A situation in which none of the available alternatives seems morally acceptable is called:

Ethical dilemmas are situations in which none of the available alternatives seems ethically acceptable.

What is considered normal business practice in one country may be considered unethical in others?

What is considered normal business practice in one country may be considered unethical in other countries. In an international business setting, the most common ethical issues involve employment practices, human rights, environmental regulations, corruption, and the moral obligation of multinational companies.

What does the righteous moralist approach suggest?

The righteous moralist approach is typically associated with managers from developed nations. A righteous moralist claims that a multinational’s home-country standards of ethics are the appropriate ones for companies to follow in foreign countries.

What are four determinants of ethical behavior?

There are three major factors that can affect your ethical behavior: Individual factors, such as knowledge, values, personal goals, morals and personality. Social factors, such as cultural norms, the Internet and friends and family.

Are responsible for making sure that all employees are trained to be ethically aware and that ethical considerations enter the business decision making process?

Ethics officers are hired by many businesses to make sure that all employees are trained to be ethically aware and that ethical considerations enter the business decision-making process at all levels of the organization.

What should a firm do when an accepted practice in a foreign country is illegal in its own country?

The best for the firm to do is to run the business as long as it complies with the laws of the local government and respects the rights of employees. Countries may differ in the legislation of laws; hence, a company should execute only those operations that are not against the organization’s ethical standards.

Can ethical business practices be applied globally?

The maxim “Ethics must be global, not local” provides context for evaluating ethical issues that arise internationally. … Therefore, if a company is international, then its code of ethics—as well as the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice—applies to all locations where that company operates.

What situation is most likely to lead to unethical behavior in a business setting?

Some of the most common ethical challenges in international business involve poor working conditions, managing workplace diversity, handling favoritism, understanding local belief systems, dealing with local authorities, environmental concerns and corruption.

What is the naive immoralist approach?

4. Naïve immoralist – if a manager of a. multinational sees that firms from other nations. are not following ethical norms in a host nation, that manager should not either – do what.

Which leader behavior is most likely to promote a strong ethical culture in an organization?

What leader behavior is most likely to promote a strong ethical culture in an organization? The boss who consistently demonstrates strong personal ethics in all of his dealings with clients.

What are the major types of ethical issues?

  • Discrimination. One of the biggest ethical issues affecting the business world in 2020 is discrimination. …
  • Harassment. …
  • Unethical Accounting. …
  • Health and Safety. …
  • Abuse of Leadership Authority. …
  • Nepotism and Favoritism. …
  • Privacy. …
  • Corporate Espionage.

How does culture affect the ethical well being of human person?

Culture reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and standards that speak to how people should behave and interact with others. Cultural map of the world: This diagram attempts to plot different countries by the importance of different types of values.

What are 3 factors that you should consider when making an ethical decision?

There are three important factors that can influence ethical decision making, which are individual, organizational, and opportunity factors. All three of these factors can weigh heavily on a person during the decision making process, especially in the work place.

What responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically to whom is this responsibility owed?

What responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically? To whom is this responsibility owed? Suppliers and business partners should make some agreement and policies that should ensure the proper treat and protect right of workers.

Why is ethical decision making important in life?

Ethical decisions generate and sustain trust; demonstrate respect, responsibility, fairness and caring; and are consistent with good citizenship. These behaviors provide a foundation for making better decisions by setting the ground rules for our behavior.

How do you think you can decide whether what you are doing is ethical or not?

Morality is based on duty. When you do the right thing, it is not the outcome of the act that is the measure of its morality, but rather your intent. An act is moral if it could become a universal rule of society. On deciding the morality of an act, you must consider the perspective of the doer and the recipient.

What if our society does not adhere to any moral and ethical standard?

Without moral conduct, society would be a miserable place. Treat everyone equally. Equality is a cornerstone of most Western democracies, where all individuals are afforded the same rights. This is not possible without the majority of citizens behaving in a moral manner.

What are two ethical issues which businesses face today?

  1. Accounting. “Cooking the books” and otherwise conducting unethical accounting practices is a serious problem, especially in publicly traded companies. …
  2. Social Media. …
  3. Harassment and Discrimination. …
  4. Health and Safety. …
  5. Technology/Privacy.

What are the ethical issues in international business?

Some of the most common ethical issues in international business include outsourcing, working standards and conditions, workplace diversity and equal opportunity, child labor, trust and integrity, supervisory oversight, human rights, religion, the political arena, the environment, bribery and corruption.

What are some examples of ethics in daily life?

  • Honesty. Many people view honesty as an important ethic. …
  • Loyalty. Loyalty is another common personal ethic that many professionals share. …
  • Integrity. …
  • Respect. …
  • Selflessness. …
  • Responsibility.

What are the ethical standards?

Definition: Ethical standards are a set of principles established by the founders of the organization to communicate its underlying moral values. This code provides a framework that can be used as a reference for decision making processes.

What are business ethical standards?

GoodCorporation’s Business Ethics Standard defines a framework for the responsible management of any organisation. It can be used as a guideline for establishing good practice or as an auditing tool to identify strengths and weaknesses in practices and procedures.

Which of the following is an example of unethical marketing practices?

  • Misleading Advertising Misses The Mark. Misleading ads are unethical, and they’re illegal, too. …
  • Contacting Consumers Without Consent. …
  • Insensitive Controversy May Stir Up Trouble. …
  • Emotional Exploitation Can Explode In A Bad Way.

What are examples of conscious marketing?

Conscious Marketing means looking beyond the product. Conscious Marketing is being active and having intent. Let me show you what I mean, with Tide as a great example. Like any high-quality laundry detergent, Tide gets clothes clean, gets rid of stains, brightens whites, and makes clothes smell fresh.

When thinking through an ethical issue the first step you should take is to quizlet?

The first step in making decisions that are ethically responsible is to consider all of the people affected by a decision, the people often called stakeholders. There is a role for science and theoretical reason in any study of ethics. You just studied 22 terms!

What is righteous moralism?

Righteous moralist. Opposite of Cultural Relativsm, Multinational’s home country standard of ethics are the appropriate ones for companies to follow in foreign countries. – This approach is common among managers from developed countries. The naïve immoralist.

How do you maintain ethical culture in the workplace?

  1. Walk the talk – be a role model. …
  2. Incorporate ethics into hiring, promotion and reward. …
  3. Don’t allow double standards. …
  4. Communicate your expectations. …
  5. Promote a speak up culture.

How can an ethical organizational culture be created?

Set up seminars, workshops, and similar ethical training programs. Use these training sessions to reinforce the organization’s standards of conduct, to clarify what practices are and are not permissible, and to address possible ethical dilemmas. Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones.

What are examples of ethical behavior?

Examples of ethical behaviors in the workplace includes; obeying the company’s rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust and mutual respect for your colleagues at work.

What is utilitarian approach?

Utilitarianism is a theory of morality that advocates actions that foster happiness or pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm. When directed toward making social, economic, or political decisions, a utilitarian philosophy would aim for the betterment of society as a whole.

What are the straw men approaches?

The straw men approaches to business ethics consist of Friedman doctrine, the righteous moralist, cultural relativism, and naive moralist (Wyld 1-3). Managers do not carefully evaluate these ideas, but they use them to find solutions.

What influences our ethical decision making?

Significant individual factors that affect the ethical decision-making process include personal moral philosophy, stage of moral development, motivation, and other personal factors such as gender, age, and experience. … Most moral philosophies can be classified as consequentialism, ethical formalism, or justice.

How many alternative solutions should be listed when making an ethical decision?

Be open to new and better alternatives. Consider as many as solutions as possible — five or more in most cases, three at the barest minimum.

What factors influence our decision making?

During the decision making process, there are four behavioral factors that influence the decisions we make. These behavioral factors are our values, our personality, the propensity for risk, and the potential for dissonance of the decision.

What are the 3 basic types of ethical issues?

Philosophers today usually divide ethical theories into three general subject areas: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics.

What are the 5 ethical issues?

  • Unethical Leadership.
  • Toxic Workplace Culture.
  • Discrimination and Harassment.
  • Unrealistic and Conflicting Goals.
  • Questionable Use of Company Technology.

What are the three basic types of ethical issues?

The three major types of ethics are deontological, teleological and virtue-based.

What are some examples of the ways culture affects human development?

For instance, culture can affect how children build values, language, belief systems, and an understanding of themselves as individuals and as members of society. Children can receive these cultural influences in different ways, such as through their parents, their environment, and the media.

How culture affects personality examples?

These values influence personality. For example, Yang (2006) found that people in individualist cultures displayed more personally oriented personality traits, whereas people in collectivist cultures displayed more socially oriented personality traits.

What are culturally charged ethical issues in our society today?

These issues include privacy and confidentiality, issues related to socially vulnerable populations, health insurance discrimination, employment discrimination, individual responsibility, issues related to race and ethnicity, and implementation.

What are the responsibilities of the business towards the supplier?

  • To Pay Fair Prices of Goods. …
  • To Pay in Reasonable Time. …
  • To Inform about Changes in Market. …
  • To Give Guarantee of Minimum Price. …
  • To Motivate Indigenous Supplies. …
  • To Provide Technical Advice. …
  • To Inform Suppliers of Future Developments.

What are ethical responsibilities in an organization?

An employee with proper work ethics normally has the following attributes, they are honest, trustworthy, have integrity and are loyal to the organization. But the most important attribute they can possess is respect for their co-workers.

How can organizations encourage ethical and socially responsible behavior among their various stakeholders?

One key to reinforcing ethical behavior is effective, ongoing communication. An organization must communicate its commitment to ethical values to all of its employees and external stakeholders. … keep in touch with employees to promote ongoing communication.

What is righteous moralism?

Righteous moralist - a multinational's home country standards of. ethics should be followed in foreign countries. Naïve immoralist - if a manager of a multinational sees that firms. from other nations are not following ethical norms in a host. nation, that manager should not either.

What is considered normal practice in one nation may be considered unethical in another?

What is considered normal business practice in one country may be considered unethical in other countries. In an international business setting, the most common ethical issues involve employment practices, human rights, environmental regulations, corruption, and the moral obligation of multinational companies.

Which of the following refers to the values and norms that the employees of an organization?

A firm's organizational culture refers to the values and norms that are shared among employees of an organization.

When a business behaves in an ethical manner it is known as?

The system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviors, and decisions of a business organization and the individuals within that organization is known as business ethics.


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