18 uhr 18 bedeutung

You are about to learn the meaning behind the mirror hour 18:18! Did you see this double hour today, or have you been seeing it regularly? Find out the meaning and the message behind the synchronicity that your subconscious has caught sight of.

Here we will share with you an interpretation of 18:18. To do this we use several tools such as the works of Doreen Virtue which help us to understand the meaning of the angels. However we also use the 22 Arcana of the Tarot, as well as numerology which allows us to find the numerical value of 18:18 and give you its meaning.

It is possible that since seeing 18:18 you have felt a bit unbalanced! This is completely normal, as the energies of the number 18 can be a bit unnerving! We will give you more details as your romantic, professional, and financial lives will be affected.

Significance of 18:18 with the Guardian Angels

Seeing this mirror hour speaks volumes according to the works of Doreen Virtue! As we said a bit earlier, you are currently facing some disturbances. These may occasionally plunge you into moments of profound thought. The angels are beside you and will help to organize your misconceptions, but you still need to know how to work together with their energies.

You are able to do this as you are undoubtedly quite skilled in the realm of the esoteric. You are a person who is particularly receptive to matters concerning magic or rituals. You will be guided if you ever attempt to develop your knowledge concerning the occult.

However at the same time be careful. You are currently on the way towards spiritual development, but the road has many twists and turns and you could be seduced by someone whose only objective is to misguide you.

The angelic interpretation of 18:18 also tells us that you set the bar extremely high when it comes to love. This could bring you disappointment and stop you from giving a relationship its full potential. Be reasonable! You sometimes have to accept the faults of your partner. Nobody is perfect!

Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 18:18

The guardian angel corresponding with 18:18 is Mebahiah whose period of influence is between 18:00 and 18:20. He is the symbol of enlightenment and imagination. He helps with spiritual fulfillment and brings powerful guidance to the study of religions and the divinatory arts.

He makes you a righteous person. Morality is a concept which is central to your existence. He gives you the ability to spread your knowledge and your ideas in the realm of spirituality far and wide. You can pray to him directly to ask for his help so that he will look kindly upon a pregnancy.

Influence of the Archangels on 18:18

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Raphael – Planetary Energy: The Sun

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus

Hours: From 18:00 to 19:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn

What does 18:18 mean in Numerology?

The total value of the mirror hour 18:18 is 36, which shows that humanism is important to you; you voluntarily come to the aid of those who need it. You are a philanthropic person which is greatly appreciated by the people around you, but be careful of those who would abuse your kindness. Protect yourself!

36 also shows that you have an overwhelming amount of inspiration within you. You regularly surprise people with your ideas and your concepts. You undoubtedly have a large amount of resources at your disposal, as well as a lucky streak! Your creative mind does wonders in your romantic and professional lives.

You are quite a positive person! A continuously optimistic state of mind helps you in the challenges you face. You are not scared of hardship! If you have seen the mirror hour 18:18 then this could mean that the thing that you most desire is going to present itself! Once more, luck will come into play.

Finally, you have a highly-developed sense of family. You like to come together with those who are close to you and build with them. You are the perfect role model for many. You are important and your life matters a lot, therefore pay attention to what you say! Words can sometimes hurt more than weapons.

Connection between 18:18 and the Tarot

The Tarot card corresponding to 18:18 is the Moon! This can mean fear or doubts. It takes you back to your former life, which can be a source of anxiety. It helps you to develop the spiritual side of your life, and guides you in your creativity as well as in the interpretation of dreams.

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Synthesis

The interpretation of the Moon is complex. Everything depends on its position. If it is good, the Moon brings you positive moments from your past. It represents the family and the home. It also refers to creativity. The night represents your imagination which can bring you innovative ideas.

If the Moon is in a bad position in a reading, it suggests doubts and anxiety, or even a deep sadness. It can be a symbol of deception, or the end of a romantic relationship. It is a warning that if you live too much within your imagination then you risk lying to yourself which will have a negative impact on your life.

Romantically speaking, the Moon can have two meanings. The first is passivity and inaction. The second is a strong taste for romance and building a home.

On the professional level, you are right on target! Nobody can have ideas like yours!

In matters concerning money, there is some kind of instability at play. You should take the time and space you need to get a more complete picture of your situation.

Any comment on the 18:18 mirror hour?

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Was ist wenn man immer die gleiche Uhrzeit sieht?

Spiegeln sich allerdings die Zahlen an der Mittelachse (01:10 Uhr), also zeigt die Minutenzahl die umgekehrte Stundenzahl, spricht man von Spiegelzahlen. Tauchen diese Uhrzeiten immer wieder in Ihrem Leben auf, sollten Sie dies als Zeichen sehen, dass positive Magie oder ihr Schutzengel nah sind.

Was bedeuten die doppelten Uhrzeiten?

Spiegelzahlen von Nachmittag bis in die Nacht 14:41 – Du findest bald etwas (oder jemanden) wieder, das (oder den) du sehr vermisst. 15:51 – Jemand hofft, dass du dich in ihn verliebst. 20:02 – Jemand vermisst dich oder wünscht sich mehr von dir. 21:12 – Du hast einen Schutzengel.

Was bedeuten Zwillingszahlen?

In der Esoterik heißen solche Zahlenkombinationen Zwillingszahlen. Diese Zwillingszahlen weisen auf ein Zusammenspiel beider Seelenhälften hin. Daraus leiten einige Esoteriker ab, dass ein Auftreten von Zwillingszahlen ein unterbewusstes Zeichen der Seele ist. Besondere Bedeutungen haben die Zahl 11 und die Zahl 22.


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