Academic integrity has five tenants: honesty, trust, fairness, accountability, and respect

I, Pat Noecker, the author of this blog, will exercise appropriate and ethical attributary standards as determined by contemporary copyright law. The ethical standards of this practice will be determined and guided by the five tenets of Academic Integrity as set forth by the academic community at large and faculty at the State University of New York at Empire State College. I fully acknowledge and understand that these five tenants (Honesty, Trust, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility) of consideration are defined within this blog as such:

• Honesty. The quest for truth and knowledge within this blog will require intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research and service.

• Trust. I will foster a climate of mutual trust with my subjects in order to stimulate the free exchange of story and ideas.

• Fairness. All interactions among my subjects will be grounded in clear standards, practices and procedures.

• Respect. The activity within this blog is acknowledged as a participatory process, and a wide range of opinions and ideas will be offered beyond my own.

• Responsibility. The micro community within this blog is subject to personal accountability for their actions that can harm another’s reputation or safety.

Any content that I “upload” from another source other than myself will be given its due authorial credit. If a fee is required, the originator will be contacted and offered a nominal amount as determined by me and the author of the respective media.

Media, in this case, will be defined as such:

Data: Proprietary and personal information

Photographs: Any images or screenshots from a photographer other than myself

Works of two-dimensional art: Visual matter such as paintings or drawings

Written content: Any quoted writings from authors of poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction, literature, reference materials, blogs, periodicals and other matter of written word

Music: Original works of composition driven by harmonic progressions

Sound: Orginal audible constructions of non harmonic composition

Video: Moving images created by a videographer, filmmaker or pedestrian

With all the above considered, I will also employ the below set of journalism ethics:

-Preserve my source’s personal information (data privacy) and if requested, personal identity.

-Refrain from character assassinations and maintain a distinct sense of neutrality that is based on the concept of “showing” instead of “telling,” unless a story requires my judgement. If so, the judgement will be procured based on an informed blend of public record and common opinion.

-I will employ spelling and sentence-competence based on an awareness of grammatical rules and general quality standards that resemble a professional-grade product

-None of the information I receive from my subjects will be sold in the name of data mining, notwithstanding the licensing of a digital story that I have created.

In such a case, all participants will be contacted and asked to sign a waiver that states their permission.

* User Ethics: If you use original content from me, please request permission at This Tumblr blog’s privacy policy can be seen here: //

I recommend using as your default browser for browsing privacy. They do not track your browsing history or mine your data. It is completely private! See here: //

Posted at 23:55h in Writing

ENGL2338 Technical Writing

Unit 1 Quiz

Quiz: Academic Integrity and Acknowledging Sources

Question 1Academic integrity has five tenants: Honesty, Trust, Fairness, Accountability, and Respect



Question 2Which sentence about quoting is NOT true?

  When you leave out part of a quote, use an ellipsis to indicate that the quote has been abridged.

  Block quotes are several sentences long and do not require quote marks around them.

  When paraphrasing or summarizing text, you should put quotes around particularly distinctive words or phrases.

If the original text contains bad grammar or spelling, you can  it in your quote without indicating that you did so.

Question 3Sonya is a third-year nursing student and is currently looking to change her job due to a move to another city. When she is revising her resume, she looks at examples online and finds specialty language for nursing, such as “assess patient vitals and take labs for testing” “educated patients on post-op care” “assisted RNs and MDs with treatments, therapies and interventions to improve mobility and social/cognitive skills.” It’s okay for Sonya to use these phrases on her resume.



Question 4April is working on her technical object description for English 2338. She decided to describe a rice cooker. She consulted some reference material online, and she cited some of the work. She also uses a paragraph from the website “How Stuff Works” to describe the rice cooker, but she does not cite the paragraph. Did April engage in plagiarism?



Question 5Select the best definition of paraphrasing:

  To restate a passage of text in your own words.

  To copy a passage of text word-for-word.

  An abstract of an entire work.

  The use of some of the author’s words with your own words.

Question 6Select the best definition of plagiarism

  Making up quotes and sources to support your paper’s thesis.

  Collaborating with another (without the instructor’s authorization) when preparing an assignment.

  Using another person’s ideas, words, or other creative work without citing them as a source.

  All of the above.

Question 7APA can be divided into two major components: Formatting and Style



Question 8Examples of your original work that do not require a citation may include:

Your opinions about a topic

Your unique solution to a problem

Results of an experiment or survey that you conducted

Illustrations that you created

Graphs or table that you prepared



Question 9According to the UTA Library Tutorial, “When you acknowledge the contributions of others to your work, you act with academic integrity . . . . (This concept) is a firm adherence to five fundamental values: Honesty, Trust, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility. By citing  your sources you make it easy to verify information that backs up your arguments. If you are caught plagiarizing , you will face disciplinary action that could range from a failing grade to expulsion from the university.”





Question 10I have been provided with the UTA Honor Code, the UTA Library Tutorial, and a video on academic integrity. If I have any questions about citing work, I will ask my peers, coaches, and instructor.




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