A collection of fields all related to a single object, activity, or individual is a(n) _____.


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Tutorial 1-3

A(n)_____ is a single characteristic of a person,place,object event or idea. field
You connect the records in two separate tables through a(n) _______ that appears in both tables common fields
a field, or a collection of fields, whose values uniquely identify each record in a table. no two records can contain the same value for this field. primary key
The primary key, whose values uniquely identify each record in table is called a(n)______ when it is placed in a second table to form a relationship between two tables. foreign key
The ______ is the area of the Access window that list all the objects in a database, and it is the main control center for opening and working with database objects Navigation Pane
The new blank table that access created is displayed in _________ ______. Datasheet view
A set of field values Record
The specific value, or content, of a field is called the what? field value
A collection of fields that describe a person, place, object, event, or idea table
A software program that lets you create databases and then manipulate data in them. Database management system
In a __________ __________ _________ _________, data is organized as a collection of tables. Relational database management system
A predesigned database that includes professionally designed tables, reports, and other database objects that can make it quick and easy for you to create a database. Template
To Copy the records from a table in one database to another table in a different database, the two tables must have the same _______ structure
A(n) _________ is a question you ask about the data stored in a database query
The quickest way to create a form is to use the ________ form tool
Which view enables you to see the total number of pages in a report and navigate through the report page? Print Preview
In the Navigation pane, each database object has a unique _______ to its left that identifies the object's type. Icon
________ a database rearranges the data and objects in a database to decrease its file size and enhance the speed and performance of the database Compacting
________ a database is the process of making a copy of the database file to protect the database against loss or damage Backing up
What is the purpose of the Data Type property for a field? it determines what field values you can enter for the field and what other properties the field will have
The _____ property specifies how a field's name is displayed in database objects, including table and query datasheets, forms and reports? caption property
For which three types of fields can you assign a field size? Text, number, and AutoNumber fields
The default field size property setting for a short text field is? 255 characters
In Design view, which key do you press to move from the table design grid to the field properties pane? f6
What is the keyboard shortcut for inserting the value from the same field in the previous record into the current record? CTRL
______ data is a process that allows you to copy the data from a source without having to open the source file. Importing
The _____ gallery allows you to add a group of related fields to a table at the same time, rather than adding each field to the table individually. data type
A(n) ____ text file is one in which fields of data are separated by a character such as a comma or tab. Delimited
The _____ is the "one" table in one-to-many relationship, and the ___ is the "many" table in the relationship primary table,related
____ is a set of rules that Access enforces to maintain consistency between related tables when you update data in a database. Referential integrity
insert or delete characters in a field value database editing mode
access selects an entire field value database navigation mode

What is a collection of related fields in a database called?

A collection of related data is called Database. A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different fields.

Which of the following represents a collection of fields?

Which of the following terms represents a collection of fields? A collection of fields is a file.

What is a collection of fields that contain data about an entity quizlet?

Database. An organized collection of data and tables containing information to support a given system or a particular topic area.

Is a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies a record?

primary key: A field that uniquely identifies a record in a table.


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