii) – (i),

⇒  PR = 6000      ...(iii)

Now,  from eq (i),

⇒  P = 720 – 120 = ₹ 600

From eq. (iii),

600 × R = 6000

⇒  R = 10%

Hence, option A is correct.

Question No. 10

Correct Option: D


Let the sum invested in scheme A be ₹ x.

Then the amount invested in scheme B = ₹ (16000 – x)

Now,   x × 5 × 3  +  (16000 – x) × 3 × 8  = 3480
100 100

⇒  15x + 384000 – 24x = 3480 × 100

⇒  9x = 384000 – 348000 = 36000

Hence, option D is correct.

At what rate of interest per annum will a sum become 5 times in 20 years at simple interest?


At what rate percent per annum will a sum of money becomes 5 times in 8 years?

∴The Rate of interest per annum is 50% REET 2022 Written Exam Result Out on 29th September 2022!

At what rate of simple interest does a sum of money become five times of itself in 12 years?

100 becomes 500; Rate=TimeInterest=12400=33. 3%

At what rate of interest per annum will a sum three times in 5 years at SI?

Given: A sum of money becomes 3 times in 5 years at simple interest. ⇒ Rate of interest per annum = 40%.


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